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  1. Jesus Christ.... In CK create new magic effect of type script, and attach script (and set it's properties) to that effect. Use created magic effect to create the enchantment, attach that enchantment to your ring or some other object using OMOD, template or by any other way. Script will auto activate when item will be equipped. Your script: Scriptname SuperEffects extends activemagiceffect ActorValue Property HealthAV Auto Const ActorValue Property RadsAV Auto Const ObjectReference ClownRef float HealTimer = 1.0 int HealTimerID = 32 float HPHealRate = 10.0 float RadHealRate = 5.0 Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster) ClownRef = (akTarget as ObjectReference) RegisterForRemoteEvent(akTarget as ObjectReference, "OnUnload") RegisterForRemoteEvent(akTarget, "OnDeath") StartTimer(HealTimer,HealTimerID) EndEvent Event OnTimer(int aiTimerID) If (aiTimerID == HealTimerID) If (ClownRef.GetValue(Rads) = 0.0) If (ClownRef.GetValuePercentage(HealthAV) < 1.0) ClownRef.ModValue(HealthAV, HPHealRate) EndIf Else If (ClownRef.GetValue(RadsAV) > 0) ClownRef.ModValue(RadsAV, -RadHealRate) EndIf Endif EndIF StartTimer(HealTimer,HealTimerID) EndEvent Event ObjectReference.OnUnload(ObjectReference akSender) CleanUp() EndEvent Event Actor.OnDeath(Actor akSender, Actor akKiller) CleanUp() EndEvent Event OnEffectFinish(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster) CleanUp() EndEvent Function CleanUp() ClownRef = None CancelTimer(HealTimerID) UnregisterForAllEvents() Dispel() EndFunction
  2. Exactly, with this fresh influx Beth will be able to keep good sales for consoles for much longer and will make millions on this. This is the essence, mod authors (me included) done dirty work, Beth capitalized on that. I bet they are really proud what they had done. First - deliberate support of mod theft, and now this. It is clear that all this was done for a reason, and reason is white cash.
  3. This contest is pathetic, only thing they shown in it is how pathetic and shameless they are. Really shows current state of Bethesda and their friends: stupidity worshiping, not following their own rules, selecting marginal mods only, yeah... But i think the point of that contest was different, it is about advertising mod authoring, so people keep creating content that will push up the sales of junk game they made. They already got a big hit from stolen mods that forced many authors to drop their work, but beth made good money from that, by keeping good sales on consoles. They still need more mods to keep the game sold, so they wanted to give authors a sweet candy in form of that contest, just to motivate them to do free slave work for Beth and company. Let's be honest about this, this is about the money, they don't care a little bit about any actual value. So the selection of winners is simply irrelevant, main goal is still achieved, many authors put a lot of effort for this contest, that will allow the game to float at the ocean surface for longer, and Beth will have more money from that. They are simply amusing on the mod authors. Many millions of game copies sold and they give a ~40000$ reward pool? - pathetic. They actually look like a king tyrant standing on top of his slave horde of moders in gold and armor, showing how "generous" he is by dropping them a spoon of grain. Let's face it. Everything from the crude and buggy product release, inability to fix issues later, supporting mod theft and now this contest mess, all this was deliberate. And the goal was to invest as little as they can, and get as much profit as they can by using mod authors to do the dirty work for them, and to do this for free. So i guess their PR section is really proud how they managed things and made a good profit on the mod authors. They simply insult us and are amused on us. Our mistake is the same as always, that we thought that they will be better, but that will never happen.
  4. They will get even more money from sales of their stuff for consoles, since mod's make people excited and many more want to buy their faulty game. So yeah, moders waste their time on creating and fixing, while beth just ruins them and makes a lot more money instead. Kids got mods now, and many of those not only need base game but also DLCs, so beth sales a on high rise now, and we moders are ones who are being betrayed and used as blind kitties.
  5. It will not work that way. You need to register for that event first using RegisterForHitEvent (http://www.creationkit.com/fallout4/index.php?title=RegisterForHitEvent_-_ScriptObject). Event fires only once, and after that you need to register it again.
