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About MoonMe2

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  1. It took me days just to find this thread. Thanks kevkiev and Quetzlsacatanango for the information. A heads-up on the address change would have been nice. But...I have access to the site again, so it's all good. Suggestion: Site maintenance, shut-downs, (and esp address changes) should have their own sticky. Like: "Newvegasnexus Site Maintenance" etc, etc.
  2. My question is: Is there a way to adjust/change ambient sunlight in FO3/FNV/Skyrim? Here are some examples of what I'm trying to get at. http://i1163.photobucket.com/albums/q555/Branthil/ss_owner_09-10-08_16-30-34_l01_escape_zps37614cb6.jpg http://i1163.photobucket.com/albums/q555/Branthil/ss_owner_06-19-09_01-22-57_l03_agroprom_zps8267d379.jpg http://i1163.photobucket.com/albums/q555/Branthil/ss_owner_08-23-10_12-49-04_l01_escape_zpsc6d0434b.jpg Any advice and/or tips? Is it even possible?
  3. Be wary about the 360 version. I've been reading articles about major crashes, and not being able to continue the story line. Read Tom Chick's game diary's at http://fidgit.com.
  4. Oh, of course. I was just annoyed earlier and I have very little patience. So get this, my anti-virus software (which I had disabled) had quarentined the launcher files for New Vegas as malware. However deactivating it didn't restore them so I assumed I still had a problem. The issue here is that theres no particular fix to this issue, its just a generic error message that could be caused by a billion things. Anyway, fixed it, played happily. Love u Steam. Ok, so tell us what you did to fix it, so someone else doesn't have to go through that.
  5. Thanks Paxan_1, I'll keep trying with what you suggested.
  6. ............to die???!!! Especially at lower ( beginning ) levels. Is it because he's a Templar? Is it because of his armor? He doesn't have the Threaten ability yet. So what gives? I don't have a Mage main character so I can't keep him healed up yet. Don't have enough pots either. Damn, he's lame. Unless I take full control of him, he's dead. period. :wallbash:
  7. Try this: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=7670
  8. Thanks for the tips. I decided to just let the auto setup window pop up (which took about 20 min), then click the the installation exe. Sat down to watch some TV, and about a half hour later I turned to look at the progress and "what do you know". There it is, ready for me to start the installation. AND, It installed it directly to my data folder. (using Vista Home Premium). Anyway all is well now. Thanks again for the input.
  9. Could the Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch.esm be the cause? When I install the disc and click the .exe it just stalls, and does nothing. The 1.7 Official patch is already installed. I'm thinking of just re-installing the game from scratch and installing the DLC's right then and there. Here is my mod list. Any ideas? Thanks in advance.
  10. Funny, I had the same issues with the same files. My fix? Do without the "Restyled" mod.
  11. Thanks BadPenney. Also when I try to check the mod with FO3Edit it also gets stuck. At the bottom of the screen it stops at "Building FormID index. FO3Edit will then freeze.
  12. Hey people! I have been trying to change the Author name in the GECK from Default to MoonMe2 and I keep getting a error. I've enclosed a pic to show what it looks like. Also when in happens, I get a second error that says "Assertion", and then the GECK freezes up on me. It's a simple mod just to change the pace of leveling. (No meshes, no textures, no other mods required). Anyone else experience this? And if so, how did you remedy the problem?
  13. Ok, if I zap someone with the Mesmetron, say, for example, "Flak" in Rivet City. The people around the general area become hostile. Ok, fine. I just run away. Now the real question is: How much time must pass before I can return to Rivet City without the neighbors still being hostile to me? Or, do they remain hostile for the duration? I zapped "Red" in Big Town, waited a bit before I stepped outside and the townsfolk were hostile for about one second then turned to allies. What do you all think?
  14. Ha ha ha! The default key for "grab" is Z. Or, check in your settings > key mapping. Oh, and I just use Portable Mattress.
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