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Everything posted by anb2004

  1. It worked, and daym why i did'nt thought about it before when i replace the mesh with my custom made. simple -90 on Y and R and there it goes thanks for the tips Baron, much appreciated :laugh: haha, dont worry i'll go away now...thanks to LittleBaron :dance:
  2. if you were talking about weapon is being misplace even that you've put the weapon rack marker properly you might want check this video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qGdfilJ12l0 read the comments, well if that is really the problem in your end.. @LittleBaron i see you create your own script for the activator trigger so i just wondering is there any kind of axis placement for type of weapons that we put because i'm really cant understand scripts. i made some custom rack for my bow collections and as you know the common ways the bow will always facing up, when put. but in my particular case i want it to face down. i've tried to tweak with rotating the marker but still no avail, so i thought it may has something to do with the scripts. thanks
  3. same boat with ya. Master difficulty and have 310 health at level 66 right now and a single elven arrow from bandit marauder can almost waste me up. The deathlords also can very deadly, hated it if they Fus me down and started to knock me with those Ebony arrow, thats why i always play hide and seek with them. so yes i believe they can be overkill enough especially the one with bow. But i admit sometimes they can be very challenging which is fun but can also quite annoying coz i always try to level my weapons when deals with them (sword with sword, spell with spell). Sometimes i even checked their level and definitely not even close with my level but why the heck they can so overkill. believe me or not i dont using any of mods altering/changing of enemy levelling or even combat skill so my best guess it comes from default/vanilla levelling systems for high level enemy of Bandit and Draugr.
  4. make sure you read the tutorial again, maybe theres a few step that you missed. but if you sure you've done it corectly in blender the next best thing is after you export it make sure you compare it with existed vanilla weapons. 1. Try not to replace existed weapon (existed ID). create an independent new weapon with new ID or duplicate an existed one and of course with your own plugin (.esp) 2. Check the shader flag in BSLightingShaderProperty (especially shader flaq 1), coz weapon and clothing have their differences. my advice go copy branch BSLightingShaderProperty from existed weapon then paste branch in your custom weapon and link it up with your mesh, in that way you just need to fix textures path or maybe changing any additional setting that you want such as glossiness, transparancy etc. 3. Set the weapon type in NiStringExtraData properly with the weapon type that you set in CK, wrong setting can cause your weapon become invisible/unuseable.
  5. Hai. i wonder if someone can help me, i'm trying to play around the CK to tweak a custom dagger so by equiping it my character will automaticly in dual wield state with same dagger on left and right hand and of course still can be override if i equiping torch, shield, spell etc for the left hand. but still i have'nt found a way to make it work, guess it need some scripting ? but to be honest. i'm sucks with scripting so if someone know a trick to do it and willing to share it, i will be really appreciated. thank you.
  6. its more like you bound all of your gears that you want into a slot (a ring) and simply hotkey the ring. and if i'm correct that mod is Hotkey your Gear by PirataBonifacio and also work for companions which is a plus, if i remember there were 10 slot available. or you can use ISAAC - Instantly Switch All Armor Components by Ebald, which i'm curently using right now and it works great, i like it coz pretty easy to bound gears that you want with simple menu setting. but it only provide 5 slot. and yes, you can use both ISAAC and Hotkey Your Gear at same time. note : bug with enchantment gears, not authors fault tho, skyrim papyrus script is. which sometime you have to re-use the particular gear with enchantment after equiping it from one of mod above, see your magic effect tab to be sure.
  7. Blender Nif Script. importer and exporter for blender.. about texturing tutorials, i'll go with youtube for video tutorial or you might want check FO3 section, its pretty much the same thing with skyrim..
  8. are you using mods that altering weather or any visual mod especially that make night much darker... i was once use darker night mod and got the same problem and almost all the grass in game, but after switching into realistic lighting, the grass went normal again..
  9. fiuuuh...quite confusing...but hey this definitely worth...thanks theru for sharing this :wink:
  10. no, making weapons are much simpler if we're talking about melee weapons not ranged weapons like bow. armors/clothes need to be skinning to follow body/skeleton when moving.
  11. ups i forgot, i mean bring it to skyrim...
  12. Hai Umpa

    begging you please...and please...bring your Sexy Walk from oblivion...badly want it...

