Like the title, something just felt wrong when I first pressed F1 in Oblivion. It looked like it was SPECIFICALLY designed for the consoles, moving the analog stick left or right to go between your inventory, to your spells, to your statistics, up and down to go through the list of options in them. In Morrowind, you could access everything with a few clicks, in Oblivion PC users are pretty much forced to click 3 - 5 times to equip/un-equip, access a spell, etc. While Daggerfall did use a similar inventory/spell system to Oblivion, that was mainly because it was only 100-ish pixels. The inventory is made specially for the consoles. Also, just why do they let half of the screen be taken up by our character portrait? :\ Next, the newer RPG gamers are getting... Dumber? In Morrowind, your melee fighter couldn't start casting spells at the very start of the game, you would constantly fail. In Oblivion, you could put no points into a certain school of magic, still be able to cast "simple" spells... Not in Morrowind. Morrowind had rather specific weapon proficiencies, long-blade users wouldn't be used to using a blunt weapon, axe-users wouldn't be used to using a short sword. All while in Oblivion, if you're good with a long blade, you could use a short blade. "Blunt" means being good at one weapon in skill makes you good at ALL weapons in blunt. Example : Being good with a heavy, two-handed warhammer means you're completely used to a mace. This honestly makes no sense. Oblivion became quite easy because of this, even if you install mods such as DarN UI, FCOM, the problem still exists, we still lose half of our screen to our oversized character portrait, we can still cast spells with a level 5 skill in magic, and now you can manually block. Manual block pretty much makes the block skill useless, since every twenty-five levels simply adds a new special ability involving blocking, or a passive extra to blocking. Don't get me wrong though, Oblivion IS a great game, still loads of fun, has more mods, and can be more random than Morrowind. The only flaws are that it is too easy for people who previously played games like Daggerfall (make a mistake in character creation? You're screwed/gonna have a rather hard time through the entire game.) Oblivion is also graphically better (even with Morrowind Graphics Extender installed), has a better persuasion menu, (felt like) better sneak mechanics, but still has less join-able factions. Actually, you can join ALL the factions in Oblivion while in Morrowind you couldn't be master of the fighter's guild and also master of the mage's guild... Nor could you be the thief guildmaster, fighter's guild master, mage's guild master, etc. etc. Another rather disappointing thing in Oblivion, is the lack of silt striders/boats/fast travel systems. That is all I have to say in my little (rant?) theory. Please, do not get me wrong... I DO think Oblivion is a great game, and no, I'm not a "old elitist" type who has an old computer and is just jealous of the high requirements of the new games, I am not like that.