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Everything posted by Lucidx

  1. Lucidx


    Ancient Aeon, the worlds asteroid and 2012 where 2 lines away from eachother in a matrix of the torah (bible code). There is sufficient, near conclusive evidence that WW3 will happen soon, mostly because it's obvious if you open your eyes. I (nor anyone) did not base this on Oblivion, I just mentioned that it sounded similar to the plot of oblivion which I find ironic (See Esoteric Agenda) But, if something said is a fact you will know it soon enough, if it isn't a fact, 100 angels yelling its true doesn't make it true. So really only time will tell.
  2. I have my doubts that an advanced alien race (such as the Zeta 2 Reticulli) would have any need for planet earth, they are powerful and billions of years ahead of us (given that they exist) I doubt they have interest in taking over the planet, but they certainly wouldn't let it go to waste after we all kill ourselfs.
  3. Lucidx


    If you've done enough reading, like a few years worth like I did, It's relatively conclusive that a world changing event will take place between sometime in November 2011 and 12/21/12 11:11pm. More likely or not, WW3 will start somewhere around November 20, 2011. 2012 is more-likely-than not (according to statistics) the end of the world as we know it supposedly the end of the 3rd era of destruction and the beginning of the 4th era of peace (Sounds like oblivion right?) Watch the Esoteric Agenda on youtube (spelled wrong?) it will explain some stuff if your interested in consuming large amounts of time. Edit: Again, statistically, there is a 1 in 100 chance that Humans will live through this century, there is an extremely high probability of self destruction, mix in some over-due dates on asteroids, a few hundred prophecies, a doomsday clock reading 4 minutes to midnight, a bible code with 100% correct matrices and none occuring after 2012, mutated swine flu, waters reaching critical desalinization points, a colapsing global economy and a few hundred other problems. The sun, I'm afraid is the least of our worries.
  4. Ban Pronam for having a lower kudos to post ratio than me
  5. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coilgun This might be what the Gauss Rifle in Anchorage is based off of
  6. banning Monolithic0117 for... testing of new ban hammer
  7. Lucidx


    IMPOSSIBLE You need to upload your pic to something like.... www.imageshack.us Or if there is an upload button in the control pannel of this place do thate
  8. Well I was looking around at mysteries online today because I was bored and I started reading about aliens, I came upon this startling Article. http://www.ufomind.com/area51/people/lear/aliens_at_51.html (Don't read unless you feel like being paranoid) First of all, I think that if this where true, the Gov't would have taken it down by now. Secondly, what the hell do aliens need that much people for? Third, bullscat, this article was made a while ago and it tells of events 20 years prior to its creation, why haven't the aliens come to the drive thru yet? idk, whats you opinion on this?
  9. Lucidx


    http://www.whowillsurvive2012.com/ Now come on, who doesn't think this movie will be the most badazz thing since LSD. The CG looks amazing plus I can tell by watching the extended preview that the general plot surounding the main idea of 2012 is cool.
  10. The most disturbing times I've had on the internet. 1. Rotten.com, I don't know why, but one day my curiosity got to me, and I looked at some images on that website and it's pretty mind numbing in a sick twisted kind of way 2. Most recently, I googled 'The human Centipede' after watching a preview of the movie on youtube that made me feel nausea, and after reading online what its about, I was disturbed and jumpy for about 24 hours. 3. Information about the end of the world, a lot of it is bs but still the way some of it seems to add up can be very horrifing, but around the time I turned 14 I just stopped caring about it.
  11. Lucidx

    ArmA 2

    I tryed ArmA 2 about 2 months ago, I tryed the demo. Well, IMO it had an unessasary amount of lag for its No-So-Mindblowing graphics. All of the voice acting stunk, it was one of those games where I was embarassed to play it when people in the other room can hear it. Example (Shout Very loudly for no reason) "YEAH I GUESS ILL GO SQUEEZE A FEW OFF AT THE SHOOTING RANGE" I also didn't fully get its mechanics, it had a massive amount of menu's, to many little dumb markers on your screen and even on easy I was being killed before I saw anything. Also the mouse lag was unbearable. I'd recommend it to anyone who wants a painfully realistic video game with an overkill of a hud.
  12. I'm getting morrowind today and I'm wondering what are the Major mods I should get for it? What mods enhance the graphics the most? Whats the best body replacer? Are there any major mods such as new provinces? Are there any death animation replacers/ragdoll stuff?
  13. Lucidx


