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  1. Right, so first of all this problem started with version 0.18.16. Skyrim SE is currently the only game I actively use Vortex for. SSEEdit is what I use to modify files and the version for that is 3.2.1. So I edit an esp file, make backups of those edited files and the next time Vortex deploys files it asks the usual "Things have changed, what to do?". Choosing use newer or save changes will result in deletion of those modified files. They are just gone from the data folder at this point. Vortex still says that the mod is installed and every other file from the mod, besides the esp, is still there. I copy the backups back to the data folder and the next time Vortex deploys, it's the same thing. Didn't make a difference if I was enabling a mod which caused the auto deployment or if I was manually deploying. It didn't seem to matter which mods I were modifying. This file deletion happened four times in a row, but on the fifth time things changed a bit. I enabled a mod with Vortex and the prompt for what to do with modified files pop ups again and this time it didn't delete the files. What it did instead is put the mod I just enabled and all the modified files it was asking about to the very bottom of the load order. None of those mods should have been there and manually sorting afterwards put them in their right place. At that point I downloaded an older version of Vortex (0.18.12) and that one had no issues with dealing with modified files.
  2. For me the first four steps are the same, but the fifth is me launching Skyrim and while loading a save, I'm told that the modified files I just told Vortex to save are gone.
  3. I wrote about the exact same problem in another thread. Here's a link to the start of the discussion if you are interested in reading it: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/7365471-files-changed-outside-of-vortex/?p=71895623
  4. I guess I should have mentioned that I do have auto-sorting enabled. Always had it on so I forgot that there's an option to not have it. So the mods being put at the end was certainly unexpected. With a problem as severe as files being deleted, it was very easy for me to notice something was off simply by trying to load my Skyrim save and being told that the two mods I had modified were missing. Will have to keep an eye out in the future for smaller things as well though, like the load order. And I'm going to backup files even more diligently now.
  5. Right, I installed the old version and tested things out. First I tried using the new version one last time to see how consistent this problem was (so far it has happened on every time Vortex deployed files). This time Vortex didn't delete the mods that it was asking about, but it did upon deployment move the modified mods to the end of the load order, among a mod I was installing at the time. Manually clicking on the sort button did put all the mods at their right place. Clearly not as serious problem as deleting files this time, but still odd behavior. On the 0.18.12 version I did the same thing and no files were deleted or moved in load orders. It works like it has always done.
  6. Would downloading the old version and installing it on top of the new be the right way to do this? Would that keep all the mods and settings the way they are now?
  7. Hmmm, I'm still using 0.18.12 I wonder if the problem has cropped up in 0.18.16 Best to send a bug report to be safe. Click the three vertical dots next to your avatar in Vortex and pick SEND FEEDBACK and then BUG REPORT Yeah that's the first thing I did. Wrote the report and clicked send, so I guess it went somewhere useful. At least for me the problem only started with this version. I tend to always update Vortex when it offers an update. Hopefully it gets fixed soon.
  8. Where is your MOD folder, and where is your MOD Staging Folder? Whatever the default setting is. So, {USERDATA}\{GAME}\mods And you game is on the same drive as the Mod Staging Folder, and you're using HARD LINK Deployment? It is on the same drive. Hardlink deployment is on, I believe that was the default setting as well.
  9. Where is your MOD folder, and where is your MOD Staging Folder? Whatever the default setting is. So, {USERDATA}\{GAME}\mods
  10. What it does for me in Skyrim SE is that if I choose use newer or save changes, Vortex just decides to delete the files in question. Now I have to copy my backup files back into the data folder every time Vortex has deployed the mods. So, in case your problem is the same, have a look at your files to see if they are all still there. At great personal risk - I have to say you are not correct. If you say Save, vortex merges whatever changes it finds back into your mod. If a texture changed outside of Vortex - that changed texture gets written back to the mod. If a texture is deleted outside of Vortex, that texture is deleted from the mod. Note: These are only changes to the mod staging folder. If you select Reinstall on the mod dropdown, the mod is refreshed from the archive in Vortex Downloads. All is as it was. There has to be a Latin equivalent for that... Well, I guess it's a positive thing that Vortex isn't deleting everyone's mods. I'll just keep dealing with the problem until it gets fixed. It didn't happen before I updated Vortex to 0.18.16.
  11. What it does for me in Skyrim SE is that if I choose use newer or save changes, Vortex just decides to delete the files in question. Now I have to copy my backup files back into the data folder every time Vortex has deployed the mods. So, in case your problem is the same, have a look at your files to see if they are all still there.
  12. I'm totally not going to win this.
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