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ℹ️ Intermittent Download History issues ×


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Everything posted by xenofixus

  1. Most people are being patient but if no-one reports the problem the likelihood that it goes unnoticed for an extended period of time increases ;).
  2. US East here. The site has been almost inoperable as of the past couple days. Where it would normally take 5 minutes to get my daily Nexusing out of the way it is now taking 30+ minutes and I am not looking at nearly as much as I usually do.
  3. I figured out the problem. Just in case anyone else is having this issue I will assume you are using the RaceCompatibility mod as a master. In a fit a stupidity I had the wrong 'raceController.new' set to one that did not match the head being used by the race. After I changed it to the correct one, the problem was fixed!
  4. I am modifying/making a custom race. In the CK everything looks fine but as soon as I get in-game and select the race the hair is off position (forward and above where it should be). This leaves it floating mid air and clipping through the back of the characters head. I am not sure what to do to fix it, as I said this does not occur inside of the CK, just the actual game. This happens with both default hairs and hairs added through mods. Any help would be appreciated. Please note that this happens with no other mods installed (and I don't use ENB or anything similar).
  5. I have been using the Nexus sites for many years (close to 5 I think!). Recently I discovered the tracking center and It made my day. I was excited to see that I could track my favorite mods. I do have a small request for it though. It shows the date that the mod was last updated which helps, assuming you remember the date you last checked it/downloaded it. The site already keeps track of the date you last downloaded files (via the download history section). Is there any way this data can be extrapolated into the tracking center page to see when you last made a download for a mod? (and perhaps what version it was?) I think this would make the page a great deal more useful. Anyways, thanks for the constant work on the site! Ignore the people who are constantly yelling about downtime and slow loading. You guys (and gals?) are doing great!
  6. The endorse button is not working (for me at least) on the NMM page :(
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