    I got Risen today and I'd call it a much more polished version of Gothic 3, it's FPS was a booming 35 with max graphics (And it is a very densely cluttered game, with alooooot of vegetation). I found that while the combat system is reminiscent of Gothic 3's combat system, Risen requires a lot more finesse and cunning while fighting, you need to train in the kind of weapon you plan on using alot and you need to make use of your own reflexes in order to fight a tough oponent. Enemys that are not swinging a weapon at you (like animals) or short enemys (like gnomes) are much more difficult to block, Wolves and hit you full force enless you have a large sheild to block your legs, Gnomes can slice bellow your sheild and fight in large groups (much like goblins in Gothic 1&2) There are alot of skills you can learn and train in such as Blacksmithing, Goldsmithing, Mining, cooking, rune making, scroll making, alchemy etc. This game also has (IMO) good physics. Risen also provides a frustrating sence of realism while exporing, mostly because at low levels, with no armor almost every creature you encounter can rip your head off in a second and the dence jungles are very hard to navigate through. I highly suggest that if you have any interest in Risen, you try it. Because there are very mixed opinions about all Games from pyrhana bytes and It really depends on the person.
  14. Lucidx


    I would say, If you are using vista you might need to turn off UAC. But if you can't figure out how to get it to work I suggest you try to get it from a different source.
  15. Lucidx


    you cannot listen to reviews by big companys on games made by Pirhana bytes and JoWood. Gothic 1&2 in my opinion are the best games ever made, but for example ign rated them with a 4 out of 10. I tryed the demo, the graphics are brilliant and i get a steady 30fps at max settings, as for everything else, i suggest you see for yourself.
  16. Lucidx


    I'm not sure if much people have heard of it, but the video game Risen came out in the USA yesterday. It's a 3rd person action/adventure RPG with amazing near photorealistic graphics that aparently aren't to hard on the system, I'm downloading the demo right now so I'll report on that after I try it. This game was made by Deep Silver, which I guess is an offshoot of Piranha Bytes, the company that made the not so well know but nonetheless greatest games ever made Gothic 1&2 and the horrible video game Gothic 3. (The real Piranha bytes made gothic 1, 2 and 3 and is working on a gothic for expected for release late this year or early 2010) Risen takes place on some kind of tropical volcanic island. It probably has very similar gameplay to the gothic series. I suck at writing previews based on hearsay, so just look at these links if your interested. Official Risen News & Screenshots/Media: http://risen.deepsilver.com/blog/pages/en/news/news.php Trailer: Demo (Fileshack & File Planet): http://www.fileshack.com/file.x/15356/Risen+Demo http://www.fileplanet.com/205737/200000/fileinfo/Risen-Demo
  17. I gots a decent PC i think 2008 Dell Inspiron 518 or somesuch Dual Core both are 3.5 GHz 2.5gb of ram Nvidia Geforce 8800GT 32-bit I'm running at around 30 FPS with Max Graphics, Quarls Texture pack, Natural Env. and 16x anti-aliasing But I do use some kind of performance increaser, i forget what its called, steamline or something, i suggest u get it.
  18. So you pretty much want someone to do everything? If you've got someone else doing the beta testing, texturing, modeling and scripting you do realize that your not making it right?
  19. I have the latest Mozilla Firefox, 3.5.6 or something and I have 'Remember passwords for sites' and 'use master password' checked in options and so It used to save all my passwords. I cannot find a auto login thing on these forums and mozilla firefox doesnt prompt me if i want to save it, and it doesnt save it. How do i get auto login on websites with this blasted web browser?
  20. I'm trying to make a mod that makes the plants in Oblivion do what they do in real life, like Fly Agaric shrooms will be hallucinogenic etc. (I noticed that they added alot of plants liek that) But is there a tutorial out there on how to create effects like the effect from bear in the inebriation mod
  21. Is there any other wife mods than housewives?
  22. I would be mega sweet if Animated prostitution from Fallout 3 was converted to Oblivion.
  23. pronam: thanks very much azir: I mean standard Vanilla Morrowind like DB Armor, Bethesda. But I don't want just the standard texture and model from morrowind because that would look like crud, I mean a high res textured DB armor that looks like Vanilla morrowind DB.
  24. Is there such a mod out there or is it possible to create a HDR lighting and Anti-Aliasing mod for the game? HDR looks so cool but the texture is so jagged due to there being no anti-aliasing available while on HDR. Such a thing out there? Also, Kinda unrelated but has anyone added Morrowind style Dark Brotherhood armor (as a replacer)?
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