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Everything posted by WursWaldo

  1. You guys might want to reread the FO4 EULA as it pertains to content ownership and paid modding. All of the legal mechanics for paid modding and Bethesda owning anything created with their software is already in place. The license doesn't say there won't be paid modding. It says end users cannot charge for mods. Charging for FO4 mods wouldn't be retroactive since no mods to date have been made with an official Bethesda FO4 CK editor. All of the existing mods thus far have been hacked together with 3rd party software. Legally, Bethesda could insist game sites remove those mods since they violate to FO4 EULA. That doesn't mean they would do it, only that they could if they wanted to. I think Bethesda.net will be a venue for paid modding for both PC and consoles, as well as free modding. One thing to be aware of; the EULA implies that if a mod is uploaded to Bethesda.net they will retain ownership of it. The hand writing is on the wall, but very few are reading it.
  2. I still don't see how mods for consoles will be viable. From the technical standpoint it can be done; make a mod, upload it to Bethesda.net, they wave their magic wand and turn it in to a console friendly format. Look at the practical aspects of mods and modding. Mods are flawed, mods cause conflicts, mods behave badly at times. How will Bethesda.net account for mods with scripts that do not work, mods that have missing assets, mods that are potential game breakers? To avoid this Bethesda.net will have to vet mods and the only feasible way is to actually play test them. I don't see that happening so that means console users will most likely be experiencing the ugly reality of PC gamers; mods don't always work as intended. Even when they do, the larger the mod load the more likely there will be conflicts. PC gamers expect this since it's part of the territory. Installing player-made content that doesn't work will be a new and unpleasant experience for console gamers. With PC mods downloaders accept the risks and there is no middle man or governing entity like Microsoft or Sony. Mods for consoles will change that and Microsoft/Sony will have an interest in what is being installed on their platforms. I doubt those companies would accept a Bethesda explanation of 'That's how mods are.', especially when the console user complaints start pouring in about defective or outright broken player-made content. If a broken mod is uploaded to Nexus that is not Dark0ne's responsibility unless the files are somehow malicious. Even then his only responsibility is to remove the mod and the uploader so it doesn't happen again. This won't be the case in a mods for consoles collaboration between Bethesda and Microsoft or Sony. The liability will fall on someone since console mods will come from one official source. They can't make console users assume the risk since official mods won't be breaking any EULAs or terms. My point is there are lots of things for Bethesda, Microsoft and Sony to consider. Apparently the release of the FO4 CK will coincide with various dlcs and Bethesda.net becoming an active modding hub. How they intend to accomplish viable console mods is simply one more unanswered mystery.
  3. Trump takes Florida, Kasich wins Ohio and Cruiz gets cut off at the knees in both states. He'll be dead in the water and Kasich will close the gap, while the gap between Trump and Cruiz widens. There will be a brokered convention no matter what, but Cruiz getting clobbered in two big states will hurt his chances and his ego. I heard today that Carson is going to endorse Trump. That will only pick up a few percentage points for him, though Carson will be one more feather in Trump's war bonnet.
  4. Liking or disliking a game is subjective. I like Skyrim, the Mass Effect series and TheWitcher3. I understand some people don't. The 'problem' is when players can't handle valid criticism of a game they like. When they see it they start attacking and ridiculing the people who don't share their views. 'You're a whiner', 'You're trolling', etc. That is a blatant attempt to silence the criticism; shame people until they shut up. It's a tactic used by people who don't have a counter argument. *shrugs* It doesn't work and it won't stop the discussion.
  5. While that true, not everyone make use of the gameplay mod, or that quest mod or the realism mod. Textures appeal to more people and can be used variety of ways. And texture mods are real mods as much as the others. Going to have to disagree with you on that point. If I take a vanilla game 1024x1024 texture and resize it to 4048x4048 and increase the contrast, colorize it, increase the sharpness, apply a bump map and then upload it as a high resolution texture replacer it is not a 'mod'. It is trash. I know people make these things and others download them and then endorse and praise the 'mod' for how awesome it is. They have been duped, especially when then the 'mod' uses the vanilla normal map of the original texture set. A 4048x4048 texture with a 1024x1024 associated normal. How is that high resolution since the in game details, clarity and depth come from the normal and not the diffused? Those mods are indeed fake because they don't do anything. They are the Nexus mod equivalent of posting a bikini girl picture on FaceBook just for the likes. No need for the passive-aggressive shaming attempt. People disliking FO4 is just as valid as others thinking it good. Personally, I don't like FO4 because I didn't get what I paid for. I didn't give Bethesda $60 for a modding platform or a game where 'Mods will fix it'. FO4 was marketed as a modern game and that is not what I got. "The cutting edge of open world gaming." :laugh: FO4 is the kind of game you where buy the Collectors Edition with all of the dlcs on sale for $29.99. It is not a triple A game and player made content won't change that. 'You can mod it' doesn't make a game good.
