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Posts posted by TactlessNinja

  1. Is it possible to add and/or create a condition or even an enchantment to a modded weapon so it can only be used once - be it a swing which hits or not, don't know if the latter is more complicated - for a certain time period? Most likely would bring its damage down to 0 or just straight up unusable. Not sure.


    Seen a few weapon mods which might be a bit OP and part of me thought I'd find it interesting (and somewhat role-playish) if I only had the option to use the weapon once in a time period, so if it was OP, I wouldn't feel too tempted to keep using it because it simply is accessible. So if I did use it on an enemy which I was really struggling against, that's it and I live with my choice if I come across yet another struggle.


    I know you could consciously not use it, but this would give it that extra level of control and restriction (let alone making it interesting).


    Anyone have an idea how I'd go about doing this? However, if this mod does exist is anyone able to point me in the right direction?

  2. Probably a silly question is there a shorter way of typing in the URL? Right now we can just type in skyrimnexus.com and it brings us here. Is there something similar for Special Edition? I've tried a few variations with no success. Might just have to rely on bookmarks again.
  3. I tried to do this with some weapons and armor mods, but they all appeared invisible :L


    What did I miss/do wrong?

    Are they in the game though? I.e. you can select them but nothing appears or if you go to console it appears on the list with a code if you do the 'help <name> 4'? If so it sounds like you might be missing the meshes. I know if you merge weapons/armours which use BSA's you need to unpack the contents of the BSA into the Skyrim data folder or it doesn't read them, at least that's what I found.


    That or some of them are just incompatible. What are you actually merging anyways? IA/IW by any chance?

  4. Been having this problem for a long time now. I'd removed loads of large mods which I didn't use (high res textures etc..) in the hopes it would alter the loading time and found it still takes at least 3-5 mins, maybe more. I have 3D Npcs, IA and IW as well. Hoping his can be fixed though. Missing the days when it didn't take so long.
  5. You shouldn't be shocked because I'm not a coder nor have I pretended to be. Point is that NMM has got a load in it already (thus surprised it isn't already there) and I have a feeling getting the function I mentioned shouldn't be too much of a problem for an experienced coder.
  6. Getting the same issues as Bjornheim, mainly incomplete. And for the love of god, please make the categories such as 'file version' and 'author' actually more useful. No point having them clickable when they actually do nothing. I'd really like to be able to click on them and get all the files that need updates to be together or the authors in alphabetical order etc.... I'm shocked this wasn't there in the first place >_>
  7. Looking for this armour. Been through quite a few Dragonplate armour mods but nothing.




    I've been looking around for this particular version of the Barkeeper outfit, the colour is gorgeous. If anyone knows where to find it, I'd be grateful.




    I believe this is what you're looking for. Field Mage



  8. Sitting down for a bit then exiting seemed to fix my issue too.. So weird. Thing is, I only ever got this bug when I had a companion following me. Whenever I told him to stay, I could exit freely. When I had him following me, I crashed every time, but sitting down seems to fix that for now.


    Did you guys have companions following you? I thought it was first because I switched from UFO to AFT and had Lydia with me, so I made a new character. Got to Dawnstar, got Era as a follower, went to Morthal, left him inside the inn, went to retrieve him and crashed like before when exiting the building when he was following me. That's the only time I ever had crashes when exiting places, when a follower was following me.


    I would really love to know why this issue exists though. In regards to load lists, specifically the one mentioned way above I have a few of the same mods. But disabling them didn't fix my issue at all. Reckon the same was for you.


    The mods I have in common: Better Dynamic Snow, Cloaks Of Skyrim, Crimson Tide - Blood, Enhanced Distant Terrain, Skyrim Flora Overhaul, W.A.T.E.R, Xenius Character Enhancement, Static Mesh Improvement and Sounds of Skyrim.

  9. To be honest, I'm on the side where if I'm going to be playing a character for ages and seeing their back/backside, I'd prefer them to be decent looking and just interesting in general. You can't get any male on Skyrim to properly look young at all. They all look late middle aged. Can't make them look cool n' stuff either, lol. I can't relate to that at all. Not that I can relate females, but you know what I mean...
  10. I just posted about this, because it was incredibly annoying.




    I've got 2 nVidia GTX 465's and honestly, I can't remember having this issue before the patch. I did take a break from Skyrim for a while but I haven't missed that many patches and this issue wasn't there beforehand.

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