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  1. I'm not a technical mod user, my ability with computers is rather limited, so I hope that whoever gets the Vortex Alpha build will be able to fully test it instead of someone like me who would likely complain that X is broken and have no idea how to fully explain it in detail.
  2. I COMMAND THEEE! LIVE!! LIVE!!! In the name of our Lord and Master Todd Howard! Or is it Josh Sawyer and Chris Avellone since this is still a New Vegas mod, probably the latter. But they don't have memes for the whole God thing, shame really. Rambling over *does his best Professor Farnsworth impression* Good news everyone, the Frontier Planet of the New Vegas Galaxy has a Twitter account! https://twitter.com/FrontierDevs
  3. It is coming. Weijiesen posted a teaser image of the Fallout 4 EVE. So once CK drops he'll probably be working on it fully.
  4. It'll probably be better if it's about him, the LW trying to give the Brotherhood the boot out of the Commonwealth. He created this problem by seeking the BoS help back in the day if he hadn't things would have ended very differently. Maybe with his death even but partial blame still lies with him. So now that the BoS are terrorizing the Commonwealth sort of. Depending on who you side with that is. He's come to show the Commonwealth they aren't the Knights in shining armor they parade as. If you have sided with the BoS it could test your allegiances as secrets come to light. Why Maxson is leading this crusade, how he defied the codex, spoiler territory here. And whether you'll side with the LW or Maxson. Every other Faction choice would make that decision easier.
  5. Also remove all beds and chairs from a location to prevent NPCs from spawning inside them. It does happen, I've moved settlers from my home before in Sanctuary.
  6. That would be amazing, I'm playing through the game with nothing but a Tuxedo and while styling it offers no protection. So it really sucks to get these legendary sets of armor pieces only to leave them at home.
  7. it would be cool to map a melee weapon to a punch button. If that was already in game. Which does seem to be the case. So if you had a gun without melee abilities your default punch would whip out your preferred melee weapon. A sword or bat. Anything that could be used quickly and easily with one hand.
  8. In response to post #30148810. #30153350, #30155305, #30155460 are all replies on the same post. We are thee Wise Men bringing wisdom to these wastes. And exploding shotguns. Because why not!
  9. In response to post #30148810. I concur, yellow bars/buttons on a blue background would be sweet.
  10. Chapter 23 (415 words.) May 6 9:34 AM - Bush Company Headquarters The air was calm as patrons from the previous night awoke next to naked companions of their choosing. But although the customers slept and the workers kept at their jobs others had been gathering information as it was their main directive as the Bush Company. A woman in leather boots stomped through the halls leading to Valmet’s office. Hair shaved short wearing a low cut blouse made from hide with a pair of seal skin trousers. She barged in short of breath having ran quite a distance. Valmet sat at her desk nursing a cup of tea as she looked up to greet Holly who had just entered the room. “I assume the news is dire?” “It is. I brought you reports of movements of the Zang Empire. They just started to move and it will take them weeks to reach Cordova but I assume they have no interest in the NCR based upon current statements from our operatives.” Holly said as she took a chair and exhaled. “Then what. Why are they mobilizing?” “We surmise it’s to put pressure on the other Tahs, the ones who are opposed to human co-habitation. That and I think they plan on making an assault on Anchorage.” Valmet drank some of her tea as she flipped through the reports. “If they are moving to aggravate the Tahs, how long until you think they decide to act?” “By our estimates, a matter of hours. The Tahs are sitting on a powder keg, and it’s primed to blow. We already surmised that their unprovoked abduction marks their current political unease. We think the NCR were taken to appease the current political powers and to keep the Pro-War groups at bay.” Holly took a moment to pause. “Right now with the Zang encroaching on their doorstep it will give the War groups reason to act, putting the NCR at further risk. We know not which Tah faction has taken them but we can only guess that they’re still alive as no declarations have been made at this time.” “Damn!” - Valmet said as she slammed her desk. “Have you sent word to Ashland?” “Yes, a courier was on his way already.” “I just hope the Rangers work fast enough, otherwise we might be facing another war on our hands.” Valmet said her voice filled with uncertainty. “What of Stonewall? Why haven’t they stopped their advance yet?” “That’s the thing, they haven’t tried yet. We assume that they’re not currently interested in interfering at the moment. We know they had their share of issues the past few months, cave ins and toxic gas underground. But we’re not sure why they haven’t acted yet.” “Rest up for now Holly. I fear we’ll need to work soon enough ourselves.” “Yes Ma'am!” Holly said as she left the room leaving Valmet to her thoughts. So. The Zang want to pressure the Tahs, I wonder why Stonewall hasn’t stopped their advance yet. Something must be happening in their underground city. But what? Valmet thought as she began to drink from her cup only to see it empty.
  11. Here's some WIP Teaser stuffs all from Weijiesen. Working Security Cameras 1, 2 and 3. Particle-based muzzleflash experiement Part 2. City of Portland Newspaper Box. Hawkolyptic. Camo Net. Bee Nade. Working Lampposts. Destructible Objects Lamppost and Wooden Walls. Trunk Animations. Torchlight.