  6. In other words, FO: NewOrleans or whatever the Obsidian rushed version of FO4 will be. On forums that aren't Bethesda tribute sites FO4 is not the focus outside of people talking about how bad it is. I'm a gamer and if play something and then delete it then that really says something, to me at least. This is true, but this is also what happens when people hang their hopes on one game. I am a 'true gamer' in the sense that I know my playing experience doesn't hinge on what happens with one release. I play a multitude of games and my game playing 'sun' doesn't rise and set on what Bethesda does.
  7. I don't think the Hillary campaign got the memo that radical 3rd wave feminists have alienated Millennial women. In other news, Snake Oil Ted is up to his tricks again, stating that baby boy Rubio has dropped out of the Florida race and that voting for him is a waste of time.
  8. It's official. Sanders is a sexist. Hillary's campaign said so. She interrupted him and he had the nerve to put her in her place as an equal so he could finish his statement.
  9. There was a similar American study done with Norway rats in the 1940's. In that study the rats were placed in a very large out door enclosure and provided with food and water. Over the course of several years the available food and water did not increase but the rat population did. The results were very different. The rats had a population spike and then it leveled off. Two different 'rat societies' developed centered on how they socialized within their self determined groups. One group swapped mates frequently and the males and females had their own hierarchy. The other group developed a male dominated society with each male having a harem of females. The two groups didn't co-mingle or breed with one another, even though they were in the same enclosure and shared one water source. The rat population remained static, determined by the available living space and food supply. The rats behaved normally, aside from the societies they formed. Left to their own devices and without human intervention the rats stabilized on their own. Years ago a I saw another study with lab rats where they were crammed into a Calhoun style habitat. The results were very different. As the rat population increased the amount of food and water was reduced, and eventually cut off completely. The rats organized themselves into packs and started raging war and engaging in cannibalism. I didn't put much credence in that study. An artificial environment with artificial conditions meant to get a specific result. The rats doing what they did when forced into starvation should have be a foregone conclusion.
  10. 'I hate nexus so much I am going to make 400 accounts just to show you how much I hate Nexus.' If he had 400 accounts and they all got banned then he's a one man crime wave. That has to be some sort of record. And I thought today was going to be dull. :laugh:
  11. WursWaldo

    Mouse Utopia

    Interesting implications and observations. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Z760XNy4VM
  12. Yeah, you're right. Andromeda is slated for Dec 2016. Bethesda's still not getting my money. :sleep:
  13. Mass Effect: Andromeda is supposed to be released around the same time as the FO4 CK and initial dlcs.
  14. Trump won't be at CPAC tomorrow. I think Christie told him what to expect. "You're not a real conservative so get lost." That's the message they sent Christie a few years ago when he was uninvited and it's the same tone party conversations have taken with Trump. It doesn't help that members of CPAC were going to stage a little girl hissy fit walk out when Trump made his address. I don't blame him for cancelling. I've had a suspicion for a long time now and what's happening within the Republican Party is proving it; to me at least. The staunch far right conservatives in the party think they own it. They don't want moderates and centrist Republicans; well, they do but they only want the votes, not the people who come with them. Something these egalitarian Republican fossils fail to realize is that if Trump wins the zoo vote and the majority of delegates but is brokered out of the nomination, not only will he walk but so will the people who support him. No matter peoples' opinions of Trump and his supports they are idealist and supporting a cause they believe in. If the party screws Trump not only will the Republicans rid themselves of him, but his supporters too. Cruiz, Rubio and Kasich won't pick up extra votes. Those votes will go away. Something that wouldn't surprise me would be Trump disavowing the Republican Party and running as an Independent. He made a deal with the party that he would support whoever got the nomination and not run on his own. All of the candidates did that. But now the party is trying to sabotage Trump and if he does get the delegates, they are still going to broker and try to cheat him. Does anyone really think Trump would take that and not try to get some payback? Yes, it is immature and yes it would split the party and guarantee a Democratic win in the general. But aren't the Republicans doing the same thing now anyway? Trump gets kicked out, his supporters feel alienated and stay home during the general and Democrats win. Republicans wanted new blood and Trump has given that to them, but now the old guard hypocrites are saying 'that's not who we want because they don't think the way we do'. What anyone reasonable person should find infuriating is that the party set the primary and caucus rules and Trump is winning by them. They don't like that, so now they are changing the rules. It is a chckens*** way of doing business. Note to Democrats: Some of you might think this is a good thing. Imagine this happening in your party and Sanders was the receiving end. How funny and good would it been then? Would you be okay with it?
  15. Bethesda has a working FO4 creation kit. It might be their own 'in-house' version but they have one. One thing that would stop them from releasing it is the presence of software they do not have the licenses to distribute. Those aspects would have to be removed before the FO4 Ck could be released. Also, I agree with Dark0ne; Bethesda.net is no where near being ready for the flood of traffic it will receive if Bethesda intends to use it as a modding and distribution platform. That could be a consideration for delaying the CK's release. Putting conspiracy theories aside, no one has any idea what Bethesda has planned for modding FO4. Todd Howard is being somewhat noncommittal and intentionally vague at times. While this gives Bethesda a window it also fuels speculation and borderline paranoia. When is it coming out? What's going on? One thing I have noticed is some groups of people are losing interest in FO4. Their reasons are their own, but the lack of a CK and information about it doesn't help the situation with people who are already skeptical. People talk and skepticism spreads; just look at this thread and others like it on other forums. The atmosphere is tangible and Bethesda's silence isn't helping. Whatever the reasons for the delay; a marketing ploy, internal delays, technical issues, legal problems, etc. I'm sure there is more than one solitary reason. Worrying about it won't speed up the process. I suggest doing what I'm doing; play something else until Bethesda gets their act together and then go back to FO4.
