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Everything posted by wierdestkidyoullevermeet

  1. the khajit racial ability, its supposed to be basically like night vision, but the way they have it is you have to keep pressing the racial again and again is there a way to make the duration so long, that is basically becomes permanent, until you toggle it off? (if you press the spell again it toggles off) i'm sure that it would be a simple variable fix, if someone can do it, i'd be grateful
  2. ok i wont tell you my life story like some people tend to do I am just in the same boat, but it isn't the first time i've been trying to get into development of mods or games. By far the biggest hurdle to get over is the programming/scripting you need to learn. If you can't do that, you can't do anything. Learn that first. Personally if anyone is willing to suggest something for me as well that'd be great, i'd like to get a jump start on learning to code stuff for skyrim
  3. The revolver is bugged, i believe it has to do with the faster reloading time perk, it is not synced properly with the reloading animation, that causes the gun to have a huge delay after reloading , and not being able to shoot the gun properly. It probably would take a reasonable modder about 2-3 mins max to fix this issue i bet. Also there is another glitch/bug with companion NPCs, if you equip/re-equip items it causes the benefits of those items to stack. That is why boone is glitched and ends up becoming super powerful, his crit hat bonus stacks each time you change his inventory.
  4. there already is a mod if you search nexus 4gb load in the title works like a charm
  5. stronger penalties doesnt balance this game, because its hard to ever get those penalties, there is food everywhere balance it better by making food /water not heal you, only time heals you, and you heal according to your condition state (completely full on food/drink, then sleep for 24 hours should regen your health about 30%) Also the real balance would be adding medicine for treating wounds, but just injecting a stimpack or requiring a doctors bag say you are out in the desert with no doctors bag, you should be able to make a make-shift splint or something, like in blade runner he tears cloth and binds his fingers together after they were broken
  6. reskinned revolvers, new and better revolvers, nothing overpowered, but just more variety to the selection. The beginner revolver is pretty ugly looking, and not powerful. wouldn't hurt to throw in a couple outfits of revolver ocelot in there lol!
  7. have the people in this thread actually fired a gun before? reloading is very easy to do, and in military drills you must do it in like 2-3 seconds tops,
  8. im not a programmer so here are my ideas: 1- Fix the bug with the computer hacking sometimes taking forever to get to the screen with all the choices for the password (sort-of fixed by instant hack mod) 2- Camouflage weapon mod , 4-5 paints you can buy from a vendor that changes the skin of your gun to camouflage variations. also a possible camo face paint/camo suit / ghillie suit for snipers that give some +stats/perks for sniping with one 3- Weapon break down- take your extra weapons to a tool bench, and break them down into parts, use those parts to fix up or replace parts of your damaged gun (could be very complex or very very simple) 4- Tweak mod for "Friend of the Night" perk - make it more effective/ less useless of a perk, also could tweak the delay or have a "fade in" effect for when the perk kicks in, instead of it jumping to instant color change when you enter a building 5-more weapon mods - silencers/scopes/new parts for many weapons that need it, make weapon mods require a tool bench to apply, possibly requiring you to take apart a weapon, apply certain items to mod it. Very simple example would be take a scope to a tool bench so you can screw it on, more complex would be replacing a barrel/revolver chamber (puts replaced part back into your inventory) (ooh also imagine walking around with shotgun silencer like http://entimg.msn.com/i/gal/Top10Movies07/NoCountry_502.jpg) Also ability to construct the mods yourself with parts. 6- Tweaking of the card game menus, so they are more PC friendly 7- Mod to add critters to the world, such as like squirrels (squirrel bits but no actual squirrels seen in the world) 8- Removal of karma system , or atleast a huge mod to make it less of a pain 9- Rebalancing of the Hard core mode health system, so sleep over time will heal, but only for small amounts. I got a bunch more ideas but cant think of them atm, ill update if i get any more
  9. there is a mod already on this site that adds a suppressor for 9mm
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