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Posts posted by Valkirth

  1. its the fact your running real vision at that res thats more then likely causing it,a friend of my who runs that enb at the same res had the same issue,he lower his res to 1920x1080 and saw a boost of 12 fps (and his pc is pretty powerful tbh) most enb like seasons of skyrim and realvision are very punishing on your gpu unless you have a really top of the line gpu,i have a R9 280x 3gb and even i cant run enbs like realvision at 1440p without a massive fps loss.

  2. yeah im getting it as well,im in Southampton GB,thought my pc was infected but after i gave my whole pc a full scan with avast,malwarebytes and hitman pro my pc's clean,when i try searching for a mod it comes up redirected me or something like that and proceeds to download thankfully malwarebytes blocks it,thanks for trying to fix the issue Dark0ne,much appreciated

  3. In response to post #10267393.

    completely agree with you on this,im all for changes as long as its fair to both mod users and modders alike,neither side should be treated with any less respect then the other and if that ever does happen there should be consequences.

    i myself am not worried as if the system doesn't work then i'm sure it will be reviewed or modified as and where needed besides better to have tried and failed then to have never tried at all.
  4. as for immersive games try looking at X3 terrain conflict,its a space game where you can mine,explore,fight,take on missons etc just look it up as there better at explaining it then i am,if you like rpgs that are hard try witcher 2.( is power hungry tho) as for new vegas i think fallout 3 was much better. as for scores if theres one thing ive learned in my nearly 25 years of gaming take reviews and scores with a pinch of salt (ie dont always believe them as there view on a game is not your view what they hate you might love)


    i give you a list of games i enjoy as you seem to like what i do

    witcher 2,mass effect 1&2,skyrim(quite buggy at the mo but best elder scrolls yet),resident evil 4,dragon age 1&2,all 3 stalkers (haven't played cop or cs yet thought),bioshock 2,X3,anno 1404,sin of a solar empire(best rts yet and brutally hard ai to beat nothing like other rts's - spammy like you mentioned which i agree with you on that),dawn of war 2 & chaos rising,c&c 4 tibirium wars & kanes wraith (only resent c&c i like).test drive unlimited,cod 4,prototype,alpha protocol,fifa 11.


    as for your quote: There's mods, but the core game remains the same: thats not true overhauls like fcom,ooo for oblivion totally change the game and made it brutally hard to survive(you couldn't just rush in any more you had to plan your attack) i have no doubt we will see thing like this for skyrim.

  5. i dont hater console gamers (well some but thats because there like pcs are naff consoles rule) god i hate fanboys/girls,i hate what the consoles are doing to the gaming industry,consoles kills creativity and innovation sometimes even passion but thats no excuse for lazyness (cough looking at you ea!) :tongue:,all most companys care about is how much money they can make,that and thanks to console ports some of the good game sucked on pc (like gta 4 and dmc 3) both formats have there good and bad points,pc games aren't limited by outdated hardware,can be modded,games are cheaper,get games like witcher 2,X3,stalker series,steam (to an extent kinda a double edge sword on that one) and i know what my pc is and is not capable of as i built it not sony,microsoft etc etc.


    consoles dont need to be upgraded which is a gift and a curse,get games that pcs dont (like fight night and tiger woods which i miss),and consoles are cheaper plus less hassle to keep running if your not familar with pc hardware,software,dont have to spend more time try to get your 200+ mod list to work than playing the game ,besides i can see consoles either being killed by tablet gaming or evolving to a point when its no different from the pc


    1) i dont regret for a second switching to pc sure we have our fair share of issues but so has the consoles (see skyrim patch 1.2 for consoles) :happy: 2) got sick of all the console fanboy crap (ps3 is better,no 360 is better)

  6. just wanted to say thank you to all the oblivion community for all the fun and help over the years but i have decided to retire from oblivion,will deffinitly be back for skyrim and i hope that the nexus will offer as much for skyrim as oblivion has.

    i also would like to thank theniceone for all his help on his mods(especialy mmo and hud status bars),the allnatural team for simply the best weather mod ever,korana for all her amazing mods(especialy n dywyll elves),sinblood for all the amazing vampire mods (i love vamps hope you will still make vamp mods for skyrim :wink: ),the fcom team for one of the most amazing mods ever,xilver for midas,onra for all you great work,the makers of my voice extender,the obse team as without you almost none of the mods would be possible,wrye for wrye bash,desuchan for your dolls,maker of chocolate elves (still one of the best races there is),luchaire fo tabaxi race,also like to thank the makers of the lost spires,elsweyr,bartholm,bladesong,blade of the haunted,rtt,integration,also the maker of cyrodill terrain map,supreme magic,the soul of illithel,fearsome magicka,progress and ngcd,bromret for his texture pask which is still the best there is,silent resident for impeREAL city,castles,forts,bananasplit and team for better citys,koldorn for your amazing textures,deffinitly Xul team for the best mod ever,cobl team for ....well cobl,the maker of mimics!,vagabond angel for your great mods,....sod this that will do to many to name to be honest you know who you are as you prob seen me on your page DLing your mods so thank you all for your work and help cant want to see you on the skyrim nexus.(sorry bout long post)


    ps try not to rip all your hair out when using blender :biggrin:

  7. Of course it is, now you can take advantage of the 4gb patch for the Oblivion EXE and reduce stuttering/crashing considerably. :D


    4gb patch will help (as i run something like 220+ mods) and with vista being power hungery (1.1gb mem gone just on my desktop alone!) stuttering/crashing is very rare for me :biggrin: (could be cos i use tweak oblivion + i have a 1gb 5850 ati card+ wrye bash) hopefully this means i can run both BC+xUL together now that would be awesome :happy:


    @herculine how the hell are do you get pics on your post?

  8. thanks ppl its just as i run vista 32 bit with 4gb of g-skill mem (which is fine but limited) but am about to upgrade an i5 760+4gb corsair dominator mem and was considering of upgrading to win 7 64 bit but wasn't sure of compat issues if any (hopefully skyrim will be compat with win 7 64 bit) ;) ,anyone know if there are mods not compat with win 7 64 bit?



    @ fonger thanks for the link helped clear that up :)

  9. help my armor bonus's are gone on a re-load anyone know what cause's it? any help appreciated

    this only started happening since i installed awakening rune fix's


    nvm CT seems to have fixed the issue

  10. personally i use NBaio which is a body compilation gives you a lot of customization,readme that comes with it tells you how to change the body to one suited to your tastes,id number i 554 just click any file and change the number in the file name in the address bar to the number above :thumbsup: hope that helps
  11. @thandal 1) lol i see where i've confused you,im not saying i have to download any dlc just to play them its just that once game has been registered you can go in your bioware/ea account and are given the option of downloading it in dazip form(im sorry i confused you with the download bit) i was simply asking if the dlc folders could be converted in to a dazip rather then downloading it in dazip form ,when the dlc is installed its not in dazip its just folders put in addins so i cant use it in damm,


    2) i would never promote piracy if any of my friends wanted to play any of the dlc id say then go buy it from the shop (unfortunately none of my friends play computers games at all)they just tell me to get a life and stop wasting my time playing games ...hah as if!


    3) how did you get the quotes under your avatar and at the bottom of your posts?

  12. @ darkewolf thank you for your help appreciate it must took ya a while to type all that out lol, i got no prob validating it


    @thandal 1) didn't know it was breaking eula thanks for that 2) mostly because if i download dlc off bioware its in dazip form which means i can use it in DA mod manager (dont like manual installed content all my mods off nexus are dazip or override nothing manual) :biggrin:

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