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Everything posted by Lucidx
There guns and stuff look amazing, is that picture with all the guns on walls going to be ingame? It looks amazing. I am drooling with envy, kudos for u
I like to play the game. Don't worry if you bump into something abnormal, because the game is a roleplaying game, its not meant to be played at a technical standpoint. There's no series of ways to access missions, all the DLC's are their own thing. Just explore and do quests, its a nonlinear game.
I already have a few mods for the game in, I'm looking perhaps for a mod that makes gun damage really realistic (1 shot 1 kill) very scarce ammo, more melee weapons for people. Maybe less goofy clothing. The need to eat, more demanding sleep. Just whats the most realistic mod possible? (posted from my brothers account)
search for BLTC or Better living through chems. Its a drug mod that adds all the real drugs, like Meth, DXM, Cocain, Dazepam. And they all make your vision in the game very messed up, its really cool
So jets kinda like a speedball or moonrocks?? (Unrelated) Is Vallum dangerous to snort?
or since jet boosts your AP it could be something like Dazepam (Vallum) because soldiers in vietnam took dazepam to increase their alertness and acuracy as it is a muscle relaxant and a sedative.
http://www.abovetheinfluence.com/facts/drugs-ketamine.aspx# It would apear that Acid has a 'super' form, just like jet, could jet be related? Also, I hear jet is made of brahmin feeces, if so, it could be jenkem
Plus theres also the fact that its nearly impossible to organize a project via a forum, fallout 3 was made with PAID people who were in a comfortable environment and had person to person contact, not like a forum where you cant even chat in real time Its a cool idea, but its beyond impossible
Well, the active chemical in weed, THC actually has been studied as a cancer inhibitor, it can theoretically prevent (to some extent) the spread of cancer. Weed also improves your eyesight and is used medically to combat Glaucoma. Weed has also been shown to increase the ability to remember certain tasks while done under the influcence of it (you study high, take the test high, you get high scores) Not to mention the psychological benifits of use of weed, whilst not being actually beneficial to one mentally, most people would prefer to be stupid and happy than smart and depressed. Tree Tobacco (a kind of tobacco made illegal by the USA for no reason) contains no nicotine and has a chemical that kills the nicotine receptors in your brain. This Tree Tobacco was obvoisely outlawed because the Tobacco industry is vital to the economy of the USA and if people were able to quit so easily, america would go into the second depression lol (sad but true)
I'll try to do it if you'll tell me what you want it to look like
I know alot of people think that the reason drugs arent legal is because the government thinks they contain cures for diseases or something but thats not what this is about. This is about, if the government intends to protect your health by making potentially dangerous recreational drugs such as, Cocain, Canabis, Amphetamines, Opiates, Certain Dissociatives -- illegal than why dont they ban or schedule or AT LEAST partially restrict the sales of household substances like, WhiteOut, SuperGlue, Canned Air, Whipped Topping, Model Glue, Paint Thinner, Petrol, Certain Shaving Creams, etc. My question is, why do they allow MINORS AND ADULTS to buy some of the most dangerous substances (super glue, etc.) that one can use to get high on BUT PROHIBIT THE SALE OF SAFER DRUGS like Canabis or Kratom. there would be less deaths from inhalant abuse if they legalized drugs like Canabis, so if they want us safe, why do they only ban certain drugs?
Also make sure your PC has at least 2 GB's of RAM (Random Access Memory) Because.... The readme for the geck says that
Rofl that would be cool if it was possible to recreat the entire 'road warrior' movie as a quest in FO3 They clearly also got the idea for 'the pitt' slave armor from humungos's armor...
Well the mod looks nice and theres clearly alot of time and effort in it. But halo is the leading cause of acne and virginity
omg, same thing happened to me, that bittercup girl likes you, but she only gives you blamco mac and cheese and stimpaks, I was hopin for something a lil more fulfilling
So theres no program that emulates xp that you can load it in or anything? like wine for mac to load .exe files and stuff.
Thats some sexy power armor
Whenever I try to edit dialoge in the Geck, it crashes no matter what, as soon as I click new, a 'EMPTY' placeholder comes up on the list but then the geck just crashes. Im using vista :( does anyone know how to fix this, I really want to add some extra dialoge.
Ideas for books??? Well, you could copy and paste from the Oblivion CS so you could have some easter egg style lore. You could add real books like chapter books to the game, you can find alot of works that would be lore friendly to the 1950s online for free, books that would be around then such as.. The Swiss Family Robinson Treasure Island Robinson Carusso (totally spelled wrong) Moby %&$! ... stuff like that