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Everything posted by shiftyoliver
It seems whenever I unsheath a sword, the sword appears early before fully being drawn out of the scabbard and so it looks like the sword is clipping through the scabbard. Is this normal? I've tried both with mods and without.
I just realized i posted this in the wrong forum, can a mod delete this please.
It seems whenever I unsheath a sword, the sword appears to be early before fully being drawn out of the scabbard and so it looks like the sword is clipping through the scabbard. Anyone have any ideas? I've tried both with mods and without.
Quick question, do the combat overhauls that modify enemy AI also give your companion AI the same boost?
I've tried a couple companion overhaul mods but none of them seem to fix where companions will stand around until attacked then fire. Their behavior is much different from New Vegas where companions will fire on their own. I want to pull my hair out seeing a companion stand around while a ghoul runs up to them
Is it possible to make evil choices in FO 4? Like how you could choose to blow up megaton or work for slavers in Fallout 3?? From reading a few reviews it sounds like the writing sort of shoe horns you into playing a good character.
Has anyone successfully added custom added spells from mods for NPC/companion use? Would using the NPC editor work? I can't quite seem to get it to work with ASIS for midas or apocalypse spells. Thanks!
Any Word On The Creation Kit?
shiftyoliver replied to falloutperson416's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Or they could do like companies that dont make games or movies do, If i say ill have such and such done by a certain time and its not quality or complete i get canned. So heres what i do i actually set a time and or date that i complete that in if i have unforeseen problems i get some help to complete that goal it cost the company more but they save face by completing the goal in the time they set. Beth is real close to getting canned for me they'll do fine without my 60 dollars next time i'm sure but im also not the only one who feels this way. I can see your point. However, I don't think debugging software is quite like that. They set a date and the product isn't ready. They can't just bring in more hands to get the job done faster. Nor is there an uber expert they can call on who's just going to walk in and say "Oh, here's your problem." They can't even just fire everybody and hire better talent. They've already got the best they could find. And from rabidNode's post, if there's legal issues holding something back, then everything is out the window until the lawyers get around to picking it up. I've no doubt that as a company, they're doing their level best to produce. But they can't win that race, no matter how hard they try. So they have my sympathy, even as I grind my teeth waiting for the next patch and the CK. Actually, yes it is like that. I already had this conversation with an employee at Bethesda some time ago but he seemed like a nice guy so I wasn't going to rain on his parade. He basically made the sob story of "we worked really hard for this guys, appreciate what we did." But as I said to him, these guy's aren't doing it for charity. You make promises, you're getting paid, you better go through with it. He also mentions how much it strains his relations with family, friends etc...but that is the career path he choose to take, so no sympathy there. It sort of annoys me how much leniency game companies get. Our company does contract work, a client requests an app and a list of features they want to go along with it. We send them the cost and a feasible deadline. Contract signed. Now it's our responibility to finish this on time. If we don't finish it, or the client feels we haven't fulfilled the contract terms, I don't get paid. We work overtime with no pay to finish it. It doesn't matter how hard we worked and the amount of hours, the client only looks at the bottom line. We can't simply give it them and say "Pay us some more money and we'll release some patches at a later date." Or the app will be on the shelves, buy it and we'll fix it in the future. Therefore it is imperative that we scrutinize if the client's demands are reasonable in the given time frame. Once it's signed, again, it's our responsilibility to go through with our end. We don't make promises we can't keep. We also don't add extra features that aren't part of the agreed terms. I"m not exactly sure with your logic as to why "they can't just bring in more hands they can't get the job done faster." 2 minds are better than one. I can do a much bigger project with a team than on my own. What are you getting at? If you have more people, you can get to your first build faster, if you have your build done earlier, you can spend more time debugging. In my short time as a software developer there was one project we bit off more than we could chew. We did end up having to hire a specialist, who demand ridiculous amounts of money. Bethesda Game Studio's could hire more, if their budget allowed it. If they can't afford to hire more to fulfill their objectives on time that's their problem. As much as I think Bethesda is a decent game company they tend to be big dreamers but their implentations of some of their big dreams ends up being incredibly half-assed. They do tend to bite off more then they can chew and over hype way to much. Radiant AI in Oblivion popping into my head. Personally I find their marketing department to be much more talented. I admit to buying into their hype when I should be a lot more level headed. -
Yeah Jim's right. I was running dual 6950's and the game ran like crap. Turn one of them off and it'll run a lot better. Skyrim doesn't deal well with either crossfire or SLI.
The Skyrim Team Has a Better Plan for Squashing Bugs this Time
shiftyoliver replied to JimboUK's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
While I have tried to remain as understanding as possible of Bethesda's seemingly disregard for supporting PC. My patience is starting to wear thin. I wish they'd release the CK already so modders can properly do their jobs for them. -
As someone who reads books, I don't think I'm alone in saying a book that has missing pages, bad translations and unreadable text gets a 9/10. I'll try it in another way. The book uses verbs that people dislike, and that's the complaint. Not quite, reviews are pointless imo. Dragon Age 2 was acclaimed by most "critics" but derided by fans. EA even admits they lost "some fans" with DA 2. Look at the release of Rage. It was more or less acclaimed by critics but PC fans were steaming mad with the poor PC support on launch. Pop in textures, corrupted textures, crashing. Yeah sure, great reviews with most of the PC gamers that can't play their game they bought due to a shoddy port. Ironically, while not developed by Bethesda, published by them. Yes, the issues were eventually resolved but understandably the PC gamers are pissed off they have to wait while the console games who were insulated from the problem, could play right on launch. Same thing with FNV, critically acclaimed but buggy as hell. At least some of the reviewers acknowledged the lack of polish, despite the good intentions. The reviewers also don't stick around with the game long, as before, they only jot down first impressions more or less. Which means they've already moved onto reviewing the next game and haven't had to deal with a recently rather obtrusive patch. So yes, even a tattered book can get good reviews.
