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Everything posted by Woodclaw

  1. As far as I'm concerned I feel relieved and ashamed of this whole deal. I'm just a mod-user, not a mod author, so the relief it's easy to understand: even if most of the mod authors seemed to be against putting a permanent paywall in front of their work, the idea that this kind of behaviour could expand more -- keep in mind that there are already some other games (TF2 I think) that have paid mods -- and eventually become an industry stapple. The shame comes from two things: how the community behaved and the losses it suffered and may suffer in the near future. Even if the people who screamed, threatened, tossed death threats to mod authors and built fake altars to the Nexus Team were a vocal minority, their behaviour is, for me, a stain on this community. I honestly think that many authors have felt more pressure in the past couple of days than they did in the last years ever since the CK came out and I wouldn't be surprised if other would follow Chesko's suite and leave in disgust over those screaming "victory". For all of you who keep thinking that modding should be this magic place of joy and free toys, keep this in mind: modding takes time, resources and passion. All things that should be compensated with something more than an elettronic patting on the head. People like Chesko, Isoku, Elianora, Kryptokr, the SkyUI Team, Sagittarius22, Apollodown or any other modder put hours of their lives (often hundreds of them) into creating something they thought worth their passion and effort. If they did it professionally they would get paid, but they didn't. If you think that they shouldn't be paid because it's a derivative product, then next time you have to change a piece of your car or fix any household appliance don't pay the mechanic who does it, after all his job can be constructed as derivative as well. So the next time you downlod a mod any mod think about clicking that damned "Donate" button on the Nexus or damn you all to Oblivion. (sorry for the heated tones in the end, but this story really got under my skin)
  2. I got a similar problem, but it manifest any time I try to do anything with the cuirass, including equipping it on my character. Plus some of the cuirass textures don' load properly, only the golden bits are there, all the rest is transparent.
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