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Posts posted by joey2176

  1. Thanks for the reply Cipscis.


    Question: If I create a trigger box to cover the whole cell (both doors) for the Ontriggerenter,

    would I need to create another box and script to enable the player controls upon leaving or would I just add another block to the orig trigger script? Does a trigger only fire once?




    Ontriggerexit ?


    what is the proper script for exit?





    joe the noob

  2. Hey everyone,


    I want to disable the combat like when you enter Little lamplight, for my mod I'm working on.


    Would this be a disable player controls script?


    I looked through the Geck but couldn't find anything.


    Just needs to be one interior cell that I created and only needs to happen the first time player




  3. Download the following programs and read Miax's great tutorial to learn how to use them.





    Fallout mod manager.






    FO3 Edit






    Miax's great tutorial.








    Download FOSE also, as this program works in conjunction with Fomm and FO3 Edit.






  4. Hello everyone,


    Hope you are not up to your eyeballs in snow like me ;)


    Anyhow, I need to make an NPC ( one which I created for my mod) disappear when my

    quest completes. This NPC has no script attached at the moment, just some simple dialog.

    I thought it would be best to script him as everything around him is already a trig. Quest ends

    with his dialog.



    Begin GameMode


    if xxxxqueststage >100


    something like that maybe?


    Any help would be greatly appreciated as I am more of a builder than a scripter.


    If I ever get this one completed, the list of credits will of course name all of you on the forums that have been answering my noob posts since I can remember.


    Stay warm,


  5. Thank you for the reply pkleiss. Question: I have already scripted this item with an ability, does this code need to have it's own block or could it be inserted?


    Figured I would ask before I start messin with it again.



    Thanks again



  6. Afternoon all,


    I created a quest which involves recovering a certain item. Quest is almost finished, everything works as it should.


    I want to script the item so that if the player's karma is too low, a "karma is too low" message will display. Problem is I don't know where to start.


    Any help would be greatly appreciated.



  7. Thank you for the replys. I had to go to the highest resolution and it solved the problem, only thing is I can't see anything because it is soooo small. I don't have a normal set-up as my 630i is pumped through my 37" Toshiba HD tv. I'll probably need glasses after a few days like this. LOL



  8. click on advanced and try different combinations within the water settings. also, you can try running the game in xp sp2 compatibility mode, although this one only seem to fix a crossfire related water bug.




    Thanks for the reply. I'm not sure what happened but one day things just went back to normal.

    Can't figure that one out.



  9. Ok friends, need a little help for the noob in me.


    I'm in the GECK, creating a quest, the window is oversized and I can't see the bottom buttons. This is the window where you add dialog, topics and such. I feel like an idiot. I've tried everything I can think of to move, resize, change desktop resolution and so on...what do I need to do???


    Any help on this subject would be greatly appreciated.

  10. have you tried changing the graphics settings in fallout launcher?




    I changed it from the default setting for my pc (ultra quality) to high quality, other than that I have

    not changed any other settings.

  11. Ok, hopefully someone can help me out. I am having problems with water texture.

    Everytime I approach water, puddles, anywhere, it turns solid (texture is solid looking, dull).

    I have 1.7 patch, run Fose and Fo3edit, and unofficial patch. I can't seem to figure out what is

    causing this to happen. I deleted all my saves and started a new game and still no change.

    Drives me nuts.

  12. Mechine,

    Yeah yeah yeah, go ahead and laugh at the noob. It's a scary place, let me tell ya. Thanks for the tutorial, my game hasn't crashed since. It's too bad Nexus doesn't have a mandatory guide for anyone who logs into the site for the first time, something to the effect of "you are not going any further till you understand what FO3Edit, Fose and Archiveinvalidation means and how they work". I have thought of at least a dozen ways to destroy my pc, favorite being chained up behind my truck as I go off-roading. But thanks to you I'll put that on hold for now. Seems like you answer most of my posts, much appreciated. If I could buy ya a 6-pack and a pizza I would.





  13. This has most likely been discussed already but I have limited internet access and therefore

    limited time. I need to know what the correct path of folders would be to customize my character and NPC's.


    I have experimented with different paths and no luck yet. If I wanted my character to have a certain appearance different from all the other NPC in the game, how would I structure the path?

    At the moment I have :





    If I create a custom NPC, lets say her name is Jill, how would I build my folder structure to

    make her unique as well.


    Thanks to anyone who can help

  14. I duplicated a world space and when I look at the pipboy map, it shows my location

    in the area of the original. My question is, where or how do I edit this to show my

    location somewhere else in the wasteland when viewing the pipboy map.

  15. So long as it's not a obvious big deal I'd ignore it


    there's a few you can ignore an a few you should try to fix though




    GECK is funny like that, sometimes things that work fine in game work crappy in GECK



    It sounds like to me it's one of those walls that have holes in it so you can see outside


    Heck it could be a emittance light shining on a wall with no holes in it



    Shoot find what causes it an delete it an try again





    Thanks for the reply Mechine. You were right about the walls, unfortunately all of them are like that. :) I start deleting and I won't have anything left. LOL




  16. I duplicated a cell in Megaton, cleaned it out, moved stuff around, nothing major. Now when I load

    the cell in Geck, I get an error warning stating something like:


    3D for Ref' shackwallReg01' does not support external emittance but ref has explicit

    emittance data.


    I double click on the wall in question, find the emittance tab, changed from

    megaton to border region, and still get the same error. What does this mean and what am I doing wrong.


    I also get another error loading a different cell something about mini maps and textures will

    not be used.


    Could someone please enlighten me.




  17. It would be awesome to have a high-powered bow and arrow for FO3, equiv to a sniper rifle. I loved it in Oblivion, surprised there isn't one already. If there is and I haven't found it yet, just disregard this clueless newbie. :)
  18. If you played Gears of war, on cool aspect was the disappearing hud. Is it possible for one of you wizards to write a script to place the Hud as a hotkey? Toggle on and off ? Just a thought.
  19. I currently am running version 1 patch and fose. Gameplay is great till you reach level 20. Lots of bugs. Three Dog repeats endlessly "This is Three dog", crash on fast travel, crash on save. I disabled all the mods, figured I would use process of elimination and slowly add them back in but that doesn't work. Anyone have the same problem?
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