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Posts posted by joey2176

  1. Thanks for the reply Rossss X. Do you know anything about the body rags? or something to that effect. I have seen this before in the GECk but not sure how to use.


    I removed Tara from her cell in Fort Constantine and I noticed there were dead body rags that had been affected after I had touched her. Just trying to figure out how all this ties together.

  2. There are many variable's with regards to load order and the different utilities needed to help stabilize your Fallout3 game. I can only tell you what has worked for me.

    First make sure you have the game installed correctly and you are updated with the 1.7 patch.

    Personally I use FOMM, FO3EDIT, and FOSE. Disable all of your auto-save features.

    Make sure all of your ESM's (master files) are at the top of the load order so they load first, before your ESP's. Fallout3 ESM should be the first to load and so on....


    I would take the time to read Miax's tutorial on FO3Edit, available on NEXUS.


    High resolution textures can also make your game crash depending on how your pc is set up or

    what OS you are currently using.


    Start your game (new game) with just Fallout3 esm and wait until after you leave the vault to start adding mods, then add them one at a time, checking to see if your game is still stable.


    Creating a stable load order takes time. I have been working on mine for almost 6 months now, have well over 120+ mods and my game crashes once a week if even that. Usually I play for 2-3 hours and save, reboot, keep playing. Works for me.



    Good luck


  3. Move your Rain & Snow Esm so it loads before your esp's. All Esm's need to load first, no exception to this rule I am aware of.


    I would start a new game before you do a complete re-install. Run just the Fallout3 Esm until you

    leave the vault, then start adding your mods one at a time, not all at once.

    Make sure to disable your auto-save features as well. If you are using Fose, then you should also have these utilities installed.





    Fallout mod manager.





    FO3 Edit





    Miax's great tutorial.



  4. You would need to give the NPC a package telling it what to do. In this case, travel to Big Town.


    You could also create your own leveled marker that will respawn. Best thing to do would be to dissect one already in the Geck to see how they are made and then make one tailored to your needs.

  5. Buttons and terminals are activated with scripts. You would need to find the bomb script and most likely have to tweak a bit. I would create a new bomb (the activator) by first extracting the mesh from the Fallout3 bsa. Right click new under activators, located in your object window. Once the activator is created, then you add the script to it.



    You could make a rock a door by first duplicating one and then change the model nif, again by extracting from the bsa first.


    There is a rock door already, the one used to enter Rockopolis. You can find under your world objects/doors.

  6. When I start a new game, I always run just the Fallout3.esm until I leave the vault. Then start adding mods one at a time, not all at once. Take your time when creating your load order and keep testing or try to make the game crash. This system works for me.


    Once you have a decent load order established, 20 + mods, I would recommend creating a

    merged patch and then run master update. Refer to Miax's tutorial for help.





  7. I have never lost a save game from using any of the mentioned utilities. Make sure you have them installed correctly. The exe files and such should be extracted to your Fallout3 folder, this is the one before your data folder. Then you should be able to launch the game through FOMM via the FOSE button after running Master update. You may also want to create a merged patch with FO3Edit first, then run Master update. Some load orders require this, fortunately mine does not.
  8. You still need to move your R18 esp so it loads after your esm's. Refer to Zumbs comment on perhaps a better load order through the use of the lastest version of FOMM.


    Also check out Zumbs links for some great tutorials as well.

  9. That is quite a list for a newbie. You need to move all your ESM's to the top of the list

    so they load before your esp's. Then run master update.


    Refer to Miax's tutorial on FO3 Edit.


    Start there and see what happens.




  10. First you need to move all of your ESM's to the top of the list so they load before your esp's.

    Make sure you have the Geck updated to 1.5 and you are using the latest FO3 patch 1.7.




    Download and install the latest versions of the following utilities.


    Fallout mod manager.









    FO3 Edit





    Miax's great tutorial.








    Learn how to run master update by reading Miax's tutorial. This should help fix the problem.




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