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  1. I am 78 years old and it has been a very long time since I was nursing from my Mother (may she rest in peace). I don't even remember it. It must have worked on me as a child to grow up healthy or I don't think I might have made it to 78...and counting?? Belated thanks to my Mom.
  2. It seems to me now that every female created in Fallout 4 now must have HUGE breasts! Why? I mean, when I say HUGE I am talking about a gallon in each or more. Can we please see females with normal size breasts? Please???
  3. I am not saying that I am really old but I did warn Eve about biting into that apple!
  4. It is probably something I did but every time now that I want to add a mod to The Elder Scrolls or Fallout 4 I get the same problem. Vortex does not want to acknowledge the mods or the installation attempt. Any suggestions on what I need to do to get these to work? It is driving me crazy! (Of course, in my case, it IS a short drive!)
  5. Wow! You should get a tremendous following! Let me know when you release it!!!
  6. I don't know how old you are but I tried to tell Eve not to bite into that apple! (SNICKER]
  7. The only part of being my age is when I go to the store or market the young ladies and young men call me 'Sir'! At my age, though, at least they talk to me!
  8. Does playing these games help me to feel young? Yes, it does! And with nice people like you all to chat with it is even better. Thank you to all for making my years a blessing!!!
  9. I am 78 years young. I thought at this age I would be addle brained but thus far the only problem I have is where I put my keys and if I remembered to put a hat on. I have been blessed.
  10. What happens when we 'Seniors' forget? We do that a bit! (snicker)~!
  11. Then you're from 1992. That's when the Alice In Chains album was released. Actually you missed by about 50 years....
  12. At the age I am now I feel like I'm three days older than Dirt!
  13. It has been so long since I was age fourteen that someone has to whisper in my ear what it was like? (snicker).
  14. Vortex is the worst thing that has happened to me and Fallout 4. It seems unable to work mods into the game without some "outta left field" glitch. I put a nude mod in for my character and what I got was some thing that looked like she was infected with the plague! The more I try to fix the worse it gets. I have tried load order, disabeling mods and so on and so forth. Another example is my female character picked up a kind of armor that was more like couple of belts (sorry but I don't even know what to call it, but the armor was fabulous and to the person who created it you have thanks!!) The minute she puts this on she has boils, and other stuff all over her body. Take off the 'belt' and it goes away. This sort fo thing goes for other items also. Any character in the game that is wearing a helmet appears to be bald,hair on the sides but the top of their head is bald and the helmet does not show. Weird! If someone can figure out what is doing this and a way to fix it I would be most appreciated. I have tried everything I could think of including disabeling particular mods and putting others back. Futile! If anyone has any ideas I would love to here from you. Thanks for reading my post.
  15. If you set your mind to believe it is the hardest then it will be. Take it as it comes don't let others tell you that it's hard. When I was in High School we had a course in Solid Geometry In 4 quarters my grades went from 65 to 75 to 85 to 95. Somehow locking onto one solution for me unlocked the rest.
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