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Everything posted by invock

  1. Answered in the mod thread, but to sum things up : YOU MADE MY DAY. Thank you very much, Arthmoor, I love what you do and seeing you, of all the creators of the Nexus, making this mod is an absolute joy.
  2. So you think Bethesda will still allow (free/out-of-bethesda.net) modding? You are a very optimistic person.
  3. The events of Skyrim are happening in 4€201. That's more than 200 years after the death of Uriel VII, and Martin Septim sacrificed his life to stop Mehrunes Dagon. The Mede Dynasty has taken the throne for almost 185 years. Furthermore, as we are all well aware now, the White-Gold Concordat harshly punishes any worship of Talos, Tiber Septim ascended. So, knowing this, how comes the main currency on Tamriel still represents Tiber Septim on the heads side? Titus Mede as a new emperor would have made sure his name and dynasty would be featured on imperial currency. When a new dynasty still struggles to gain legitimacy, there's nothing more harmful than leaving an unrelated and unquestionned great ruler in people's purses and memories for too long. And even if we argue that the coin can be taken as a representation of Talos, then the Thalmor would certainly not be happy about it still circulating. When it comes to mods, I see a lot of them replacing the term gold with "septim". But in 4€20X... shouldn't we have "medes" in our purses? So here are my two cents (pun intended) on the matter. What do you think about it?
  4. Obsidian devs explaining what an RPG really is, and what's at stake when it comes to making one. Featuring the creators of Fallout NV, Alpha Protocol, South Park TSOT, Neverwinter Nights and Icewind Dale, among others...
  5. Fusion Cores for Power Armors. Yes, I KNOW they have to be taken as a gameplay mechanic, but let's consider them from a lore perspective : How comes you can still find so much of them 200 years after the Great War ? Shouldn't this kind of resource be EXTREMELY scarce ? Where do they come from ? Are they still being manufactured ? If so, where ? And wouldn't they be a great energy source instead of those scavenged generators ? So many questions since I first stumbled upon one, and even more after I realised how many merchants were selling them...
  6. Alright, so from what I gather thanks to you guys, Beth got extra lazy and decided to put a decal on the T60 and call it a day. Hmmmm... This is something entirely different from what I've done so far (MMP4APA - RRP4APA - IP4APA). I guess I'll have to find a different approach.
  7. I'm going crazy right now. I've been looking for 2 hours with BAE and I just can't put my hands on the BoS texture for the T60 Power Armor. Every PA texture can be found in Textures > Actors > PowerArmor > [...] from files Fallout4 - textures1.ba2 to Fallout4 - textures5.ba2 Every single one of them... except for the BoS, the only thing related to them I can extract is a set of decals I have no use for. I've looked in pretty much every possible location in all the textures files, but to no avail. I need this original texture because I'm currently working on a line of mods making faction paints available for all Power Armor models. My goal is to be as close to the original paint as possible, so I absolutely need it to get the right colors and shades. I cannot work just from screenshots as what I perceive can always be altered by the environment lighting, and it can lead to serious discrepancies. If anyone has already met and found a solution to this problem, please save me and tell me where I should look. Thanks a lot for your help.