  12. Chapter 22 (New day new time) May 6th 10:00 AM Rangers enroute to Gellenalen A massive fire burned in front of the Tonsina River Lodge; men danced and chanted in unison hymns in a language unintelligible to the normal man. The morning sun was hidden behind a thick wall of clouds as rain and thunder crashed around them. “For Fenris the mighty one we praise! For Fenris the ferocious one we fear!” The Tribals resounded these words. “To Fenris we offer this sacrifice unto you!” A woman bound by her wrists and ankles struggled at her binds. As the priest lifted a blade into the air the woman let out muffled screams in fear. While the blade captured the reflection that the lightning casted over the blade. The Priest sunk the blade deep into her chest and pulled out the blade only to shove his bare hand into the wound, his fingers tugged at her heart as he yanked it still beating from her warm corpse. The Tribals gathered round and with teeth sharp as fangs tore into her skin as the Priest began to devour her heart the warm blood dripping down his neck over his furs. Rangers Claire and Jonathan edged to the clearing of the bushes as they saw the Lythropes feasting on the poor victim. “What now?” Claire asked. “We try to move around. Too many Lythropes, not enough time on our side. We need to get moving, there’s nothing more we can do here.” They backed up the Worcas as they attempted to make their way past unnoticed. Elsewhere however the NCR Rangers had finished packing up camp from the night before things were uneasy between them and their Tah Guides and Captors. The previous day saw no signs of any worth while prey and they needed something to appease the Tahs. They had encountered a Vulpine a large quilled Fox like creature almost as if someone had spliced a Fox and Porcupine together. It had dashed away before it felt threatened enough to shoot its quills at anyone, which can penetrate as deep as four inches into the flesh. The Rangers had makeshift bows and spears but getting sticked with hundreds of quills was something they’d sooner avoid. Decker was in the bushes taking a leak while the others plotted their course. “We’ll head North West then loop around and try South.” Churchill said as he ran his claws over a map. Decker rushed back to the group buttoning up her pants as she ran. “Found something. Paw prints, big ones. Saw them round that tree back there while I was looking for some cover.” Quickly they ran over and it was as Decker said, paw prints leading eastward. The Tahs studied how they were formed and where the tracks led. “There’s a river not far from here. It may have gone to feed or drink.” Churchill stated as he stood up and looked towards the direction of the river.
  13. The Frozen Hearth - Alaska's Number one Newspaper for current events. - So here's a note from me. I'm not sure what I'll do with the Frozen Hearth but I'll probably add stories here and there that don't fit my current ongoing Fan Fiction Explorers of the New World. It just doesn't feel like something I can just toss into that story. So the Frozen Hearth will probably be short stories written like newspaper clippings about anything from Character Bios or Historical events. Still haven't decided how I'll do this or if there'll be more to it. But it was fun so here's the story hopefully you guys and gals will enjoy it. - End Author's rambling. Now as we here at the Frozen Hearth prepare to enter a new age that is 2300 we decided to look back at one of the most influential High Chieftains North Ashland. Now as we dug into the man behind the legend. We began to unravel a few mysteries. Now by all accounts his time as an Arctic Wolf which is a great achievement in itself was rather mediocre; that's not to say he under-performed in his duties no he did quite a lot to prove himself worthy of his station. It's just not many of his deeds were publicized, and as an Arctic Wolf he ranked in the lowest of the low. North Ashland according to known friends and first hand accounts is a stand up man, who believes in justice and equality. That's not to say he is without his vices; he has been known to bed women, many women at once sometimes who are barely in their twenties. And as a man in his late forties it's become somewhat of a controversial topic. Still his deeds as a Commander top such a minor fault. It's well known that North was born in a secluded Village where they became cut off from the rest of the world for Half a Century, where many of it's residents were interbred due to the shortage of new Families. North states that his first sexual encounter wasn't until he was about thirty years of age after the Rangers first came to his Village and exposed them to Civilization. It's also speculated that his Daughter Vivian was conceived about this time, possible Mothers are unknown but Valmet of the Bush Company is rumored to be the mother, though no proof has been found. North's accomplishments as the High Chief include ending a decades long war between the Tahs, and cracking down on Slavers and Corruption. Though his biggest accomplishment is also the strangest. How North won the High Chief elections. To be honest no one quite knows how North a relatively unknown candidate won the elections in a landslide vote. Despite rumors of foul play North has been cleared of any wrongdoings. Most of the other candidates did rescind their candidacy stating things along the lines of "It is too much a burden." Or "Other priorities have come to my attention." North's only other running candidate at the end was a Tenma Hoozuki. Who also dropped out of the race. He was assumed to have had a hand in rigging the elections but all the investigations into the matter came up with nothing. With no other opposing candidate North was officially elected High Chief. It was also revealed that North did not submit an entry form. And that another Chief had submitted one for him according to a letter he received from North, that mysteriously disappeared. Nevertheless North campaigned and won which has brought an era of progressive peace. Thus ends the latest and final issue of the year 2299. Until next year dear readers. Keep well.
