I've searched far and wide, yet I can't seem to find a mod that does this, and this alone, anywhere. Like many others, I really can't stand the fact that absolutely everything in the game is orange, and so I've been looking around for a realistic looking lighting mod to improve this. While I have succeeded in finding plenty of good mods for improving the lighting and getting rid of that horrible orange overlay, there's one thing that I really can't stand about just about alll of them: Despite the fact that the game is set in an irradiated to hell and completely desolate wasteland, and there's barely any clean water anywhere, they all make the sky bright blue. While some may think "that's just how the sky is", to me it makes the world as a whole seem far too clean and nigh unaffected by any of the radiation corrupting it. Normally, the sky appears blue because of light refracting from the water in the air. In fallout, the water doesn't look blue; or at least not quite as blue. I'd like to have a mod that changes the colour of the sky during the day, and nothing else (in order to maintain compatibility with other lighting mods) to have a shift in its hue in order to become a sort of pale greeny colour. Not too overwhelming of a change, just enough that it looks a bit sickly and unclean. tl;dr: I'd like a mod that makes the sky a more sickly green colour, but doesn't put that shade onto absolutely everything else, and is compatible with lighting/weather mods such as Nevada Skies and ENBSeries. I mostly know how to and would do this myself, but I have absolutely no idea how to modify textures in the format that the game uses.