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Posts posted by jolly2807

  1. No probs, just to let ppl know I am coming across more of these invisible objects elsewhere, in the Magi Tower stockroom, there is one just in front of it, though this one I can actually walk around.


    Not sure what (mod) is causing it, or how?????


    There is another subject here on the same error, and even mentions him recently installing Adv. Tactics v3 & Extra Dog Slot, just like I have.



  2. Ok, hopefully this is the only time this will occur, but I found a way around it.


    I went into the toolset, loaded up the area model and pinpointed a location just past the object, then loaded up my save data and changed the positions of me & my party members to that exact position, saved, loaded the game and there I am!


    I just used the runscript zz_jump_around command to get back past the object once I done, so it teleported us straight to the entrance.

  3. The mods I have installed/updated since then would be DA Redesigned 6.4, Combat Tweaks, Advanced Tactics, Extra Dog Slot (though that is currently disabled), Personal Annoyance Remover, Character Respecialization and the less dog barking reanimations (during camp), ES Shapeshifter forms, Evocation summoning, dog gift tweaks and have since installed Return to Ostagar.


    Also this mod, though it is just purely texture (.DDS) changes:



    I have tried *disabling* all mods in the DLC menu but to no avail.


    One question, does disabling a mod only prevent the files from within the Addin folder from functioning, because I know that files within the packages/core/override don't get disabled.


    If so, then the cause my be in there.



  4. I need a game save set before the Alistair's Family quest is completed i.e. before you visit his sister, but after quest is started.


    My character is an elven male mage and I'm trying to re-do this quest as to harden Alistair, as I only just found out that you need to harden him in order to let Loghain live and make him king.

    I'm going to try to merge this save with one of mine using the DA Toolset so that I don't have to start all over again.


    Any help would be very appreciated.


    Many Thanks

  5. Is it possible for someone to make this armor mod:







    Especially with the breathing sound for the mask:

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9giVT3Iobw0&hd=1 (3:36 onwards)


    Also, I can provide the in-game textures for the armor if necessary, the mesh is harder to get to but can be done apparently according to here:




    And I just read on another thread someone willing to pay someone else to help them with a mod, if that is feasible than I am willing to pay for this mod, obviously depending on how much.


    Many Thanks

  6. Is there a way to unlock capped frame rates on games, like via the command prompt or certain files within games?


    I'm looking at getting Star Wars The Force Unleashed Ultimate Sith Edition, which has a 30 fps lock on it.


    Many Thanks

  7. I've made a few changes, used FO3MasterUpdate & re-arranged the mod list a bit & removed Crusaders Armor mod.

    The game seems to be a tad snappier than before and more reliable, though I'm still getting random CTD's occurring that didn't before I installed the DLCs.


    This is the current list (in order):