  16. I'm still reeling. This has become like reading a Federico Fellini screenplay for an Old Firm football match documentary. It's just as surreal.
  17. Evidently he's also mad at Dante, Dark0ne and Great Britain in general. I don't know what else happened, but it reminds me of 'Tim' from The Holy Grail.
  18. Yes, a business being successful is a problem. If by "operational limits" you mean the staff considering adding a few new tags and maybe changing some upload criteria then by all means yes, you have outed them. :thumbsup: But you weren't the one to suggest tags and in fact you've stated tags aren't enough and you're against more tags. Yet here you are, spinning the possibility of the staff probably thinking about additional forum widgets they might implement sometime in the future as a your victory. :dry: :blink: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/73669/? Yeeeaah. None that happened. Are you delusional? You're just making things up now. Anita Sarkeesian called. She wants her crash dummy back. @FartvatIn summary; you and some here like you found a mod you didn't approve of. Trolling the mod's upload thread didn't work. Filing reports against a mod that doesn't break the rules didn't work. 'Bringing awareness' by starting this thread to get the mod removed didn't work. Your advocating for mod censorship didn't work. Your appellations to condemn the mod didn't work. None of the Feminist Frequency style tactics you attempted worked. And since none of that worked, you tried rewriting what really happened to make it appear as a moral victory on your part; and that didn't work either. I'm very excited to see what you try next. :pinch: Not really. Suggestion: Please stop telling people what they should or should not like based solely on your personal preferences and belief system. edited for spelling
  19. That's my fault. I pointed out an uncomfortable truth and the people who didn't like it attempted a diversion. All of this nonsense about 'labels' was the result.
  20. @Lisnpuppy It wasn't my intent to be divisive along party lines. My sole purpose was to point out the OP's agenda; and it was an agenda and he admitted to it. If anyone here got offended because I used adjectives to describe the OP's blatant attempt then I will assume 30% of the responsibility. The remaining 70% goes to the people who are overly sensitive and reading malicious intent into what I typed when none was intended. The OP's posts are rife with liberal feminist buzz words and slogans. How else should I describe the posts and get the point across? My use of the word 'liberal' wasn't a slur and I think you know that. It was a descriptive qualifier to identify the mindset of the OP; and I was right. I have nothing to apologize for.
  21. With the way things are going in America, by the next generation people will be saying 'Democrat' with as much contempt as they say 'Republican' now. Jimmy Carter was way before my time but there was a 16 year political backlash against Democrats because of him and his policies. Failure is failure. The hard left of the Democratic party isn't helping their cause, in the same way the religious right backfired on Republicans in the 1990s. I'm still a conservative, but I rarely agree with the Republican party these days. I guess my reasonable and common sense views don't have political merit. I'm to the point now where I want Sanders and Trump to be the election candidates so they can shake the tree and make all of the rotten fruit fall out.
  22. Not really. Liberal capitalized or liberal lower case mean the same thing when referring to politics. Liberal isn't a party like Democrats or Labour. 'You're liberal' and 'You're Liberal' mean the same thing in this context. The same would be true for 'You're Conservative' and 'You're conservative". But I can fully understand reasonable left-leaning people wanting to distance themselves from the ugly truth of what was happening in this thread and what was being proposed; id est censorship of mods. As a conservative I would be just as opposed to the idea of censoring if another conservative had proposed it. Stupid and bad ideas don't recognize party lines. Unfortunately the activist groups perpetrating these sorts of things today on line are liberals of the Feminist Frequency and Anita Sarkeesian mindset. That's not to say there aren't right wing conservative fundies out there somewhere foaming at the mouth and trying to tell people what to do and what to look at, but they aren't on Nexus. All you have to do is go back and read Farvat's and NexBeth's posts. All of the parroted feminist liberal/Liberal buzz words and slogans are there. It's brutally obvious but I don't blame you, I wouldn't want to claim people like them either. Regardless the mod censoring issue is dead in the water and common sense has prevailed. \o/ Yea! \o/
  23. 30 years ago it was conservative Baptist preachers dictating morality. Today it is liberal 3rd wave feminists. It was dickery then just like it's dickery now. edited for type-o
  24. Yet I was right for calling it what it is and now the unavoidable truth is out. The OP was motivated by activism to censor content he/she doesn't like. He/she admitted it. Now you're attempting the same thing, even though the OP hit a brick wall when confronted with facts, the rules and the staff's final word. There is nothing more to discuss. And even if there were, debating with fanatics is a waste of time. I'm glad this liberal sideshow has been exposed for what it is, or was. edited for type-o's
  25. AHAH!!! The truth comes out. *Pats self on back for seeing it first.*
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