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About TeeFwock

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  • Country
    United States
  • Currently Playing
    FO3, Sims 3, FO2, GTA4 (not on my lappy >.<)
  • Favourite Game
    Either Wolfenstein: ET or HL/HL2

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  1. vegetable monster (AKA cookie monster)
  2. LMAO here are a the descriptions for a few tools I've had the pleasure of working with. Cement Mixer Attachment for a Hammer Drill Originally conceived as a good means of finding an excuse to go buy a new hammer drill. Note: Newer more annoying drills may require as many as 2-3 bags of mud before the desired result is obtained. C-Clamps Generally installed to be used as a convenient handle or plaything by others, subsequently also comes in handy for leaving large scratches in or removing newly glued items. Its okay, the dresser looked just fine without that fancy drawer-front. Pressure Washers Often used to check on the status of bone or deep muscle tissue on a limb reachable while still depressing the trigger. As a side effect, the pressure washer can also bring on an impromptu dance in the user and some of the most interesting ululations I've ever heard. Rock Used in the same capacity as the tool it replaces (regardless of that tool's function) in the case that all available tools have already been promoted to dammit tools and are thusly unreachable or incapacitated. may also be promoted to dammit tool in the case that it cannot fulfill the desired function. Also useful for dropping on one's foot.
  3. I would've liked to have released my mod now, but my schedule has been hectic. I worked for 10 hours on a day I planned to devote to working on my mod. now it looks like it will not be finished in time. I will try perhaps to get a few of the cells complete and release it with the intention of adding a second more complete version later, if I manage to get any of it finished at all.
  4. This topic was started in 2006 with (I assume) the intent to repeat it every year... Perhaps its time for a new poll. In fact this has piqued my interest I'm gonna go ahead and make it
  5. eh... I'd try a fresh install before spending all that money again. maybe something got fudged in the time between your dlc installs and your mod installs
  6. bah... my mod has so much work to be done... good to have a finite deadline though. I'll try to have mine out a few days before the deadline maybe.
  7. and yet when you take the ear/finger none of theirs disappear (assuming they still have a head/arm you can see)
  8. the reason for me personally not uploading my mod is because it is far from done. I'm still working on a couple of cells of my map and have tons of scripting if I want to include everything I wanted. Any testing would probably just be to help me pick out misalignments on my map and maybe get some opinions on details. I have a feeling that I'm not going to get any such help though so I will debug it myself and release it when i get the scripting done.
  9. I got kind of a late start on producing my mod for the competition. I don't plan to actually submit my mod until close to the deadline as it is growing pretty large and I would like some time to debug it. To this point, I wondered if there are any stipulations as to having other site members do some testing. Tentatively (with the assumption that this is okay), I'd like to see if anyone would be willing to test my mod. Preferably, I'd like someone (some people) who isn't/aren't in the competition or planning to enter and I would be keeping documentation of any files/emails/messages that are sent. If anyone is interested please send me a message.
  10. I learned that.... - leather jackets make you better at hitting things real hard - radioactive cockroaches are capable of tearing limbs from hapless armored vault security guards - electricity is still alive and in widespread use in a world where you can no longer flush a toilet - There are only a few types of books of any value that weren't ruined in the war, but even by reading the same books over and over you can continue to gain proficiency in related skills. - Aliens have nearly lighter than air bodies -Aliens don't build their weapons for durability - any form of holographic note or recording is not only in working condition but most have remained unmoved for decades or centuries. -Little kids are more advanced and capable than most adults. - Super Mutants have magical rope that cannot be untied while they are near. - you can fit a 4 foot crutch into a 2x2x2 box - miniature garden gnomes have the same mass as their larger counterparts. - robots are assholes - deathclaws are bigger assholes (almost makes me miss the talking variety) -
  11. I disagree with you on this point. I'm not arguing your dislike of the number rating system (which would be, as the above post says pointless. But I think that the comment given is at least a form of constructive criticism. Perhaps instead of wondering why the person gave the mod an 8, one could say, "why is this person having trouble figuring out what to do in my mod" ==> "maybe I should change the NPC to tell the player that he/she and the npc need some rest?". That being said I do agree with you on your other points and I am glad that the rating system is being reformed.
  12. I finally finished the floorplan and big clutter portions of the map for a plugin I'm working on. I have tried to create navmeshes a few times now and (it would seem) no matter how much or how little navmesh I lay down in my map, GECK crashes when I try to save the plugin. Anyone have any clue as to why?
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