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Everything posted by Quetzlsacatanango

  1. Last time at the range a guy had one and let everyone take a shot (even though the bullets were $2 a piece!). Hand Cannon is apt. Apt!
  2. 1 - I use Vista on my laptop and have no problems in the default directory since UAC is disabled. As far as I know that is the only reason to do it. I'm sure someone will step in if I am wrong. 2 - Early patch ( did not support multiple BSAs. Today I see no reason not to use them, assuming you can build one the way you want it.
  3. Obligatory- In order to fit with the story it has to start off great and have a lazy, nonsensical ending that takes a dump on everything it created getting to that point :)
  4. Type it in the console and see for yourself. It worked for me. The name is fadetoblackisfx but for some reason on my laptop it only accepts the ID. You might get away with Imod FadeToBlackISFX if you think that's easier.
  5. I have seen a few threads with individuals volunteering their services, kudos to them. But outside of a couple of people, where do you find voice actors for your mods? It doesn't seem like there are many out there that are voiced, so maybe it is a broad problem. I think I am going to have a bigger issue as I am in need of a female voice actor for YACQM (Yet Another Companion Quest Mod) and there is a hell of a lot of sausage around here :) I am trying to build a character with some depth and personality and voice seems like it would go a long way to achieve that, so any advice is appreciated.
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