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Everything posted by Jonxx

  1. In response to post #60424777. #60429787 is also a reply to the same post. On one hand I agree, on the other hand there will be much less "competition" in less popular games.
  2. Well i hope author of mod won't just leave us here with ctds or bloating issues ^^ Lot of time passed already, he could at least tell us if he's still working on it.
  3. I wonder when he will release patch for his damn mod... I dont have my save file bloated anymore but now it's crashing sometimes ;/ I hope he didnt throw this mod just cuz something like that in the way.
  4. Well installing again SOS fixed it for me. It doesn't bloat anymore.
  5. Ty for reply andrucho23. I actually tried this before but it did not worked. Anyway i recently found this: Sounds Of Skyrim Bug This seems to make save filed bloated. By the way it seems to bloat save file AFTER u uninstall it, author currently tries to do something. After i installed it again and took save from before it bloated it's fine. Save seems to not bloat. Maybe you had this mod. Check it out.
  6. Damn i had it installed some time ago too. Now my save is bad ;/ Btw do anyone have full file so i can properly uninstall it? Maybe it would work.
  7. Well after deleting Scripts folder i got from 120mb to 40~. Still pretty long save time, but a lot better and no more freezes. @Edit Still having freezes, just less recently. Would be nice if anyone found something to make it even less ^^ @Edit2 Solved problem seems mod Sounds Of Skyrim bloat ur save file after you uninstall it. Just picked save file before i uninstalled it and it's fine. Sounds Of Skyrim topic
  8. Bumping cause got same problem. My save file exceeds 100mb(!!!) I had A LOT of mods, got rid of most but still i got freezes every few minutes. Game is saving like 30 secs etc. So any idea how to clean save out of unnecessary info?
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