    [Fallout3.esm] Loading file

    [Anchorage.esm] Loading file

    [ThePitt.esm] Loading file

    [brokenSteel.esm] Loading file

    [PointLookout.esm] Loading file

    [Zeta.esm] Loading file

    [CALIBR.esm] Loading file

    [unofficial Fallout 3 Patch.esm] Loading file

    [Project Beauty HD version.esm] Loading file

    [streetLights.esm] Loading file

    [Mart's Mutant Mod.esm] Loading file


    [unofficial Fallout 3 Patch - Operation Anchorage.esp] Loading file

    [unofficial Fallout 3 Patch - The Pitt.esp] Loading file

    [unofficial Fallout 3 Patch - Broken Steel.esp] Loading file

    [unofficial Fallout 3 Patch - Point Lookout.esp] Loading file

    [unofficial Fallout 3 Patch - Mothership Zeta.esp] Loading file

    [dD-Reduced Dismember Force.esp] Loading file

    [dD-More Gore.esp] Loading file

    [dD-More Gore-The Pitt.esp] Loading file

    [dD-More Gore-BrokenSteel.esp] Loading file

    [dD-More Gore-PointLookout.esp] Loading file

    [dD-More Gore-Zeta.esp] Loading file

    [dD-No Screen Blood.esp] Loading file

    [VDSP-01.esp] Loading file

    [uPP - Pack 2.esp] Loading file

    [Dree Perks Anchorage.esp] Loading file

    [Dree Perks Pitts.esp] Loading file

    [Dree Perks Point Lookout.esp] Loading file

    [Dree Perks Mothership Zeta.esp] Loading file

    [bzArmour.esp] Loading file

    [bzArmour-non-nude.esp] Loading file

    [bzBodySuits.esp] Loading file

    [boS_FOOKedition_Armor.esp] Loading file

    [Outcast DX.esp] Loading file

    [JSBlack'sNanoArmor.esp] Loading file

    [Remove That Glove.esp] Loading file

    [EVE.esp] Loading file

    [EVE Operation Anchorage.esp] Loading file

    [WeaponModKits.esp] Loading file

    [1alexscorpionsnipergear.esp] Loading file

    [MPammo.esp] Loading file

    [VashDeagleV5.esp] Loading file

    [Tactical Weapons-Calibr-V3.esp] Loading file

    [ZL-SVD-CALIBR.esp] Loading file

    [DanWessonPPC357(CALIBR).esp] Loading file

    [ERFatman75.esp] Loading file

    [sniper's Bliss.esp] Loading file

    [LightingOverhual-FULL-1.0.esp] Loading file

    [DarNifiedUIF3.esp] Loading file

    [DUIF3Extras.esp] Loading file

    [Mavroshs Facticius Humanus.esp] Loading file

    [Crosshair Toggle.esp] Loading file

    [GNRfix.esp] Loading file

    [NoTheftComments.esp] Loading file

    [NoBattleMusic.esp] Loading file

    [Weight.esp] Loading file

    [Fast_but_dramatic_VATS_0.9.esp] Loading file

    [VatsLongerDistance.esp] Loading file

    [Realistic Explosions.esp] Loading file

    [burnification.esp] Loading file

    [Explosive Entry.esp] Loading file

    [CrossRepairWeapons.esp] Loading file

    [CrossRepairArmor.esp] Loading file

    [AnchoRepair.esp] Loading file

    [PittRepair.esp] Loading file

    [bSteelRepair.esp] Loading file

    [PLookoutRepair.esp] Loading file

    [MZetaRepair.esp] Loading file

    [CBOv1.4.esp] Loading file

    [Comp_dont_steal_xp_hereticus.esp] Loading file

    [DisableVanityMode.esp] Loading file

    [richvendors.esp] Loading file

    [KillableKidsNormalHealth.esp] Loading file

    [PowerArmorTraining.esp] Loading file

    [PowerArmorTraining_Linden.esp] Loading file

    [PowerArmorTraining_MedicArmor.esp] Loading file

    [Megaton and Tenpenny Easy Access.esp] Loading file

    [Megaton Walkway.esp] Loading file

    [DCInteriors_ComboEdition.esp] Loading file

    [Reilly's.esp] Loading file

    [beefedUpCitadel.esp] Loading file

    [Owned!.esp] Loading file

    [Project Beauty.esp] Loading file

    [Raider preset beta.esp] Loading file

    [Project Beauty- Broken Steel.esp] Loading file

    [Project Beauty- Point Lookout.esp] Loading file

    [Mart's Mutant Mod.esp] Loading file

    [Mart's Mutant Mod - Increased Increased Spawns.esp] Loading file

    [Mart's Mutant Mod - Natural Selection.esp] Loading file

    [Mart's Mutant Mod - No Floaters.esp] Loading file

    [Mart's Mutant Mod - Feral Ghoul Rampage.esp] Loading file

    [Mart's Mutant Mod - Hunting & Looting.esp] Loading file

    [Mart's Mutant Mod - Zones Respawn.esp] Loading file

    [Mart's Mutant Mod - No Wanamingos.esp] Loading file

    [Mart's Mutant Mod - No Size Scaling.esp] Loading file

    [Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Anchorage.esp] Loading file

    [Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Point Lookout.esp] Loading file

    [Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Broken Steel.esp] Loading file

    [Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Zeta.esp] Loading file

    [Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC The Pitt.esp] Loading file

    [PB MMM HD.esp] Loading file

    [Project Beauty- MMM Raiders.esp] Loading file

    [Peaceful Tenpenny without 3 Dog.esp] Loading file

    [tptPayback.esp] Loading file

    [CRBSOR.esp] Loading file

    [Choose your own hairstyle (load this last on FOMM).esp] Loading file


    Thanks for the info Skotte, anymore/anyone else's help is greatly appreciated.