  6. Look at this! That guy was reported maybe 10 times already, he even acknowledges in description stuff is stolen and keeps "Robin hood" behavior: "Released by Hithoseletrium. (Due to lack of Author action,only PC players had access....) Authors: Engager and coreyhooe (Fallout 4 Nexus)" Like that gives him any rights. When i see all this i'm actually considering to end modding forever since that seriously pisses me of. Uploader directly acknowledges that mod had been stolen (it's compilation of my old CSE mod and my friend Varx's More Spawns mods, both well known spawn mods on Nexus), i don't get it, how much more proof or repeated report sending is required to finally take this thing down. 2 weeks had passed, new report form used several times, still nothing. I have persistent feeling lately that whole this console mod theft thing is deliberately supported by Bethesda, to keep good sales of their not so good stuff to console users. They need our stolen mods to blow the minds of kid console players, so they can make more money. If you will look at things at this way you will see why things happen exactly as they do. I can tell you even more, when i tried, i found that Bethesda actually made all things what are possible to prevent console detection by script codes, so no author can defend himself from stealing amusement. Whole thing is simple - press off all juice from moding community to make more money from sales, and when, second resurrection of paid moding. Zenimax and Bethesda are as far from any morality as is murderer from being a priest. That is how the future will look like. They will screw everything completely just to make a dollar. That is the capitalism anyway, they don't care about the people, especially devoted ones like moders, they simply use them as tool to further capitalize themselves.
  7. I really don't what you guys are talking about. Yep, option is where, but it does not work either. I sent them maybe 10 reports since 2 weeks ago, and at least 3 using new reporting option. Guess what? Nothing happen, stolen property still safe and sound and console users continue to endorse stolen thing and mock PC users and authors like crazy. S*** still hits the fan in that beth.net cesspool. So all your happy feeling here are 100% premature.
  8. A bit strange thing to script, but having too many active timers is not good, since almost any register based event is locket into frame rate and each event will require 1 frame, so if you have i lot you can end up with 1 fps.... You are violating important performance rule here: do not use timers to check your stuff, use events!
  9. Where is a propery in workshopscript that shows if workshop is owned by player. In general routine is: 1. Get workshop object as ObjectReference using some method, for example: ObjectReference myWorkShop = Game.GetForm(0x0009B1A5) as ObjectReference 2. Create link to instance of attached workshop script, by casting in form: workshopscript WorkshopScriptRef = myWorkShop As workshopscript 3. Access OwnedByPlayer property in that script by the link you made: bool myWorkShopIsOwnedByPlayer = WorkshopScriptRef.OwnedByPlayer 4. Destroy used links: myWorkShop = None , WorkshopScriptRef = None. Also you can access settler count, resources, happiness values as i shown above, that includes setting up one more cast to get workshopparent and getting ratings out of it.
  10. Sure i can help you man, here is part of the script from my War Of the Commonwealth mod: Event OnInit() StoryFactionForce = new float [4] WorkShopIDs = new ObjectReference[27] WorkShopIDs[0] = Game.GetForm(0x00168945) as ObjectReference ;Coastal Cottage 1 WorkShopIDs[1] = Game.GetForm(0x001654B8) as ObjectReference ;Kingsport Lighthouse 2 WorkShopIDs[2] = Game.GetForm(0x001654BD) as ObjectReference ;Croup Manor 3 WorkShopIDs[3] = Game.GetForm(0x0009B197) as ObjectReference ;Slog 4 WorkShopIDs[4] = Game.GetForm(0x0009B19D) as ObjectReference ;Finch Farm 5 WorkShopIDs[5] = Game.GetForm(0x0009B1F1) as ObjectReference ;Greentop Nursery 6 WorkShopIDs[6] = Game.GetForm(0x0009B1DB) as ObjectReference ;Country Crossing 7 WorkShopIDs[7] = Game.GetForm(0x0009B1BE) as ObjectReference ;Nordhagen Beach 8 WorkShopIDs[8] = Game.GetForm(0x00135A90) as ObjectReference ;Taffington BoatHouse 9 WorkShopIDs[9] = Game.GetForm(0x000E0505) as ObjectReference ;Covenant 