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Everything posted by micalov

  1. XGTA2X banned. Reason for the ban previously banned pirate xgtx
  2. XGTAX banned. Reason for the ban piracy of skyrim in chat XGTAX The elder scrolls v skyrim legendary edition> Data XGTAX cracked micalov using a full torrent download of the game xgtax? XGTAX ya i did
  3. TrustedScam banned. Reason for the ban Foul mouthed chat spammer: TrustedScam thou take me for a fool , thou can start by gargling my c** as thou week to resist ,I bring you the apples of my fruit tree , and thou will like them or thou will be punished for thous behaviour,i spit of your god as thou crys as the shadows of my back hand create froce upon your face , as the phonix of my c** shall rise rise ! thou pitiful creature , and thous pitiful god , you canst imagine pitiful you truely are , now thou should wake with tai
  4. azimudeen banned. Reason for the ban Piracy of skyrim in chat: azimudeen for the mod but my skyrim version is azimudeen the thing is that (please dont ban me) azimudeen the thing is that (please dont ban me) azimudeen I do plan to buy it
  5. pauldrake17 banned. Reason for the ban Piracy of oblivion in chat: pauldrake17 its the cd version i guess u say [other member] k You have physical disks, then. I'm trying to remember if there's a repair function.... pauldrake17 no its a digital image file [other member] oh A legal digital download? pauldrake17 ummmmmmm yaaaaa The way you speak and with the issue make it pretty obvious you have a pirated copy, prove you have a legal copy and you may return.
  6. You know this would have been a good idea and thread but then you had to start insulting people, thread locked
  7. This is for SITE issues, not game issues. Thread moved to the correct section, in future please use the correct forum section.
  8. unlimited companion framework allows it. http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/11829/?
  9. This is not the right place, Nexus does not support console modding, go bethesda.net in regards to console mods in general. The creators have stated it wont be going on bethesda.net and do not want it on there which is a PUBLIC mod hosting site. Bethesda does not allow it or similar mods on bethesda.net. Thread locked due to the above and do not ask again please.
  10. VideoKilledTheRadioStar has received a formal warning. This user has now received 1 formal warnings. The warning was given for the following reason: Reference This warning was issued for what took place here Restrictions in place As part of the warning, VideoKilledTheRadioStar has had the following restrictions placed on his or her account: This user cannot upload files for 7 days Important links: Our terms of service
  11. Trasikjuri banned. Reason for the ban spammer
  12. RakanIGG banned. Reason for the ban Piracy of GTA5, from chat: RakanIGG Hey guys, I have a problem can someone help me? I have downloaded a save 100% for GTA V but it tells me to extract it to Documents > Rockstar games > GTA V > Profile" Then along with other files, The thing is that I don't have have the folder "Profile" and the files that is shown inside of it, What do I do? RakanIGG It's a crack version, Do I have to startup Social Club? [other user] Rakan, cracked as in pirated? RakanIGG Yes
  13. SucculentAnusfart banned. Reason for the ban Inappropriate username, register a new account and pick something more suitable and safe for work if you wish to continue to use the site please. You can use the same email.
  14. binggojo banned. Reason for the ban spammer
  15. hudthonsma banned. Reason for the ban spammer
  16. gthdyas banned. Reason for the ban spammer
  17. edmak1804 has received a formal warning. This user has now received 1 formal warnings. The warning was given for the following reason: Restrictions in place As part of the warning, edmak1804 has had the following restrictions placed on his or her account: This user cannot use the chat for 1 days Important links: Our terms of service
  18. StormReaper34 banned. Reason for the ban Insulting mod authors, misuse of the report feature to insult them. "ARE YOU f***ing MEEEE!!!!!. THIS MOD DOES THE MOST SIMPLEST THING TO DOOOOO AND IT CANT BE ON CONSOLES!!! WHAT THE f*#@KKKK!!!!!! SHITTY CUNTS" [Mod Authors ]This mod will never be ported to console, unless silverlock team manage to port F4SE somehow. "a bloke who cant do a simple mod on consoles because it seems he's lacking, DETERMINATION" "ban him for not giving hope and not having balls to give a chance to consoles users!" Ironically the reported post states that its not even physically possible for the mod to run with F4SE which can not be used on consoles. Maybe next time you should actually READ the big red text before report spamming it and insulting the author(s) Every other post is just a rant about a mod not being on console. Reference post Reference post Moderation history This member received 0 informal warnings and 0 formal warnings before they were banned
  19. upf*#@ banned. Reason for the ban Inappropriate username, please register a new account with a more appropriate username, you can use the same email.
  20. linedf banned. Reason for the ban Old Unused account
  21. nityusen banned. Reason for the ban spammer
  22. toplds banned. Reason for the ban Spammer
  23. Ksenomorf123 has received a formal warning. This user has now received 1 formal warnings. The warning was given for the following reason: Reference This warning was issued for what took place here Important links: Our terms of service
  24. phoeksmnc banned. Reason for the ban spammer
  25. joseood banned. Reason for the ban spammer
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