  8. I've recently installed all 5 DLC's (not tried these yet) plus updated some mods on FO3.


    I used to occassionally get the odd crash here n there (especially in water..?), but I seem to be getting a few more since my update, especially to the desktop for some reason.


    If anyone can recognise the problem please let me know, and Many Thanks!


    I'm using FO3 v1.7 & these are the mods I have active (in order):




    [Fallout3.esm] Loading file

    [unofficial Fallout 3 Patch.esm] Loading file

    [Anchorage.esm] Loading file

    [ThePitt.esm] Loading file

    [brokenSteel.esm] Loading file

    [PointLookout.esm] Loading file

    [Zeta.esm] Loading file

    [CALIBR.esm] Loading file

    [streetLights.esm] Loading file

    [Project Beauty HD version.esm] Loading file

    [Mart's Mutant Mod.esm] Loading file


    These ESPs have file headers marked as .ESM files (don't know why)

    [CrossRepairWeapons.esp] Loading file

    [NoBattleMusic.esp] Loading file

    [Weight.esp] Loading file

    [dD-Reduced Dismember Force.esp] Loading file

    [dD-More Gore.esp] Loading file

    [dD-More Gore-The Pitt.esp] Loading file

    [dD-More Gore-BrokenSteel.esp] Loading file

    [dD-More Gore-PointLookout.esp] Loading file

    [dD-More Gore-Zeta.esp] Loading file


    Normal ESPs

    [unofficial Fallout 3 Patch - Operation Anchorage.esp] Loading file

    [unofficial Fallout 3 Patch - The Pitt.esp] Loading file

    [unofficial Fallout 3 Patch - Broken Steel.esp] Loading file

    [unofficial Fallout 3 Patch - Point Lookout.esp] Loading file

    [unofficial Fallout 3 Patch - Mothership Zeta.esp] Loading file

    [dD-No Screen Blood.esp] Loading file

    [VDSP-01.esp] Loading file

    [uPP - Pack 2.esp] Loading file

    [Dree Perks Anchorage.esp] Loading file

    [Dree Perks Pitts.esp] Loading file

    [Dree Perks Point Lookout.esp] Loading file

    [Dree Perks Mothership Zeta.esp] Loading file

    [bzArmour.esp] Loading file

    [bzArmour-non-nude.esp] Loading file

    [bzBodySuits.esp] Loading file

    [boS_FOOKedition_Armor.esp] Loading file

    [Outcast DX.esp] Loading file

    [Crusaders Armor.esp] Loading file

    [JSBlack'sNanoArmor.esp] Loading file

    [Remove That Glove.esp] Loading file

    [EVE.esp] Loading file

    [EVE Operation Anchorage.esp] Loading file

    [WeaponModKits.esp] Loading file

    [1alexscorpionsnipergear.esp] Loading file

    [MPammo.esp] Loading file

    [VashDeagleV5.esp] Loading file

    [Tactical Weapons-Calibr-V3.esp] Loading file

    [ZL-SVD-CALIBR.esp] Loading file

    [DanWessonPPC357(CALIBR).esp] Loading file

    [ERFatman75.esp] Loading file

    [sniper's Bliss.esp] Loading file

    [LightingOverhual-FULL-1.0.esp] Loading file

    [DarNifiedUIF3.esp] Loading file

    [DUIF3Extras.esp] Loading file

    [Mavroshs Facticius Humanus.esp] Loading file

    [Crosshair Toggle.esp] Loading file

    [GNRfix.esp] Loading file

    [NoTheftComments.esp] Loading file

    [Fast_but_dramatic_VATS_0.9.esp] Loading file

    [VatsLongerDistance.esp] Loading file

    [Realistic Explosions.esp] Loading file

    [burnification.esp] Loading file

    [Explosive Entry.esp] Loading file

    [CrossRepairArmor.esp] Loading file

    [AnchoRepair.esp] Loading file

    [PittRepair.esp] Loading file

    [bSteelRepair.esp] Loading file

    [PLookoutRepair.esp] Loading file

    [MZetaRepair.esp] Loading file

    [CBOv1.4.esp] Loading file

    [Comp_dont_steal_xp_hereticus.esp] Loading file

    [DisableVanityMode.esp] Loading file

    [richvendors.esp] Loading file

    [KillableKidsNormalHealth.esp] Loading file

    [PowerArmorTraining.esp] Loading file