    love the dance mod...cool stuff


  13. @ActusReus no, i'm not recommended to copy branch the BSDismember from the original model, coz the mesh will mostly gone rupture just like the screenshot that you posted because the original BSDismember still reads the whole jarl clothest weights and all the bones that was rigged to it. You need the new BSDismember which should be under your fur nitrishape after you exported it from your choosen 3D app. It should be pretty simple, when you imported the jarl clothes into your 3D app you should only edit the vertices not edit any skin modifier, which in your case is only deleting the clothes vertices but left the fur alone, than export it, in nifskope there should be BSDismemberSkinInstance for the fur nitrishape.
  14. @ActusReus where is the BSDismemberSkinInstance for the fur ?
  15. not really related to the topic, but would want to know if someone can explain how biping slot working with each part. i've created some base clothing, top tank with tight jeans, a pair of shoes and gloves..in CK i set the clothing and shoes with gloves are biping to it, so ingame when i put on the clothing the shoes and gloves will also be wearing in same time..but here's the thing, when i put on put some gauntlets or boots it will make the whole clothing come off , so is it possible if i want to wear another addon boots or gloves but it will only take place the particular part which is gloves and boots but not the clothing. thanks
  16. well if you pull it off than it definitely going to be a breakthrough i remember last week when i was trying to move WeaponDagger ninode in skeleton_female into same spot as WeaponSword, but no changes ingame no matter i transform it, so i really wondering how nockchaa can managed to get swords in back. I'd say you should release it and maybe add an optional file which is a modified skeleton for both M/F that alter 2hw position a bit further away from body for those clipping hater :blush: .
  17. I hate clipping ! i always does, but sometimes you just need to deal with it if you really like the object which overlapping very close. it is possible to move the two handed a bit further back (which i still unable to tweak it, this weapon ninodes confuse me) but theres a mod that alter sheated weapon position like this particular mod 1HD Weapons on Back TS Edition. Of course you have to realize that if you move the 2hw position a bit further, will also make it weird when you're wearing slim armors/clothes or not wearing your cloak. Go with first option..go for it...
  18. You can just tweak the .nif file (deleting shaders and set user version) so it can works with blender which mainly to keep the mesh weight/rigging (if it has it) after you done all the editing with blender in nifskope make sure you set the partition number correctly for the hair mesh, you can open vanilla hair nif to find the correct partition number (never edited hair before).
  19. from the screenshot, i think its not well parented with the skeleton, i'd say import them again into your 3d app and re-parent again. parenting a mesh to skeleton would'nt affect with weight slider tho, well as long there are no vertices being edited in process.
  20. use TesVSnip, open the esp, and just remove/delete the one that you accidently change.
  21. got the same thing (Blender) working on custom made plate armor for thigh, it works with min and max but the mesh will rupture if i set in between..dont really know what i do wrong, only rezise them a bit and moved the plate on each left and right so it closely fit to both thigh. number partition may be problem with your mesh feet not showing, it doesnt matter whether you put it on separate file or in single nif file, as long you set proper body slot for the armor and using feet/boot slot in CK......about what partition number is,try 37 if i remember correctly.
  22. Realistic Water Texture i guess.. @Mansh00ter enjoyed your TRO for quite some time, but the messaging is kinda disturbing to me, so is it possible that you'll bring back the version with no messaging at all, or best it can be configure ingame..thanks and keep up the good work..
  23. same here, i always like vampirism but in skyrim it kinda sucks you know, if you are at high level vampirism, npc's will instantly attack you and thats why i was asking if anyone can make a simple mod that can avoid that, i really dont want to sneak around if i want to enter some place/town. well i dont mind with those side effects from vampirism. i want to be like Blade from blade movie, or even Edward Cullen from twillight, as a vampire or half still they live peacefully among human right .....meeh..
  24. guess i'm in the same boat with seanxx, confusing which one that i'm gonna use. so far Imps More Complex Needs is the one that really interest me, but i'm open with everyone opinion about this realism mods. not looking for the best or most downloaded/popular, but looking the one that fit with taste..
  25. you need to navmesh your created home, in CK this navmesh can be seen like red shadow that cover the floor. theres plenty tutorial regarding navmeshing, especially in youtube.
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