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About Axeface

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    Deux Ex: HR
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    Bloodlines, Homeworld, Terra Nova: Strike Force Centauri, Road Rash 2

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  1. Really cant wait to relive my morrowind days with this mod, I appreciate the work put into this project very much.
  2. Well, apologies. I thought that forum was for anything and thought that would be the best place to find help (I didnt see anything in the stickies).
  3. Hello everyone! I am currently making an eye texture replacer and there has been an issue plaguing the development all along. When I change eye colour in character creation the eyes go dark, switching weight slider brings the correct brightness back. If you exit character creation with dark eyes saving and reloading gets them to the correct brightness, changing cells seems like it might sometimes, and opening showracemenu again does too. This issue happens in vanilla too, but because my mod removes glow from men/mer eyes its accentuated by my mod. I couldn't find anything online about it and would like to get to the bottom of it. I would assume its some kind of mesh issue. Does anyone else notice this issue in their game? Any idea what is causing it and is there any way for me to get around it? Thanks in advance. Here is a video of the problem
  4. Thanks for the ad free feature, much appreciated!
  5. Can we enter screenshots we took a long time ago?
  6. Hello, Has nyone seen any discussion about the shiny hair (not talking about the bugs when the game was released), espcially effecting black hair? Also, the 'wetness' of skin is just too much, again, especially on dark skin. Does anyone know of any mods to fix these specular maps? Thanks
  7. Image upload feature is great, works a charm. Dark0ne, quick offtopic suggestion. It would be great to get the "This video showcases X file/s" feature added to images too, cheers!
  8. I would absolutely love a mod that added an 'inaccuracy' feature, just like mount and blade. Many mods attempt to balance archery other ways, but for me the main issue with it is that anyone regardless of skill can shoot an arrow accurately and at range. I think this is wholely unrealistic and i'de love a mod, perhaps mcm compatible, that adds 'inaccuracy', 'power' and a crosshair for it. Power should effect the travel distance of arrows, and inaccuracy, self explanitory. And I think the traits should be tied to archery skill not perks, and as your skill increases the crosshair gets tighter when you draw your bow, and your arrows travel farther and faster. Holding breath could tighten the crosshair a little more for a short time but no longer slow down time. I think this would be so rewarding. Thoughts? Would a mod like this even be possible?
  9. In response to post #24810064. Can you define who 'we' is please. Because I and many others are not part of your 'we'.
  10. In response to post #24801964. #24802149, #24802519, #24802894, #24803109, #24803194, #24803479, #24803744, #24803784, #24803814, #24804154, #24804314, #24804509 are all replies on the same post. Well, yeh I see your point on that. I guess it's yet another reason why it should be curated, something I very much believe. I myself have nephews who are ignorant to this stuff, I often have to help them with it. Youtube videos and things that they use.
  11. In response to post #24801964. #24802149, #24802519, #24802894, #24803109, #24803194, #24803479, #24803744, #24803784, #24803814, #24804154 are all replies on the same post. Yes I think he was replying to you. And no, I dont care about legal ramifications. If someone is stupid enough to release a LOTR mod with a model from Shadow of Mordor, while using a copy of zbrush that he didnt pay for then so be it. He is an idiot. It isnt your place, or mine, or anyones other than the companies he has wronged to police him.
  12. In response to post #24801964. #24802149, #24802519, #24802894, #24803109, #24803194 are all replies on the same post. "So because it doesn't directly affect me, I cannot point the problem out? Tad selfish don't you think" What on earth are you talking about? Actually, it kind of makes sense. Clarifies your stance. You think you should be able to tell people not to brake a TOS or the law, and you also want to tell them that they cant self-determine by selling mods. No sir, I am not selfish for wanting people to have the option to do whatever the hell they want, the consequences are in their hands, not yours.
  13. In response to post #24801964. #24802149, #24802519, #24802894 are all replies on the same post. "-How is licencing irrelevant? It is a violation of the TOS the modder agreed too. Ignoring that is opening a door to law suits." It is irrelevant to you, the buyer, completely. And you could get a refund, for 24 hours. Yes, it should NOT have been in steam wallet money, if that rumour is true. Yet another issue, but not a reason to refuse the system altogether.
  14. In response to post #24801964. #24802149 is also a reply to the same post. "Licensing" - irrelevant. It isn't your job, bethesdas or valves to police modders. "Quality" - Agreed yet subjective, this is why they should have made it curated. But this was an experiment with that exact aim, to see what it's like if it isn't, imho. But we didnt even get to see what would happen, and were unfortunately inundated by troll mods in the 'review' section. "Risk/Incompatibility" - As above, and irrelevant. It isn't up to you to tell people where to spend their money. There is risk in everything. Yes the issue goes beyond, will have problems, and the implimentation had major issues. But to deny modders the chance... well.
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