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About Protagonist7

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  1. So, I'm wanting to playthrough Fallout 4 as, basically, Adam Jensen. I'm wondering if anyone would be up for creating a mod that could add nanoblades to the game? Some sort of unarmed and/or melee weapon?
  2. So I'm working on making a mod for personal use. The mod uses a "psyker powers" mod, and I'd like to have it so enemies with psyker powers spawn every once in a while. But I'm new to modding, so I'm wondering-how does one make new enemy types that randomly spawn and such? Is there a good way to do that?
  3. So I love Tale of Two Wastelands, but it has a big problem. Namely, it's very hard to find the train station you need to go to. Now to be fair this does actually make a certain amount of lore sense that it would be extremely difficult. However, I was hoping to do some of New Vegas's content earlier on before heading back to the capital wasteland. Would anyone be kind enough to make an easier way of traveling between wastelands? Or does one already exist?
  4. Might anyone be interested in making a mod which turns Codsworth into a protectron? I mean, I know it's technically possible with Automatron, but I'd prefer him to start as a protectron.
  5. So, I like survival mode in so much that I like having to think about hunger, thirst, and such. However, I'm not overly fond of not being able to save anywhere or fast travel. Though, what really bugs me is the specific combination of both features-they both make each other much more frustrating than normal. If I could only save in beds (but could still fast travel), no biggie, I'll just fast travel to one to save. If I couldn't fast travel (but could save anywhere), no big deal since I can save anywhere. But since I can do neither, that means that if I want to save my game I have to move on foot in search of a save point. There's no intuitive way to know where unowned beds are, only compounding things. So, I'd like a mod that makes it possible to fast travel or save anywhere in survival mode (or both). Would anyone be willing to make one? On a side note: is there a way to play survival in non-hard difficulty? For damage and such, that is.
  6. Gulpers are awesome. Would anyone be interested in making a mod that adds one as a companion?
  7. So, an idea I had: if you have a good reputation with the Institute (that is to say, you completed some quests for them and remain in their favor), then you can build gen 1 and 2 synths using the robot workbench. Anyone like this idea?
  8. The greatest mod we never knew we needed.
  9. A similar idea I had was to have Samus Aran as a companion in the game.
  10. That's not entirely unintentional. I mean, I didn't start out with "Lonesome Road, but with the Lone Wanderer", but as I toyed with the idea similarities started to form that I decided to roll with. I started with "The Lone Wanderer is sent to hunt the Sole Survivor down". Oh, here's another idea: You show up with Dogmeat, and he'll note that your dog reminds him of one he used to own. As for motivations: I suppose he could hate your character on principle of him being a member of the pre-war US military. That is to say, he assumes the Sole Survivor has Enclave-esque leanings and just assumes you're building a second Enclave. It's a little bit of a stretch, though. And I suppose it wouldn't work for a female Sole Survivor.
  11. Yeah, the LW fighting the Minutemen is hard to justify.
  12. Ok, this is just an idea I had. I'm not that experienced with modding at this point, but this sounds like a fairly big thing to request. My idea is a post-game (or at least, very late-game) quest line. Your character starts hearing reports of the presence of a very strange group of people-they appear similar to the BoS, but their armor's painted Vault-Tech blue. They're running around attacking settlements or otherwise doing things your faction does not like. You investigate this group of people, and you eventually find out who they are. You see, once Elder Maxson took over the BoS, the Lone Wanderer became disillusioned with them, and left. He was let back into Vault 101, and even became their leader. He since reorganized them into essentially his own version of Lyon's BoS, and since relocated them into the commonwealth, and declared war against your faction. You eventually locate their secret base, and then you have to get inside of it. Fight or sneak your way through it, and then get to the Lone Wanderer's chambers. You talk to him for a moment, and he explains his motivations for declaring war against your faction: -The Minutemen are too incompetent to fight Mirelurks and are rather sycophantic towards a guy who became their leader for practically no reason at all. -The Railroad only wants to help Synths, not humans. -The BoS turned against the ideals of Lyon. -The Institute reminds him of the Enclave and uses Synths to control the Commonwealth. At which point, you can A) Fight him, or B) Pass a few speech checks and convince him that your faction is what's best for the Commonwealth, at which point he stands down. Your speech checks boil down to: -The Minutemen are apparently competent enough to fight off the Institute, and it's not like the Lone Wanderer's leadership is much more legitimate the the Sole Survivor's. -Helping Synths is the first step to solving other problems in the Commonwealth. -Synth technology is a threat unlike anything that Lyon ever had to deal with-returning to the old BoS MO is simply necessary to stop a robot rebellion. -Tell him that the Institute is the kind of organization his Father would have worked for, and compare its operations to Project Purity.
  13. I'd like to make it so that your character gets hungry and thirsty and tired much faster than they normally do. Do you know how to do this?
  14. I have an idea for a mod (I'm not sure how to make it myself), that's intended to be used with the unlimited companions mod on hardcore mode. It's specifically designed to "balance" the unlimited companions mod for the sake of increased difficulty. As much as I love the UC mod, it tends to render the game rather easy when can just throw an army of minions at your enemies. As such, I thought of a way to balance it. The more companions you have, the quicker you burn through food and water (Probably by making your survival stats go down quicker). Thus, supporting a huge army of companions becomes a challenge of its own. Would anyone be willing to make this or give me advice on how to do it myself?
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