You clearly have not been reading what people have been saying. And the book analogy is more like this. The book you're reading so far seems good; but all of a sudden you find missing pages, unreadable text, the translations from the language it was originally written in sometimes don't make sense ie..(User Interface) making reading the book a chore.
That's nice and all, but that's like saying "I'm going to remove the blister from my arm. Unfortunately, I may start to miss the blister. I hate it when things are taken out. Just add more, even if it's not so good." Removing numbers doesn't mean that any depth is lost; it means that depth can be more immersive because numbers have been replaced with unique quests. Not that I'm joining a particular side in Skyrim's case, but the fans of DA would disagree with "Removing numbers doesn't mean that any depth is lost". Bioware pissed off a lot people with "removing numbers" in DA2. I"ll have to agree that the game was considered garbage by fans. And I don't see the relevance in how removing things like character stats has any relation to things like quests. I don't see how the quests are vastly different from previous games. I personally play the elder scrolls not for things like hardcore stats building but purely for the general experience, so it doesn't really bother me either way. But I can see why people would get put off by it and in my mind is a valid criticism.
No wonder Bethesda became lazy...after reading something like this, why would they even bother to make some ui and fix things..."look they are happy even with this!" This is not about being happy and all but about quality...the game is fun certainly but if im buying a PC game i expect to have it some pc game standards like the ui for example. You say people are whining about everything..surely some things are overreactions but this is also bethesdas fault for hyping the game to heavens, so im not surprised some people are pissed. They havent done any QA testing on this...and just becouse you are happy with it dossent mean we all have to be...if we dont point the flaws and lazyness of bethesda they wont bother to do anything properly...and if this means we are whining, then let it be so...but please realize you are whining about others whining...same deal. Your accusations of lazy are pretty poorly thought out. I would be lying if I didnt say it bothered me when individuals like you and others make these kinds of statements. Many at the studio have spent many nights, weekends and holidays working to try to bring you the best game we could within the time we had. All this we did of our own accord without any extra compensation and we did it with the fans in mind. Sure were not perfect, but being called lazy is just plain insulting. We take great pride in our work and we do listen to fans quite a bit. Dont be so quick to judge us so harshly, we do what we can for you guys, unfortunately you cant please everyone. Also, bear in mind this game is made for millions of people. What some of you may like others may not and vice versa. Take it easy my friends While I am greatly enjoying the game, I can understand some of the people being critical with the game's flaws (which it does have). And no offense intended, but merely saying "We worked hard on weekends and holidays with no extra compensation" during a past-deadline-due-project would not fly at my work place. As much as that statement is appreciated, you guys aren't doing this for charity. You're being payed, and your salary depends on the purchases of the consumers. And your goal is to please the customer, or else everyone is out of a job. And I assume the people that are working hard such as working on weekends are doing this to finish their objectives on time. Now as I'm sure many people, as well as you are aware of, when I am given a project, I have to finish everything by the deadline. It doesn't matter if I have to stay up 4 nights in a row to finish the task given to me. The boss only cares about the end product, not how much hours I spend agonizing over it. I am not payed extra for whatever extra hours I spend at the office, I only get paid when the customer signs the check. So if you were to say "We didn't spend extra hours to finish the game on time", that's what I would call irresponsible. Saying "We spend countless extra hours at the office" is just doing your job properly. Now people criticsizing the UI, I understand and I could even see it, from the customer's perspective, as being "lazy". They're not looking at how many hours you guys spend, they're looking at the final product which they've bought to see if it meets the promised objectives. And from what a lot of people are standing, a decent UI is seen as a basic thing. Bioware said more or less the same thing with Dragon Age 2, which many people loathed. While I can see they gave themselves way to short of a development time, at the end of the day, it doesn't matter how many extra hours they spent at the office. The bottom line is, a lot of people were pissed off with the product they bought. But at the end of day, I'm personally very pleased with what Bethesda has done. IMHO, Skyrim will easily be GOTY material.
Well, to give a balanced account, Skyrim wives/husbands will also require you to wear an amulet--which will likely conflict with your colour coordinated armor. You will also receive either pitty, disgust or an attempt to mentally help you should you feel any emotion towards your Skyrim wife. It should also be noted that Skyrim is cold, so I doubt having the soul of a dragon helps with defeating the lord of shrivelling isles. Just saying. What's with the insults towards henderse?
Now that we've seen the "official specs" for recommended which is apparently only for medium/high settings? What do you guys think would be the specs to run the game on the highest settings.. Even more specifically with graphic overhaul mods. Were the Oblivion graphic overhaul mods much more demanding then vanilla?
People be hatin' on Bethesda mon...
shiftyoliver replied to Jakeschulz's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
This clearly is only for money. The amount Zenimax is suing Mojang for is absurd. And as stated before, Mojang offered to give up the name anyways. Really doesn't put Zenimax in a nice light here whether people like it or not. I don't think Zenimax's case will hold up in court. -
I laughed...I thought your satire was great. I'm surprised they banned you for such a light thing. You must've struck a chord with their insecurities. I doubt Todd himself would care.