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Status Updates posted by LHammonds

  1. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!
  2. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!
  3. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!
  4. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!
  5. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!
  6. I custom-built my PC. If you are curious, I documented my research here: http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/140552-building-a-new-pc/
  7. Camonna Tong, I custom-built my PC. If you are curious, I documented my research here: http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/140552-building-a-new-pc/

    GodKingVivec, yes, that particular mod was just a rip of WoW weapons. The author was particularly annoying and did not care about the rules here or elsewhere.

  8. Yes, I'm embarrassed to say that I had fun like a cat does when playing with a mouse or lizard that is desperately fighting for freedom but the cat knows their fate is doomed.
  9. When I was 13, I was actually picked up by a tornado and carried about 500 yards and dropped. A farmer watched from his house while it picked up the vehicle I was in and watched it drop us...it then came over to pick up his water tower and it was never seen again. That could have been me that was never seen again. I prayed just before that happened...just goes to show it can be a power thing!
  10. Happy Labor Day to you as well. Just don't travel down my way during tornado season. Tornado alley is a bad place to be. Been there, done that. ;)
  11. Howdy. I've just been trying to finish the mods I am working on...one at a time.
  12. It is called Insta-Bans...and they are mainly centered around the "uploads" area because we have noticed that the 3-strike system is largely useless with people that do not use the forums and instead just abuse mod pages.
  13. Thanks for the Happy Birthday image of my OBMM site. Makes me realize my header image does not work so well with 1024x768. hehehe.
  14. Howdy. My family is doing great. Currently doing Spring cleaning and a lot of time in the field. Got any big plans for modding this summer or going to keep it small-n-modular?
  15. Master? You must be referring to my saying of "jack of all trades, master of none" hehehe.
  16. 1998 WS6 Trans AM
  17. Status = Married with Children
    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. samdavesk


      Congratubelatedlations! God bless your family and your new family members!
    3. Awevalan


      Lol in that case my status should be Married and expecting. We have a daughter on the way...my wife is excited and I just hope we can support her.
    4. jygg4lag


      You could have wrote , "Status = Married and have children"

      Don't get me wrong but your post kinda looks like you are married with some Children of under-legal age XD

  18. I have not made it past the tutorial in Arma2...could not find a terrain editor at the time but now there is and will probably check it out later. I only have Oblivion installed to test mods...have not tested framerate since it is silky smooth right now (vanilla + Vvardenfell Glass)
  19. Regarding Leaving Nexus - That was just a lame April 1st joke...I will eventually disappear but not this month. ;)

    Regarding Happy Easter - Thanks! I hope you had a wonderful Easter as well.

    Regarding Arma2 - Sent you a PM.

  20. I answered your question about the Forum Wars game on my profile so that others could see too. hehehe.
  21. Forum wars is an ultra-limited edition. Very few copies were ever made and they were given out...cannot buy them. ;) Although you can play some knock-offs, none are quite the same as the Nexus forum wars. LOL
  22. Ah yes, the Ban Hammer of Doom...a good thing to fear indeed!
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