    [PowerArmorTraining_Linden.esp] Loading file

    [PowerArmorTraining_MedicArmor.esp] Loading file

    [Megaton and Tenpenny Easy Access.esp] Loading file

    [Megaton Walkway.esp] Loading file

    [DCInteriors_ComboEdition.esp] Loading file

    [Reilly's.esp] Loading file

    [beefedUpCitadel.esp] Loading file

    [Owned!.esp] Loading file

    [Project Beauty.esp] Loading file

    [Raider preset beta.esp] Loading file

    [Project Beauty- Broken Steel.esp] Loading file

    [Project Beauty- Point Lookout.esp] Loading file

    [Mart's Mutant Mod.esp] Loading file

    [Mart's Mutant Mod - Increased Increased Spawns.esp] Loading file

    [Mart's Mutant Mod - Natural Selection.esp] Loading file

    [Mart's Mutant Mod - No Floaters.esp] Loading file

    [Mart's Mutant Mod - Feral Ghoul Rampage.esp] Loading file

    [Mart's Mutant Mod - Hunting & Looting.esp] Loading file

    [Mart's Mutant Mod - Zones Respawn.esp] Loading file

    [Mart's Mutant Mod - No Wanamingos.esp] Loading file

    [Mart's Mutant Mod - No Size Scaling.esp] Loading file

    [Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Anchorage.esp] Loading file

    [Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Point Lookout.esp] Loading file

    [Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Broken Steel.esp] Loading file

    [Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Zeta.esp] Loading file

    [Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC The Pitt.esp] Loading file

    [PB MMM HD.esp] Loading file

    [Project Beauty- MMM Raiders.esp] Loading file

    [Peaceful Tenpenny without 3 Dog.esp] Loading file

    [tptPayback.esp] Loading file

    [CRBSOR.esp] Loading file

    [Choose your own hairstyle (load this last on FOMM).esp] Loading file

  9. i'm trying to make ledoux' hockey mask have a separate texture to the normal one in GECK, but when I open it up in Items->Armor->Headgear & so forth, it only comes up with the meshes to edit, i don't see any options to edit the texture files.


    so basically when the game loads, instead of it loading this for ledoux' mask:




    it loads say this:


    texture\armor\headgear\newretexhockeymask.dds (example)


    any help would be greatly appreciated.


    many thanks

  10. the exit theme for when you leave vault 101 has changed to random for some reason.


    i've checked the files & looked in GECK to see, but cannot draw any conclusions.


    Has this ever occured before? If so/if not, is there a way to fix it?


    Cheers & Many Thanks


    EDIT: I've found the cause, 2 quick start mods were clashing with each other.


    Problem now solved :-)

  11. I'm trying to make a custom race, based on a raider male, however, I want to use Breeze's male mesh & one of the tattooed head/body textures

    from MMMF3 mod and then of course the normal Raider meshes/textures for the rest of the body, and have access to the bald hair (mod) for this race.


    I've more/less been through the GECK race section already, but my race didn't work last time!?


    So I'm gonna start from scratch, I've got all the stuff I need installed, I just want to make it into 1 race.


    Any help/walkthrough on how to do this would be highly appreciated.


    Many :thanks:

  12. I have changed the Death music theme in my Music\Special folder to a theme I downloaded, however, in-game it reverts to the original death music whenever I'm killed.


    Is there something else I have to do? The track is a 7 second long MP3, is named Death in prop & as main name, artist & album artist is INON ZUR, it is 128kbps

    and is saved as stereo, 44100hz 16-bit PCM.


    Many Thanks

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