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About AceGoober

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    United States
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  1. vVideo RTX 3050m will run HZD fine at 1920 x 1080 medium detail level. It is recommended to have a multicore processor but I've read somewhere people have been able to get it going on a Phenom or Phenom II with a 1080m.
  2. I'm a long time member of [H]ardforum. Many helpful guides are available, one of which is directly related to the topic. 2015 Samsung 4k TV as a Monitor Set Up Guide There are differences between make and models of TVs so search first and if you haven't found an answer, ask and ye shall receive.
  3. Been awhile but if I remember correctly you'll need to place companion markers outside of the doorway.
  4. Your load order needs sorting. Streetlights.ESM should be after Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch.ESM. Download LOOT, install then run. That'll get your load order straightened out. Let us know if this works. If it doesn't work, post back here and we'll continue to see what may be causing the crash.
  5. You know what made my day? Seeing both side boosters land at the same time. What a wonderful time to be alive. :)
  6. Steam Gift Cards are something that (almost) everyone can use. Heck, if I win I'll be picking-up the two DLC for Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Wildlands and still have something left over to use as a gift to someone else. Good luck everyone! :)
  7. JagMaker banned. Reason for the ban Piracy of Fallout 4 Reference post
  8. AGHORIA banned. Reason for the ban Spammer Reference post
  9. In other words, no name calling no matter how insignificant the disrespectful description may appear to be. The name calling will cease here on out. Many times the best course of action to take on a seemingly offensive comment is to report the post yet withhold saying anything yourself. i.e. pass in silence and let the moderation team handle the situation.
  10. SarmedGoob banned. Reason for the ban Piracy of Skyrim and Skyrim Special Edition. Reference post Reference post
  11. SKSE64 team will update us when they feel necessary. Have a bit of patience, some things take time.
  12. Partnering with developers is a win-win for both entities. Transhuman Design gets their name and game advertised on a hugely popular site and NexusMods gives back to the community through the developer. Advertising Butcher2D to a wider audience on a platform which reaches millions is always a good thing. Even if I don't win a key I am going to buy the game. Definitely has piqued my interest since I'm one of those who played Commander Keen on first day of release.
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