  8. Word of advice : I am NOT saying Bethesda is the only studio relying on essential characters in their RPGs. I am perfectly aware this plague has already touched numerous other games. I give examples from Fallout 4 because A) It particularly shows in Bethesda games and B) Fallout 4 is the current sensation. Thank you for your understanding. I kinda like Fallout 4. I do. I like the environment, I like some gameplay ideas (settlements, weapons customization), and I love Boston, so having the opportunity to roam around this wonderful city after the Apocalypse really hyped me when it was officially announced. But I really dislike what Fallout has become since Bethesda has taken over the IP. The lore established in the original episodes is overlooked more than once, and it really annoys me but hey, I guess "things in the West are not the same as in the East" so I have to deal with it. What I really HATE though, is the overabundance of "essential characters" in it. They are everywhere. Companions, children, merchants and their bodyguards, and of course, worst of all, quest NPCs. Now I know why : If they're killed, the story cannot continue. So we have to make them essentials. Well, I'm sorry to say this Bethesda, but this is the perfect illustration of your laziness. Any roleplayer knows it : a good Gamemaster or Videogame writer ALWAYS has a "plan B". An excellent one even has plans C, D, E and F. I PLAY A ROLE. That is the very definition of roleplaying. I wanted my female character to be a psychopath who lost her mind after seeing her husband executed in front of her and her baby taken (not a spoiler, these are the ten first minutes of the game). She would have been totally obsessed with the idea of finding her little Shaun, no matter the cost, and NOTHING would have stood in her way. If anyone was to "negociate" with her and only offered to help her only in exchange of a service, she would have shot them in the face and gone on her way to find another clue. Would I have been able to play this way if the game was written the same way F1 and F2 were ? Yes, definitely. Can I play this way in Fallout 4 ? Nope. Why ? Essential characters. F4 forces the player to play a certain story, following a defined path that CANNOT be avoided or diverted. Essential moment 1 > Essential NPC 1 > Essential moment 2 > Essential NPC 2 > Essential moment 3 > [...] > End of story. Is it some kind of cynicism that made you guys name one of your factions the "Railroad" ? Because the track is completely in my face. What replay value does Fallout 4 have ? Zero. Nada. Zilch. If I want to play the game again with a "totally different" character, going to different places and trying to do other things, good for me. I will be able to play around with the different factions and rally one instead of the other. Great. Will I play the main story any differently ? Nope. Because the essential moments are tied to essential NPCs and the story will unfold the exact same way every single time. I won't even talk about the fact my conversation choices have no influence whatsoever on a discussion because that's yet another subject (even though it's tightly tied). What makes old Fallout players so adamant about Fallout 1 and 2 being superior was the absolute freedom those games gave them. If I wanted to be a goody two-shoes avoiding fights and surviving with my wit and my speech abilities, I could. If I wanted to be a psychopathic brute with 1 intelligence, crushing everything and everyone on my way until I found my water chip, I could. If I suddenly decided, for no real reason, to make my companion's head explode with my shotgun, I could. If this guy was pushing it and I decided I was done negociating informations with him and placed a bullet between his eyes, I could. There was no "I'm not really dead, let me breathe and get back on my feet" bulls***. It was roleplay. I already know that once I'm tired of modding, playing with settlements and weapons, I'll just rush the plot, finish the game and never touch it again. Because there's no point. Bethesda and other companies MUST give up on those stupid essential characters that ruin any possibility of RP. Until then, all they will do will be considered "open-world action games inspired by RPGs".
  9. Old Fallout player here. The kind of guy who was (and still is) generally dismissed as "looking at everything with nostalgia goggles" when explaining why FO3 is a heresy with a TERRIBLE plot. I've been playing every single Elder Scrolls game since Daggerfall. I love what Bethesda does with their own established universe. And I was really happy when the Fallout license became their property becasue I was already imagining a brilliant RPG with an amazing, fully-explorable world. Boy did I cry when it went out. Granted, the world to explore is here, but the story was so dull, the writing so bland, the quests so uninventive. Again, I love Bethesda's work with TES, but these guys have ZERO IDEA of what Fallout is. Everything is extremely PC, even though it tries hard to look edgy. "Ooooh, you