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Everything posted by Bejasc3D

  1. Ohhh my Lorddddy lord lord. I remember KoTOR I effing loved it. Still play it to this day. And I think 1 was better than 2.
  2. Ok, Im going to try this out. Im not sure if this is in the wrong category or anything, but Im going to give it a shot. Sorry if this is/has already been created. Hey guys! Alot of you probably are wondering, is there a mod that does this? Is there a mod that does that? Well, Not every single person has the answer. At this thread, you can post your question, which I will come to put in THIS post. From there, anybody who comes into this thread, and possibly knows the answer, may post the link or name of a file. The link to that file, will be put next to the question in the table below. Happy Oblivioning :) Key: Answered = Somone has Answered your question! Pending = No answer yet... <?> = May change --|--------------------------------QUESTION--------------------------------|--STATUS--|------------RESULT------------|-- BeNnyBoY2321: Is there a mod to overhaul the crime system?--------------------Answered------------Here and/or Here. DollBox: Is there a mod that adds a Fairy or Pixie Race------------------------------Pending-(may be answered, see pg2) fredyzg: Is there any other mod with baldur's gate contents?-----------------------Pending yazanke: Is there a mod that adds other non canine etc beasts ------------------Answered-----Here, Here, Here, or Here. mecha51: is there a mod that RANDOMIZES the 'shape' of all women bodys?-----Answered---------<?>here or here<?> Unclejack: Is there a mod that adds children (with own skeleton/collision)---------Answered--------<?>Here or Here<?> Pluto91: Is there a mod that adds modern business suits? preferably black.-----Pending Thalassicus: Is there any mod that makes it you can only steal while sneaking--------Pending blueblurr777: Is there a mod that makes your hair vislbe whilst wearing a hood?----Pending Nyran: Is there a mod that makes jumping look better------------------------------Answered---------------Here Nyran: Is there a mod that adds Egyptian style weapons?--------------------------Pending CommanderRaiden:Are there any mods that add animations for eating/drinking?---Pending BeNnyBoY2321: Is there a mod that lets you hot-key 'kits'-----------------------Pending deabo: Are there any mods that add regions outside of Cyrodiil?----------------------Answered--------------------Here. IF YOU FEEL THAT YOUR QUESTION HAS NOT BEEN ANSWERED, DROP ME A PM AND I WILL CHANGE IT Post some questions and find some answers! ;) Have fun. BeNnyBoY2321
  3. Theres good ol' Runescape :P? Free for as long as you want and a Members option. also, if you prefer a more modern/scifi approach, mechscape(subject/or is changed) is one that the company (JagEx) is releasing soon. I thurougly enjoy runescape to be honest. But the good old days (2-3 years ago) where when it was best.
  4. Here in south oz, its good to be on school holidays.. I think?? Ive been staying up past 3am every morning. Probably isnt that good for me but... meh.
  5. I really like this idea. Keep in mind, the ringwraiths should/could possibly have a small weakness to fire. As in number one at weathertop, where aragorn torches their 'faces' and then makes them scatter. Would it be possible that if they suffered 'x' ammount of fire damage, they then flee?
  6. and said that *off topic* WOAH! I didnt expect my old thread to live out this long. thanks everyone!
  7. Have fun taking this poll, What would you do if you were a Guard! :)
  8. WAit wair wait wait wait.... Ok, Thres engUS, and engUK For example US: Mom = mother UK: Mum = mother Is Emporer v Emperor a classic case of Mom v Mum (lol) aka US v UK spelling?
  9. Its Ok Aeon, I think thats fairly on topic ish.... But It is oblivion, So ill kick off a new sentance that is till on topic The puppy yelled
  10. Ok, Because the poll is at its limits in questions, Here is a quick form, which you can 'x' off [x] for your choice Used an Item Pickup Quest Items - [ ] Money/Lockpicks - [ ] never - [ ] Teleported to a location Hawkhaven - [ ] Testing Hall - [ ] Other - [ ] No - [ ] Killed NPC's - Killall Yes - [ ] No - [ ] Maybe for a quest or high level - [ ] -Individual Yes - [ ] No - [ ] Maybe for a quest or high level - [ ] Used an advance skill/atribute For some - [ ] No - [ ] HELL to the NO - [ ] Added all spells to player Yes - [ ] No - [ ] 'Experimentational Purpouses' - [ ]
  11. It isnt needed is it? If you wait till night, Go to the castle hall, and then the previous Lord will be there, You can kill him ,and it still finishes the quest
  12. Yeah... On my first character, I did some level and experince cheats... ruined it.
  13. Omg, I have no Idea on that one :| lol
  14. im not sure if this is the right question but... id give you kudos if you taught me how to make quests :P?
  15. DISCLAIMER: Mods, I am sorry if this is not allowed, or is in the wrong place. I understand If you move and/or delete it, Just warning or notifacation about this would be good. thanks This is the classic game of Where am I. How it happens: One person is 'it' That person then comes up with a breif description of where they are (MUST be in VANILLA OBLIVION) Everyone else is to guess where this location is. The correct guesser will then be the person to make up the next location. Its that simple, So ill kick it off. White walls, Tall towers, Dragon statue, tiber 'currency' hotel
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