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About BulletExodus

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  • Country
    United States
  • Currently Playing
  • Favourite Game
    The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
  1. Don't worry, my friend. I have the same specs you do, so don't feel like your PC sucks. At least we get to play nonetheless! I personally don't care about High Quality craziness, though I would appreciate it, lol.
  2. My favorite thing about oblivion was definitely the dungeons and the numerous monsters waiting inside. Pack creature and companion mods into the game, and you've got an amazing experience.
  3. I agree with you completely. Companions make the badass-ness even better knowing you can kick the difficulty up and have some type of all out war with enemies. I can't wait. :devil:
  4. I juat realized I posted this in the wrong thread, but thoughts anyway? :whistling:
  5. Unfortunately, I don't have the money to buy a high enough end computer to last me a few years with modern games, and I want to know one thing: Do you think I can run Skyrim with these specs? :blink: Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo CPU 2.26GHz 2.27GHz Memory: 4.00 GB (RAM) Graphics Card: Nvidia Geforce 9800M GTS I can run Oblivion on high with not many problems, but I'll be damned if I have to run Skyrim on a console with no mods. :yucky: Please help?
  6. I wish I could contribute more to you guys but I have no experience modding or creating. :confused:
  7. Hey guys. I'm not exactly new to the nexus sites as I've been using them for almost 4 years now. But I had to make a new account for the sake of email addresses. Nice to meet everyone. :wink:
  8. I want to play Oblivion again.
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