can blow up Megaton." Yeah, big f***ing deal. I have a high Charisma and I'm an excellent negociator, can I talk to the leader of these raiders and avoid a fight ? Nope, they're all hostile, kill them. But this guy has a name ! Surely it means I can do a quest with him ? Nope, hostile. Okay, but at least I have a high intelligence, surely I can debate with this scientist ? Nope, you have to ask him stupid questions. Are you kidding me ? Even I can tell were this conversation is going but my INT9 guy can't ? Just ask the questions we've written for you. I rushed the (poor) main quest, was disappointed by its (poor) conclusion, uninstalled it and never touched it again. The Steam counter says 65 hours, I've given this game A LOT of time to prove itself but it never delivered. Fallout 1 & 2 not only allowed you to blow up entire places, you could also be a pornstar, join raiders, become a slaver, force your wife/husband into prostitution, communicate with growls and drooling if your intelligence was under 3, remove the brain of your companion (or your dog, or your newlywed follower) to put it in a robot, kill children purposedly to obtain the "childkiller" trait, become an expert grave looter, among MANY other things you will never see in a modern RPG, let alone a Bethesda game. They would never even DARE try a single one of those things (children are unkillable). Did you HAVE to do all of this ? Absolutely not. Did you have the possibility to do it anytime you wanted ? YES. Were you able to shoot anyone or anything you met even though it could cancel an entire questline ? YES. Was there always another way to progress in the main quest if you killed an important character ? YES. And then New Vegas came out. Co-written by Chris Avellone. The man behind Fallout 2. Suddenly, even though everything wasn't perfect, it felt like Fallout again. Tangible factions, choices that REALLY matter, a main quest that can be resolved in many different ways, dark humor, Mutants with a brain and the ability to communicate, and the desert, the scorching sun, the geckos... Now Fallout 4 is out and Bethesda is acting as if anything happening on the West Coast is irrelevant. They have established "their" Fallout on the East-Coast and they stick to it. No matter how much old fans complain and how much established lore they take a dump on. "It just has to look relatively similar, we own the place anyway now." The dialogue system is the biggest piece of crap to have landed on the series. It breaks immersion, your 4 choices are ALWAYS the same (yes/no/sarcastic/question). You never really know what's going to be said, but hey it doesn't really matter, your choice is of no consequence since the NPC's answer will be the same almost everytime, and your SPECIAL points are totally irrelevant outside of charisma. Oh, even if you fail your charisma check, it's of no consequence either, you just won't get your little extra money and xp... One of the most popular mods out there is NewDialog. Which tells a lot. But do I despise Fallout 4 as much as I (really) hate Fallout 3 ? No. Certainly not. I've already passed the 200h cap on Steam, so it would be safe to say I'm having a lot of fun with it. But not for the reasons I loved F1&2. Bethesda is very good at designing worlds and telling stories with the environment. Fallout 4's Commonwealth is really, REALLY enjoyable to explore and that's what's saved the game IMO. And the fact the game is set in Boston can't make me hate it. I love Boston, its History, its landscape, its monuments. Beth's writing skill is AWFUL and they don't know what Fallout is supposed to be, even after Obsidian showed them how things could be done with New Vegas.
  10. Those "Black" mods are numerous because... well basically they are extremely easy to do. 95% of them are just texture replacers, anyone can find a texture, convert it to png, paint it black, convert it back to dds and throw it on the Nexus. There's nothing wrong with this kind of things, re-texturing is often the first step people make when they discover their own abilities at modding. Fallout 4 brings new people and, who knows, new talents to the modding community. Everyone makes baby steps, and the "[item X] now in black !" is a very typical first mod.
  11. All of this is history, I'm extremely proud of having found a way to obtain what I wanted. This thread can be closed.
  12. (Just realised I posted this in the wrong section of the forums, my bad. I moved the thread here > http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/3474340-huge-step-forward-for-mmp4apa-but-now-i-need-help/ . If an admin passes by, feel free to lock or delete this thread.)
  13. I was miraculously able to dl the file. Here is a small mirror link in case you wouldn't be as lucky as me : https://mega.nz/#!OpUVhC5Y!EylxGrwsfwDjtCx8jmftQBJJmeS1lfQ4EzFD0gsavgM Just rename TES5Edit.exe as "FO4edit.exe". Works like a charm, no need to use xEdit.
  14. PLEASE GIVE IT :( Why would you do this ? Such a cocktease...
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