10 WorkShopIDs[10] = Game.GetForm(0x00024A26) as ObjectReference ;Zimonja 11 WorkShopIDs[11] = Game.GetForm(0x0009B1AC) as ObjectReference ;Tenpines Bluff 12 WorkShopIDs[12] = Game.GetForm(0x0009B1A5) as ObjectReference ;Warwick Homestead 13 WorkShopIDs[13] = Game.GetForm(0x00066EB6) as ObjectReference ;Castle 14 WorkShopIDs[14] = Game.GetForm(0x0016D28E) as ObjectReference ;Murkwater Construction Site 15 WorkShopIDs[15] = Game.GetForm(0x001654CF) as ObjectReference ;Jamaica Plain 16 WorkShopIDs[16] = Game.GetForm(0x001E81EA) as ObjectReference ;Summerville Place 17 WorkShopIDs[17] = Game.GetForm(0x00164321) as ObjectReference ;Egret Tours Marina 18 WorkShopIDs[18] = Game.GetForm(0x00019956) as ObjectReference ;Bunker Hill 19 WorkShopIDs[19] = Game.GetForm(0x001F0711) as ObjectReference ;Hangman 20 WorkShopIDs[20] = Game.GetForm(0x0009B1D1) as ObjectReference ;Oberland Station 21 WorkShopIDs[21] = Game.GetForm(0x0009B18F) as ObjectReference ;Graygarden 22 WorkShopIDs[22] = Game.GetForm(0x001654D5) as ObjectReference ;Sunshine Tidings 23 WorkShopIDs[23] = Game.GetForm(0x0001D0E2) as ObjectReference ;Starlight Drivein 24 WorkShopIDs[24] = Game.GetForm(0x0006F5C5) as ObjectReference ;Abernathy Farm 25 WorkShopIDs[25] = Game.GetForm(0x00054BAE) as ObjectReference ;RedRocket 26 WorkShopIDs[26] = Game.GetForm(0x000250FE) as ObjectReference ;Sanctuary 27 EndEvent ; Function part that gets number of settlers, happiness etc: Int I = 0 int NSettler = 0 int NHappiness = 0 float MinutemenTotalScore = 0 workshopscript WorkshopScriptRef workshopparentscript WorkshopParent workshopdatascript:workshopratingkeyword[] ratings ; Set to workshopdatascript:workshopratingkeyword[] for CK compile. I = 0 While (I <= 26) WorkshopScriptRef = WorkShopIDs[I] as workshopscript if (WorkshopScriptRef) WorkshopParent = WorkshopScriptRef.WorkshopParent if (WorkshopParent) ratings = WorkshopParent.WorkshopRatings NSettler = WorkshopScriptRef.GetBaseValue(ratings[WorkshopParent.WorkshopRatingPopulation].resourceValue) as int NHappiness = WorkshopScriptRef.GetBaseValue(ratings[WorkshopParent.WorkshopRatingHappiness].resourceValue) as int MinutemenTotalScore = MinutemenTotalScore + ((NSettler * NHappiness) / 2000) endif endif I = I + 1 EndWhile ratings = None WorkshopParent = None WorkshopScriptRef = None
  11. Correction: Scriptname RandomSpawnScript extends ObjectReference FormList Property NPC Auto Const Keyword Property LinkKeyword Auto Const ObjectReference Property MoveMarker Auto Const ObjectRererence Property LinkFurniture Auto Const ObjectReference NewGuy Event OnLoad() Actor akRandomGuy = NPC.getat(Utility.RandomInt(0,NPC.GetSize() -1)) as Actor NewGuy = (Self as ObjectReference).PlaceAtMe(akRandomGuy) as ObjectReference NewGuy.MoveTo(MoveMarker) NewGuy.SetLinkedRef(LinkFurniture, LinkKeyword) RegisterForRemoteEvent(NewGuy, "OnUnload") EndEvent Event ObjectReference.OnUnload(akSender as ObjectReference) if (akSender == NewGuy) NewGuy.DisableNoWait(false) NewGuy.Delete() NewGuy = None EndIf EndEvent
  12. Sure they won't since with script like that. Scriptname RandomSpawnScript extends ObjectReference FormList Property NPC Auto Const Keyword Property LinkKeyword Auto Const ObjectReference Property MoveMarker Auto Const ObjectRererence Property LinkFurniture Auto Const Event OnLoad() Actor akRandomGuy = NPC.getat(Utility.RandomInt(0,NPC.GetSize() -1)) as Actor ObjectReference NewGuy = (Self as ObjectReference).PlaceAtMe(akRandomGuy) as ObjectReference NewGuy.MoveTo(MoveMarker) NewGuy.SetLinkedRef(LinkFurniture, LinkKeyword) EndEvent
  13. Thing that really makes scripts harmful is improper cleanup, when your scripts or objects used by them are not unloaded properly and are running endlessly or are persistent. Sooner or later that will break the game stability to the point of endless unstoppable CTDs.
  14. Yep, and indeed all scripts from my mod do not use Const and all use Auto. I wonder how did you managed to make them "not work".
  15. Yeah. I actually figured out almost anything about vertibirds and can fully control their operation, can not say it is easy though. It's almost guaranteed that your quest fails to start do the the alias failure, quest aliases must be properly filled before quest can be started. If that stage fails nothing will start the quest.
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