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Posts posted by kieranfoy

  1. Oh, well. LF's bow is still a nice-looking modern-style bow. I rather like it, actually.


    EDIT: Out of curiosity, why is it that when I have the lightbright toggled on, the bow looks like simple wood, but when regular lighting's on it gleams and develops indentations along its length? Is that a normal map thing?

  2. Yeah, that's Chuck Norris' email. But don't email him unless you need to. Or he will find you.


    And he will find all the people passing this idea by, and he will.... well, Walker never got that nasty.


    Got it? Comment, or Chuck will get you!

  3. @Lprdfrptscraig: Oh, yeah, thank you!


    @Alonso: Oh, even better. I dare say your gears will be better than mine!


    If anyone's looking for the bow's string, I was under the impression we were using Calliton's chain. I think it has a texture and everything!

  4. Ah, well. thanks for trying. If you feel like trying to make the bow in a simpler fashion, then that would be awesome. You know, just make 'em rotate and don't worry about morphs.


    If I understand the terminology correctly.

  5. You do realize that there are girls on this thread, right? You know, who like guys and not girls? Is this thread not for them? And, for that matter, there are guys who like guys.


    Where's their thread? ;)


    You know that sometimes girls like girls too, do you? ;)



    Of course, but they're covered by this thread. "The girl you like"... applies to lesbians as well as het guys. I was pointing out who it excluded.

  6. Lot of effort to go to for a simple fix, eh? Maybe I'll have to find someone who can do it...


    Like someone would be willing to sacrifice that much time and effort. Be satisfied with whatcha got, eh?

  7. Oh, nope. Not to my knowledge.


    You retexture the cloth black, darken the chainmail, remove the joints around the elbows, make the belts and other metal stuff (that isn't chainmail) black, add the symbol, retexture to gold bits black, and yer off!


    Thank you oh, so much!

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