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Everything posted by oblivoo

  1. i'd like to see new armors and weapons and other cool stuff that wasn't in oblivion...i have high hopes for this game... better not fail me :blink:
  2. graphics...new engine....the inventory menu and the skill tree.... :biggrin:
  3. i like the dunmers but i preffer orcs and argonians before them.. :tongue:
  4. i know that skyrim is not yet out but in my case worst or better than witcher skyrim wins my qouta :rolleyes:
  5. yea like something aside quests and killing...traveling...finfing maps, notes and all kind of things that might get you to a cool weapon or armor... :teehee:
  6. i hope he does he's so funny :biggrin:
  7. wut kind of question is that.....OF COURSE WE ARE ME ESPECIALY!!!! CANT WAIT.... :dance:
  8. it really sucks that its gone and that makes the game kinda incomplete for me...but i think the modders will do their thing :turned:
  9. i vote for oblivion becaus it has a better story and the graphixs for that time were amazing....but fallout has its qualitys that outrun oblivion....but still im for oblivion... :biggrin:
  10. nooooooooo why don't i live in UK :(
  11. First get to know the game and its aspects....and then......kill a giant :thumbsup: :biggrin:
  12. he's right there will be the same ten races but changed in looks, realism and all other aspects...
  13. i preffer the oblivion's way to pick a lock
  14. i think there willl be all the mods that are in oblivion....nudity ....armors....quests swords and evry thing that is being made... :rolleyes:
  15. i like it as a gun but why would they put a old time gun into a game that has laser and plasma riples and guns.... but i would like a deasert eagle at my inventory :biggrin:
  16. here's everything you need to know http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=12248 :turned:
  17. fear the reaper :devil:
  18. but if you wantbetter graphics you should buy an hd graph card it would be a shame not to see it in full glory... :teehee:
  19. im gona have a busy year :sweat:
  20. i don't dislike any of the elder scrolls games...except i havent played arena and daggerfall. And why should, i it was a breakthrough in graphics at that time. You would think probably the same then...but enough of that :hurr:
  21. I sincerly hopethat there will be random events becaus it would make the game more intresting and more fun. Just hope that the game dosen't change completly different from oblivion and fallout. And by the looks of it i don't think so...cheers :laugh:
  22. it looks great and it means thet there will be pet companions...great work :thumbsup:
  23. when i was goin to get the GECK i was freaked out of the envierment and suddendly a monster came out of nowere....
  24. have you heard about a new russian expansion for oblivion that will completly change the gaming system i hope it comes out before skyrim if it didn't come out already becaus i wanna see the oblivion at the end.
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