LMAO here are a the descriptions for a few tools I've had the pleasure of working with. Cement Mixer Attachment for a Hammer Drill Originally conceived as a good means of finding an excuse to go buy a new hammer drill. Note: Newer more annoying drills may require as many as 2-3 bags of mud before the desired result is obtained. C-Clamps Generally installed to be used as a convenient handle or plaything by others, subsequently also comes in handy for leaving large scratches in or removing newly glued items. Its okay, the dresser looked just fine without that fancy drawer-front. Pressure Washers Often used to check on the status of bone or deep muscle tissue on a limb reachable while still depressing the trigger. As a side effect, the pressure washer can also bring on an impromptu dance in the user and some of the most interesting ululations I've ever heard. Rock Used in the same capacity as the tool it replaces (regardless of that tool's function) in the case that all available tools have already been promoted to dammit tools and are thusly unreachable or incapacitated. may also be promoted to dammit tool in the case that it cannot fulfill the desired function. Also useful for dropping on one's foot.