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Status Updates posted by humannature66

  1. Nothin' new here atm. ...
  2. .. Sun is still here ... tada .. ;)
  3. Dear Lady, you are back? Is it true?
    1. AlienSlof


      One of my hosts is shutting up shop, so I've had little choice but to put my stuff back up here. I once nearly lost everything in a crash, so I like to have it all safely up online in at least two places. :)
    2. humannature66


      So, more FO4 stuff to come? ;)
  4. HHALLOOOOOOOO !!!!!!!! Meld Dich bitte bei mir!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! URGENT!!!!!
  5. Mach mal deien Postkasten hier leer! .. Man kann Dir nix mehr schreiben!!!!!
  6. hey bro ! .. modding FO4?
  7. 3 dayzzz .. curious about FO4's graphics? .. story? .. enemies? .. nope, just need to know how to get my Babe's Skyrim-platform-heels to Boston :D
    1. satanslilhelper


      Ah, Freddo. It's good to see a man with his priorities in the right order!

      My only "need-to-know" is just how the blazes I'm going to find the time to play!

      Keep me posted about the heels! ;D

  8. Gonna meet ya in Boston i assume .. ;)
    1. Odile


      Hell yea, brother, I have woke up from a long sleep
  9. 4 months left, Ma'am, til our .. RE-UNION!!!!!!!! :D
  10. standing idle no 4 .. simple but PERFECT for babes in Highheels!! THX
  11. Return visit, friend. Besides, your works have massive influence on my recreational activities. Thx 4 that.
  12. Hey my friend!! You are still here, good to see that! How's it been for ya so far??
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. RayV12


      Man Congrats on the smoking, wish I could say the same. I've actually been trying to gain weight the past few months. 8000 calories a day and I have only gained 6 Ibs..lol. I'm 6'3" 215 Ibs. like to get up to 230, arms and abs are always there but chest needs to catch up haha. Used to run everyday but had to stop to try and gain. So Sports.. nothing sounds better to me right now. :)


      Still working on Baja for fallout. Thats bout it for modding at this time.

    3. humannature66


      230 lbs ... sounds a bit like a supermutie! :D

      .. myself, i never got over 180 myself, in my 'active' some years ago.

      Subway with Beth, huh? .. pulled me back into FO3, to b honest. I'm gonna check this now ;)

      greetz, bro

    4. RayV12


      Naw .. i'm actually kinda skinny still for my height. 230 would be perfect.. 250 would be (give me your lunch money)


      Beth takes all the credit for the new subway mod. I have not messed with that mod in many years :P Looks like her and her peeps did a great job on it.. Bout to check it out myself.

  13. Hey, Du lebst noch, oder? ... man, laaang nix gehört
    1. humannature66


      Halloooooooo ? ....
  14. Hey Lin, i hope you got into 2015 smoothly ;) .. late, but all the best to you & those you love! ..
  15. WAKE UP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ... hey bro, whazzup???
  16. ... everyone seems to be in 'Sleeping Beauty's sleep' ... except you are not in need of :)
    1. satanslilhelper


      Oh you smoothie, Freddo! *grins* Thank you!

      And, yes, they do! Oh well, it's important. Hopefully it just means everyone will be well rested and ready for "gaming time" when FO4 comes out. (Whenever that might be!)

      Hugs and kisses to you in the meantime, sweetie!

  17. He bro, would give u a happy nu year, but i'm bit late, huh? XD
  18. WHAZZUIP, Odile? ... i'm just running around, trying to wake up all of u ol' friends !! :D
  19. Damn .. just checked out a few of us old-hand's profiles here, and we all seem to be waiting for .. yeah, for what? XD .. hell, we will never go :)
  20. War gerad' auf dem Sprung und dachte, ich sach' ma' Hallo ;)))))
  21. Merry christmas, ma'am :)
  22. Hello, Mylady. Congrats to trelease of your romance mod. It was about time for something like that ! Thank you.
  23. I can give that back, my dear ... HAPPY Birthday, Lin .. :) .. actually i usually forget everyone's birthday, even my own ;D .. but always happy to hear from you!
    1. humannature66


      Btw., any lifesigns from Kenny the 'Bassman' ? :) .. ya know, when FO4 will be released, maybe next fall or so, we will have to turn him back into modding ! XD
  24. Hiya, hab erst vor ein paar Tagen gemerkt, dass in praktisch jedem Tropical-mod deine Palmen und tropischen Pflanzen auftauchen :) ... Tolle Arbeiten !! Greetz, Freddo
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