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Everything posted by Bejasc3D

  1. Are there any mods to get a complete bald head? And also, I just wondered.... Why arent there any beards for males...?
  2. This is a quick poll ,to see how many of you, either reli on cheats, or 'godly items' to play 'effectively' EDIT Ive reached the limit on the poll questions, so heres a form you can post. Used an Item Pickup Quest Items - [ ] Money/Lockpicks - [ ] never - [ ] Teleported to a location Hawkhaven - [ ] Testing Hall - [ ] Other - [ ] No - [ ] Killed NPC's - Killall Yes - [ ] No - [ ] Maybe for a quest or high level - [ ] -Individual Yes - [ ] No - [ ] Maybe for a quest or high level - [ ] Used an advance skill/atribute For some - [ ] No - [ ] HELL to the NO - [ ] Added all spells to player Yes - [ ] No - [ ] 'Experimentational Purpouses' - [ ]
  3. banning alex for banning azir for me banning somone faster
  4. PROBLEM SOLVED You can delete this thread now... The solution was simple... instead of six blades, there were 2. I remember, I used some noclipping/etc and assassinated the blades early on in that save, haha. Anyway, Thanks for reading if you did, but its all solved now.
  5. Banning vicICE for having a name that could rhyme, but a certain vowel is missing (E)
  6. I have been playing oblivion for months now. I have tried this with none of my mods but the main oblivion.esm, but the problem still hangs. (I have completed the main quest on many other characters, but none hit this problem) After finding martin in the chapel of Kvatch, I took him to Jaufre, did all that, and went to cloud ruler temple. Everything works fine, right up untill Jaufre's speech, He says "Blades.. dark times are upon us, The emperor died by our hand, The empire is in chaos" or something similar. But after completing that block of dialouge, The game crashes. Like I said, I have tried this with no mods enabled Does anyone have any Idea what is going on?
  7. (male) Not sure what that means, hence the brackets. If it isnt corect, soldier on.
  8. Lemonade+DesiredCordial=Perfect Customized Drink. It is really good, you can miz and match the flavours, eg, lemonade+raspbery cordial+orrange cordial=fruit salad flavoured soda You can even put bits of fruit in it ;)
  9. Banning Monolithic0117. Because Authority rules.
  10. Hamish and Andy Podcasts ftw. And the new Greenday album.
  11. HaHa! Love the 'Your site has been mactivated' thing, thats awesome ;) http://i25.tinypic.com/2urthle.jpg
  12. http://i25.tinypic.com/2urthle.jpg
  13. an ancient (One more thing. You CAN end sentances, and it doesnt HAVE to be three words. (This is a big hit so far :))
  14. The game is simple. You can post up to 3 words at a time, to create an ongoing story. It can only be 3 words or less, and you cannot end it. What you say must be relevant to the current plot/setting. eg. NOTE: Every 100 posts (Or in this case, line) Will be written up by me, and will be available for a nominal fee, just without the nominal fee ;) A)Then B)Jack C)hugged D)KFC A)Jack B)Hugged C)Penny D)Then died. They are examples of what NOT to do. Dont come up with something tottaly off topic and irrelevant, and Dont just end thr story (NOTE: You can end a sentance, but not a sentance like "Jack>Went>To>The." It needs to be a complete sentance. *Jack is the main character, and is 'un killable' *The theme of this story is, a travelling rich spell merchant. And now, without further Ado, _____________________________________________________________- Jack
  15. Yeah its nice. My avatar is my stealth character on oblivion lol ;) Avatar: 10/10. Pure. Awesome. and Style. A little more of a further shot (by a little) would be better still though. Sig: 7.5/10. Good, But its a little plain. The text couls probbaby use some effects to it aswell, but thats just my oppinion. ~EDIT~ : Changed again, Cloud thing was supposed to be 'screen waves'. But Oblivion isnt fit for that anyway.
  16. - Based on waht you said, I made some modifacations. (Tell me if my sig is too big) Avatar - 8/10. -eh. good though. Sig - 9.8/10 - Really awesome, especialy if you did the effects yourself. I just dont really like the whole animie thing (personal oppinion) - But I really like the sig overall.
  17. 7.5 for avatar. A little low quality, but looks good.
  18. Instead of starting a whole new thread, (sorry if this is kinda hi-jacking your thread, but its verry much on topic) What would be the skills/stats etc that you recomend for an assain/theif.
  19. I guess I could come up with some storylines/quests. Maybe even some textures, but I need to learn more on modding with oblivion first. (NOT SURE IF THIS IS ALLOWED - If we could IM so I could find out more details, and get the jist of it, etc, that would be great, my email is [email protected] Because i am at boarding school, i havent much time to be on msn all of the time, so if we oculd arrange a time/date etc, it would be better. I am GMT +9:30 timezone - /NOT SURE IF THIS IS ALLOWED) - Kinda new to these forums, but have been on many before Ben
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