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Posts posted by kieranfoy

  1. @:Lhhammonds: Oh, I just saw the POC. That's awesome, thank you!


    I should probably make clear to everyone (specifically anyone fool enough to take on the idea) that I was thinking HGEC body... D upper and LL lower, if that makes any nevermind.


    @Xeivous: Oh, he's here somewhere. I think I have his head in a jar by the door...

  2. Well, since the forums are back up, I thought I’d welcome you back with yet another request from my humble (snerk) self.


    I've always wanted to have a Jedi historian's robe in Oblivion. The elegant and yet dignified robe is perfect for any mage character, and is a must-have companion to all the lightsaber mods out there.


    Now, personally my favorite is Jedi Master Atris's robe, a very nice little thing I'll show:










    I figure the best way for someone to make such a robe would be to do a remesh and retexture of Alienslof's wonderfull Warhammer Robe, assuming she would be so kind as to grant permission. I won't bother asking untill and unless someone expresses interest in the project.


    As always, kudos and endorsements to the one wh does this, and I can assure you mine won't be the only kudos coming your way.



  3. Hiyez!


    I'm working on an Ayleid staff for my new shop mod, which will be full o fmy own custom retextures, (first time texturing!) and I was wondering if anyone would be willing to help me out?


    There's a nif I'd like to add to my staff, called flare.dds, which is the nif that produces the glow you see on the Great Welkynd stone in Miscarcand. I'd like to find a way to add that texture to the head of my staff in Nifskope, but the tutorials are utterly confusing.


    Is there any way someone could tell me this in plain English?

  4. I've just begun texturing, and was hoping someone would give me a hand with a project I'm working on. Simply put, I was hoping someone would take the HGEC body meshs and the vanilla headmesh (LL bottom, c or d upperbody) and merge them all into one mesh, weighted to the bones so it can be used as a suit.


    I think this would make an interesting resource for use texturers to use when making new mods.


    Thanks for reading!



  5. Conspiracy theorists aren't really stupid, they're just so emotionally invested in whatever idead they have in their heads that they'll ignore, rationalize or twist any evidence that threatens to disporve their sacred cow.


    Just goes to show, our emotions should always be in the firm grasp of our reason, or we'll end up like poor Glarthir.

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