  14. Chapter 21 (I totally had this all planned when I wrote the first chapter.. So not making this up as I go along. Nope certainly not. Also 787 words.) 7:01 AM Prince William Sound - USS Sovereign Enterprise Commander Madison Ward stood on the bow of the ship as the waves splashed against the hull while they made their rounds. The docks was right where the Rangers said it’d be but they knew the boat had come from somewhere as lookouts kept watch over the bank. As the Mercenaries of Manticore patrolled the seas on land the NCR talked amongst themselves. 7:45 AM Zell Tah Camp The Rangers had been returned to their tent and told the others the bad news. It wasn’t the first time they encountered Tribals no they saw their share of them in Seattle and Vancouver, though Vancouver had far more civilized lands, even a working Government calling themselves the Salish. So Tribal Culture was nothing new, but it could be tricky to navigate safely. Usually they could run if things got rough, but the Tahs were far more organized and Intelligent than average Tribals. The Rangers bickered amongst themselves about who would go. Since Veilmont and Samuels were in charge of the Expedition force, having both of them go would pose a threat to the future if any the expedition had. So Veilmont decided that Decker and Moss would be the ones to accompany him. Veilmont used a mid range brush gun, Moss a shotgun and Decker a Sniper as primaries. That normally would be a good choice if the team needed to split up, but with their weapons confiscated they’d need to improvise. True Moss was extremely capable with close range encounters and prefered melee weapons, but they needed to be crafty in order to make use of their surroundings. Veilmont hoped that they could perform this task. 7:53 AM Captive Tent The flap of the tent was pulled back and Carnegie and a Female Tah who looked roughly the same age as he walked inside. They could tell from the thin pieces of cloth wrapped around her chest and waist; her horns curled back and her fur was a light brown. “Goodday. I am Akame.” She said before sitting down with a book clearly made after the war under her arm. “Schrodinger decided that it’d be best that you have an idea of what to expect. The Great Hunt is no easy feat and to you all, who are strangers to this land you are already at a disadvantage. So let’s cover two of the beasts you’ll be looking for.” “Hold on there miss.” Samuels said. “Why exactly are we being tested? Other than for our very survival of course.” “Our relations with Humans are strained. And there is great fear of you outsiders. You see we, my and Carnegie’s generation is the first to be born in an age not embroiled in war. Before that we were degraded like animals to be slaughtered and stuffed, or kept as slaves and pets. And now we have a cause for alarm. But that should serve as a quick explanation.” “And this Hunt proves what exactly, that we are to be trusted? I don’t see how that works.” Veilmont interjected. “Our culture can be. Complicated. But yes the idea is to gain trust. Which is why you’ve been well treated, your injured given medical treatment and why you’re no t in chains or dead yet. Though being held captive isn’t the greatest way for that point to come across. Still let’s get on with things.” Veilmont wasn’t satisfied in the least. Perhaps these Tahs were being too fearful and in their haste to address the fear of their own kind came to a rushed conclusion about how to go about dealing with him and his team. But it was too late for that now. Veilmont let out a sigh and spoke on.”Fine. Do continue.” “Certainly then. This is an Alaskan Survival Guide. And it details many natural wildlife. You’ll be given this copy for your needs, but before that we’ll talk about two potential prey. The Wendigo or the Great Mountain Bear.” “Friendly names I take it?” Decker snarkly responded. “Sarcasm I see. Oh but they’re absolutely harmless, when they don’t want to kill you of course.” Akame responded. She turned to the page where a illustration of a Wendigo appeared, and a few of the Troopers gasped in fear. Akame slowly read it’s description. Albeit skimming over unnecessary detail. “A Wendigo is a herbivore, who guards its territory aggressively. It will gore any trespassers with its Palmate antlers, and stab them with its independent finger. Quills line the neck and hind area making it difficult to close in for the kill.” Akame flipped a few pages and showed the illustration of a Great Mountain Bear. A Giant Four Armed beast mutated from a Grizzly, the the Polar one was far larger. A small scale reference had it taller than any known Mutant, almost Behemoth sized. “The Great Mountain Bear, often revered for it’s sheer strength it is the largest Predator ever encountered. Its long and thick forearms create small quakes under its weight while the smaller arms are used for carrying young or berry picking.” The Rangers had seen a lot the Wasteland had to offer but these were abominations the likes of which no one has ever seen. The task before them is daunting but not impossible. Veilmont readied himself. “So when do we leave?” Carnegie perked up from the back of the tent.”Whenever you have your Warriors picked. We will set out.” “In that case.” Veilmont said standing up. “We’re ready to go.” Akame stood in response holding the guidebook in her claws.”You’ll need this. For what it’s worth, I’d like to learn more about you all under better circumstances.”
  15. New video for you guys. Fallout: The Frontier Premiere Trailer
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