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Everything posted by wierdestkidyoullevermeet

  1. people like you who b&@*$ about the entire design philosophy of the game are just dumb, dont play the game then, its annoying to hear you people constantly whining and crying, just dont play it.
  2. the unread thing is a great idea, definitely would want something like that
  3. seems not really immersive at all to come out of a vault, and instantly be able to construct complex machinery and power junctions/ electrical wiring similar to the picket fences magazines, dish out what you can construct piecemeal and make what you can construct initially much more limited, no electricity options, no turrets, just basic necessities.
  4. i played a bunch and playing the intro a bunch made me realize guns and ammo being so common makes the gameplay loop way shorter, you're already dumping bullets into people like it doesnt matter it would be more balanced if both enemies and player receive less ammo and resort to melee more often edit: also make ammo in gun more persistent so when weapon switch doesnt reload it automatically, plus slowing down player movement while reloading
  5. just suggesting someone make some really simple power lines, like the pole and 4 connection points, or 1 pole with slots for relays
  6. just popped into my head when i failed to save a settler from like 20 glowing mole rats, would like to bury the person
  7. something like a glow stick, when you drop it, it leaves a marker on the map until you pick it back up, would be good to mark things like master level locks that you want to come back to
  8. my mouse button is move forward, its impossible to move forward with the construction menu active. soo frustrating like can someone make a mod that lets you rebind those keys or allow for multiple key binds per action, so i can atleast use a dif key to move forward while menu is up
  9. seems like painting things would be immersive
  10. have to go into junk everytime to recover the item, its not junk!!
  11. i removed all dirty edilts, did LOOT organizer looked at the readme files and tips for what should go where, but if anyone has tips on how i should rearrage my order the help would be appreciated also i dont post here often so if its in wrong forum sry
  12. like a simple telescope mod? i think it would be very popular and quite easy to make
  13. i have an idea to attach to his hold down the holster button and your character will slowly unsheathe his weapon, if you hold down for the full duration, you will make no noise really all you would need to do is increase duration/slow down the sound effect of unsheathing , and possibly add 2 variables for the 2 methods of unsheathing the weapon, 1 for fast unsheathe, 1 for slow
  14. thats asking way too much you would be basically coding a whole new game
  15. In real life, when an animal is shot or hit with an arrow, they do this quick jolt like a panicked run to get away, but if you hit them they will most likely slow down, bleed and die shortly after. In the game, you can hit an animal for 90% of its HP then it will run nonstop at impossible speeds to catch up to and aim properly. Then they get away, and heal to full after they are out of your range. Can someone address this in a mod? Make it so animals cannot run at full speed after being hit by an arrow, or add some sort of stagger or reduced speed after the animal's initial sprint away. (another idea is to add some sort of initial fall animals take after being hit for the very first time, then they have to get back up on their feet and then they can run off at full speed, this would allow for enough time for a follow up shot) Other suggestions: add foot imprints to all terrain like how animals leave footsteps in the snow, which would allow for a basic/crude beginning to some sort of tracking system ingame. It could be very brief and not overly complex, just something crude to follow if you lost track of an animal you are pursuing. also, can someone just model a simple armguard for archer characters? like one sided bracer basically, thats very thin and lightweight. it would be easy to do and adds immersion if you play an archer class
  16. i like the original concept of thought you had going in your first post; make crafting a more dynamic and ongoing process, instead of sharpening your blade once, and having it be a permanently buffed damage, instead make it more of a temporary process that decays over time, so you have to resharpen your blades every once in a while, it would add to the immersion. think of it like this, visit the sharpening stone before you leave town, and it stores X number of charges almost like an enchanted weapon, after using it for a time, it loses its edge and you need to revisit town to sharpen your blade again, to get the damage buff back, you could incorporate this to most weapons, so instead of needing materials to sharpen weapons all the time, just using the wheel in town is enough edit: also to add to this idea, you could have different types of buffs you could apply at the sharpening stone, to match different types of play style, such as faster attack speed, or a poisoned effect (you apply the poison you have at the stone, it carries that effect for a small time frame)
  17. someone make chainmail/ringmail armor for light smithing tree there is no normal looking armor for light armor users i'd suggest , take the assets from the guard armor , and mix/match it with the model template for plate armor, or ebony armor, and recolor it so it looks like normal colored metal
  18. looking for someone to make some simple chain mail, or ringmail armor for the light armor side of things The entire light armor tree is nothing but bizarre styled armor, glass, thief, nightengale, shrouded etc etc. not one single bit of normal styled light styled armor, like ring mail, or chain mail, http://www.thinkhero.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/06/robin-hood-set-07.jpg http://www.heyuguys.co.uk/images/2009/12/Robin-Hood-1.jpg http://simbelmyne.us/robinhood/rc-2010/robin.jpg also if someone is able to do this style of armor too, that'd be great. Something that looks very light, but offers utility and protection. Think like the way the mage robes are, but for a light weight melee focused character.
  19. Someone please make just a simple addon like this: get more materials from animals , such as hide/ bones/ meat make fur armor craftable add fur type clothing that is craftable add more craftable items from bones, such as bone dust, lock picks made of bone, and jewelry made from bone, or a helmet made from bone (or requiring bone to make) such as troll skull into a helmet of some kind i understand there are certain mods doing variations of this, but i am requesting someone just make a small compact focused mod that is made for people who want to add more variety to hunting, without the massive amount of stuff the other mods add.
  20. if you are going to remove health regen , make it optional. It is not realistic or immersive at all to completely remove health regen, the only ACTUAL realistic way for the human body to heal is by regenerating over time. Reduce it drastically if you have to, but dont remove it completely. Have none of you stepped outside of your caves to experience life once? you ever cut yourself? did you scarf down 5 pounds of potatoes to have your blood start clotting? what sort of world do you live in?
  21. I know this game is fantasy, magic and all. At any time you could say "a wizard did it" but, I have to say i am irked by certain things in the crafting. For instance, an entire ingot of gold, to make just 1 ring. Can someone make a mod that changes the crafting system to be more realistic and immersive? There are other things such as ingots not weighing realistic weights (a gold ingot weighs about 27 pounds IRL)
  22. i doubt its something like that, its probably a simple number change of the spell's duration
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