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Everything posted by WolfyRedfox

  1. Waiting for someone like Beard of Socrates and the Mystery Science team to step up to the plate. They did great work on the Vulpine Fox race. I mean. I'm a doggo, but a fox is close enough.
  2. I'm having the same problem as well, I actually uninstalled/reinstalled, verified the game integrity via Steam, and disabled/reenabled all mods (which took a while); I've had no such luck. At first I would get the black screen with active HUD, but now it won't load the main menu. I don't feel as if the load order caused it, because it ran fine before. This problem kind of just happened out of nowhere. I need my FNV, as I don't have internet at home and FNV is my only entertainment.
  3. I guess I'll post some simple info about myself. Most important thing is I don't know how to use the GECK, and I have no sound equipment besides the built-in mic on my laptop. So, yeah. Also, I don't know how to edit sound. But I'll voice act anything you want me to, so long as I have the ability and you're comfortable with my voice acting. Anyways, here's that info I was talking about! ^_^ Name is James 18 Years of Age Texan I can do a pretty decent Russian Accent, but it sounds a little off sometimes. Can't fix it. I can do my regular voice, which has a slight Southern accent. My EBA accent is good. (I don't know if it's English or British or Australian, so I call it EBA) I'm Male, and tell me if you'd like to hear a voice sample through the Private Messages! This is usually all I do all day, so I'll respond within 48 Hours most of the time. Again, never done this before, but I need to start somewhere. I may have some questions for you if you hire me.
  4. Is it alright to post a description of a mod that may or may not exist and I've never seen it before? I've had no luck finding it using the search thing, but I'm lazy and terrible.
  5. Hey there, do you actually have Tale Of Two Wastelands? I think that requires the TTW Master file, which I didn't see in your load order, you need the non-TTW version.
  6. I also have some questions about things in this topic as well: (I'll be formatting it so that you can copy/quote the questions and write the answers under them, and post that way. Not required, but at least specify which one answers which. Even if it is extremely obvious. Please. I'm simple.) 1.) Can I duplicate an NPC, then change their voice track and appearance without causing problems? If it will cause problems, what will they be? 2.) I plan on using a person who's not actually a vanilla companion, so I'll be using JIP Companion Control & Command to recruit them, so would I have to load that into the GECK as well? When doing an edit that uses a mod, do I have to load in the .esm and the .jsp, or just one? If just one, which is it? 3.) Will duplicating a "unique" or named NPC, like Doc Mitchell, and then editing the duplicate cause problems? What if I duplicated a vanilla companion like Cass or Veronica and edited the bejesus out of them? Would the originals of the duplicates, or the originals themselves, break from the editing? What things can I edit without making a mess of things? If it's easier for you, tell me what I can't edit. Can I even duplicate an NPC? Will I still have to script them in any way? (Need to know this for sure because I'm bad at it, and haven't been successful, even when following a tutorial. XD) 4.) Do vanilla NPC's need specific scripting/coding/any kind of editing to be compatible with a mod? I.e. JIP Companion Command & Control, any weapon mod, or any weapon or movement animations. I have 102 active mods, and will not be listing all of them unless requested. I will provide any information you need to answer questions, if it involves the GECK, I might need to know how or where to find it. I'm not extremely terrible at navigating the GECK, but I am bad at it. I don't do well with tutorials, I think I'm subconsciously afraid of them because I just wanna cry and tear my hair out when I have a question. I'd use the chat, but I don't bother them guys up there with the insane amount of questions I have or will have during this new and exciting experience. Please help, and don't hate me if I broke one of the rules, this day 3 of no sleep in the GECK, just fooling around without saving. I'm very tired, and though I did read the forum and topic rules, I don't really remember them. I love you, and you will be credited in the mod if I upload it. I'll be around, and awake. <3
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