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About SpiderAkira

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    Ninja_Potato #0421
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    Sudeki,Skyrim,Fable & Oblivion!!!

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  1. I remember seeing it on hot files last week. What happened to it? Wish I grabbed it when I had the chance.
  2. Seems like your save is suffering from many missing scripts. That could be a likely culprit in your general instability of the game. Every time you load the game it's looking for those scripts and whenever an event requiring them triggers, it will CTD.
  3. They'll cast magic that's relative to their class. So usually I only see defensive mages and conjurers use any self casting spells. With OOO on I notice they are more aggressive with spell casting.
  4. If your really getting into modding xEdit is essential to have. Saves a lot of game purging and reinstall's.
  5. NP this was my quick source: https://www.creationkit.com/index.php?title=Magic_Effect I'd take a look at the archery perks to get a base reference as well.
  6. Could be various reasons but crashes at logo usually mean, incompatibility, A mod(s) requires another file as a master or outdated mods/SKSE. Also keep your mod tools up to date as well.
  7. You'd probably need to create a new "Magic effect" with target conditions to trigger only when the weapon is out and disable the "Recover" flag. Add that effect to a magic ability and then attach that to a perk or something. I guess that's one way you could do it in my theory.
  8. One the mods you installed might've overwritten something on your character that the save depends on. Might have to reinstall some mods you already had before. That's the only thing I know for sure to break saves like that. It's probably something to do with the player character on that particular save if your able to start a new game.
  9. There already is a follower on LE & SSE. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/34870
  10. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/15447 is what you might be looking for. If you want food to restore more health I believe there is also a alchemy overhaul as well.
  11. I thought about making something similar to this myself, but more a cliche save the princess held captive by fire breathing dragon in mountain full of gold type quest. However what you listed here is indeed very do-able but will take some time.
  12. Just share your ideas here, you may also donate to the modder that made your idea into Skyrim a reality. Edit: sorry just noticed you posted twice lol, thanks for sharing!
  13. In response to post #25769769. #25769949, #25770174, #25770714, #25770769, #25770854, #25772669, #25773184, #25773624 are all replies on the same post. Bethesda announces Dishonored 2 lol.
  14. I think it would be so cool and awesome if there were HDT amulets. I saw not too long ago HDT Earrings so could amulets be done as well? I have no knowledge of any mods nor how to make HDT Physics. Just an idea, Im caught up in my own work but If I get around to it I may learn how to do this kind of work its very interesting.
  15. As a mod author I don't agree with paid mods nor will I support this, I mean someone could literally just change the stats of the game, make it super easy and have people pay for it when anyone can do that. Modding is a hobby. All of my mods will remain free on steam.
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