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Everything posted by clanelord22

  1. On the currently uploaded version (I grabbed the update from nexus page), on Plugins page - I can't rightclick on plugins or drag them around, they're just 'there'. Nor can I try to drag-n-drop, so unless there's a more up to date versino elsewhere - yeah I can't do anything. If I want to change rules I 'have' to click 'change rules', can't do it any other way unless i'm missing something. :EDIT: Okay, scratch that. It's 'really' unclear then, was able to figure out you can drag and drop 'only' from the dependancies icon. Point still stands, it's easier to just drag-n-drop classic style the actual plugin onto another plugin, or having a right-click options menu to have a "Set rule for". Otherwise its 'really' unclear, I thought it was an icon merely to hide "Hey, this depends on X Y Z" and nothing else.
  2. Took a look at newest version of Vortex. Same issue persists, I am fine with learning new things but there's a some issues that make the UI of Vortex a bit confusing..Okay, my two-cents. Biggest issue of the new system - the handling of the rules UI. Autosort is fine, but the way rules set up is definitely clunky, It would be nice if you could add rightclick menu to "Set rule for file" or, better yet, being able to drag mods onto one another and make the system pop the rule menu with the two open already so you just have to set "incompatible with/load after/etc". That, in my opinion at least, would make this a lot more user friendly if you want to delve beyond autosort(which, lets be honest, might occur). I will not go into visual design of UI itself, I personally don't like it but that is purely down to reference.
  3. Good luck to all participating.
  4. Um, sorry to bother you but could you check your PM's?
  5. Corejob, can you please post how you fixed it?I'm having the very same issue.Do I just load it up with FNVEdit and it fixes everything?Does Dead Money run proper after that? :EDIT:I did what you said, except now the game keeps crashing whenever I have dead money selected, eh, guess I will just wait for NVSE update. What I did was. Load DeadMoney,FNV.esm,and lang.esp,edit DeadMoney author variable,save,then load it up.Note, I tried NVSE originally with no dead money, after I saw and read about this, i tried downloading it(yeah,pirating, but who knows,maybe it would work,at least me paying two times for my oblivion copy should be fine as a payment for this) and it still does this.Trying the game with 1b6 works however!Maybe there's just no possible support for versions that dont have dead money?
  6. Instruction on the adress "0x0040d1d8" adressed to memory on adress "0x00000000".Memory cannot be read This error i've been getting after reinstalling Fallout new vegas, has anyone else expirienced it?Note, this error have not appeard before. The only things that I got installed are-ENB lite,NVSE. :EDIT:Nevermind!The issue was due to ENB lite version!
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