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Everything posted by GrimReaperCalls

  1. Excellent, thank you. The "Failed Downloads" have been a bit of an annoyance, happy to see this :)!
  2. This is a brilliant idea! As someone who frequently visits Asian/Russian sites, I've been using an ad-blocker for a very long time, but recently I've started disabling it for sites I trust and support, nexus being one of them. You really do have an excellent attitude concerning ads and site management and I wish to fully support these ideas. I really do hope they'll work out as you've planned, there are (almost) always hidden variables that can only be found through testing, so good luck :)! I have a personal irk (hope I'm using that word correctly) with monthly subscriptions, which is why I never get premium membership on a site, but a one-time cost is definitely something I can take, especially for a site I've used for this long. I'll definitely be getting supporter status once it's available!
  3. Brilliant! *Runs off setting 90% of his mods to "Skimpy" and NSFW*
  4. I am GREATLY looking forward to this mod! Especially since it "will try to fit into ESV's atmosphere as closely as possible" :D! Can't wait! :>
  5. Oh haha, that is quite epic xD
  6. O.O, you found my YouTube channel :D?

    I don't upload content that often since I'm studying full time, but thanks for the feedback :).

  7. Thanks a lot, a Merry Christmas to you as well! :)
  8. "Skimpy clothing" is clothing which reveals a lot of skin, such as armor's which don't even hide the private parts, etc. It's from the word "Skimp" as in "to skimp on" which pretty much means "to barely even do what's needed", as in "not doing extra work". Was that pedagogical enough? :P
  9. Sounds like a really useful idea. If it does any good, I'd like to add my vote to be able to filter out Skimpy outfits and similar! Thank you for your continuous work, Dark ;D
  10. None of my mods require confirmation for uploaded images to be shown, so if they don't show up, it probably failed :/. Thanks for trying though ;D
  11. Thank you very much! :D
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