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Everything posted by rickerhk

  1. If your mod has been published on the nexus for awhile, hiding it might only encourage someone to try theft. Thousands of people may have a copy on their hard drive. It only takes one a-hole to ruin your day. To protect your copyright, it needs to remain published. If you remove your mod and someone uploads it for money, what are you going to point to as proof that you own it? After all, your file page and files have creation dates on them, if it comes to that.
  2. Package start and end scripts are buggy if the NPC needs to traverse a cell. They can fire multiple times or not at all. For something like you described I would use a quest script.
  3. Doh! I totally missed all those buttons too. I've been using the right and left arrow keys to move packages, conditions, and Info lists.
  4. Use a quest script if you need the NPC to traverse cells because that will always run near the interval you set for it, no matter where the player is at. Object scripts only run when the player is in the same loaded cell (except activation blocks you can trigger them with the activate function from anywhere).
  5. I don't want to say packages are totally broken because they work very well if the NPC is in the player's loaded cell. Packages in general have broken features in FNV compared to FO3 or Skyrim. At times, NPCs will just be teleported to their destination instead of actually running the package. Package result scripts can fire multiple times if they go through a portal. I've seen A 'find' package to an XMarker cause CTD as the NPC appears to bend over to pick it up :) (I have not tried this in FO3). Wander package - continue in combat flag will just make them ignore being shot. They had to hard-code followers being teleported to you because of follow package bugs. Sandboxing - if there is a furniture item off the navmesh the package will break if the AI happens to randomly pick that one. There's other stuff I can't think of now but when I want everything to run consistently every time I just do a script. Thankfully package conditons themselves seem to always work and if you move an NPC with your script, it will run the package you set for it. Also the combat style set in the package is reliable.
  6. I find it through a refwalk. When you resurrect the NPC, they are right on top of it. So the nearest ash pile to them.
  7. I use those in an NPC script to detect if my follower has been Disintegrated. That way if the player want's her revived, the iGooFlag tells me I need to find and remove the ash pile after resurrection. if (gethealthpercentage < .01) if ((IsInCriticalStage GooStart) || (IsInCriticalStage GooEnd)) set RHKWendyMN.iGooFlag to 1 endif if ((IsInCriticalStage DisintegrateStart) || (IsInCriticalStage DisintegrateEnd)) set RHKWendyMN.iGooFlag to 1 endif endif
  8. Scripts running on disabled objects/npc's is a perfectly valid practice. It's been quite awhile since I decided that running PCB regularly in a script is not a good idea - ever. Other known effects with PCB are CTD. There are a few vanilla scripts that run PCB upon loading into certain cells but those seem like a tradeoff between the risks of using it and recovering memory to load the next large cell. If your game and mod list is in such a state that you need to use PCB to bandaid lag and memory exaustion then you are using the wrong approach. You need to remove some mods.
  9. Missing sound files and missing lip files will not cause a CTD. Stereo files might crash FO3. Use audacity to convert them to mono. If you have existing sound files, you don't (can't) add them to the response text. If the formIDs in your plugin did not change when you moved from FNV to FO3, then the sound files should work - if they are the right format. If the formids in the plugin have changed, then you just need to rename your sound files to whatever is shown in the response window for the file name.
  10. Most likely is a corrupt sound file or file in not the correct format. Should be an ogg file, mono, 44100Hz, and 16 bit. Edit - just looked at your sound files. They are in stereo. They need to be mono. When in doubt look at the vanilla BSA files - all mono, 16 bit ogg files Also, when making the BSA, turn compression off.
  11. Staged timers for the win!In project Brazil, I use this for all NPC to NPC conversations. I found 'link from' and 'link to' will just fizzle out during a extended conversation - I think because of the periodic evp that the game engine runs on NPC's. I didn't try using the 'SayToDone. I figured that since I had to make a script then just go with the staged timer. In FO3, the script that controls the dialog between Amata, Butch and the other punks is also a good example of using SayToDone with multiple NPCs.
  12. MO only unpacks BSa files if you ask it to. When you launch the game, it's the BSA files in the virtual file system, not loose files. MO 'management' of BSA files has do do with the order they get loaded at run time but I would recommend you keep the order of BSA files the same as your plugin files. Personally I don't see the point of unpacking BSA files unless you want to edit the mod. MO can show you what files a particular mod overrides in BSA files, but it doesn't unpack them to do so. It just reads them.
  13. I use this http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/39655/? Yes, awesome utility. It's the only one I know of that even merges navmesh edits into the NAVI record.
  14. Nexus has a wiki for posting that kind of stuff: http://wiki.tesnexus.com/index.php/Main_Page
  15. :wink: Ah - I was looking for something like SetPersistent the other day :) I wasn't sure if had been done yet.
  16. Well you could argue that since they aren't persistent then they aren't very important in the grand scheme of things, except perhaps to appearance mods. But appearance mods change the base object so there would still be no conflict if you set the persistent flag and gave them a REFiD name :)
  17. If you place an actor in the world with the Geck and mark that REF as persistent - then they are persistent regardless of the LLP setting. They can always be referenced by a script. As to whether the LLP setting affects the ability to run various functions reliably - I don't know. There might also be a difference if the esm flag is set in the plugin. When you were testing and the times where it worked, did you happen to leave the cell where the actor was (and so it was probably still in memory)? Or did you load a save where you had not been in that cell with the actor before?
  18. Using player.IsInCombat plus checking player health every frame works. I've used it on both my FO3 and NV companion mods. The condition InsInCombat will return true if enemies are nearby but still searching, so that starts the health monitoring. If health drops - well you've taken hits! Or jumpped off a cliff :) So it isn't perfect... The simplest way to get actor REFs in a cell is with NVSE, but: To run functions on actors in a cell without NVSE: Run a 'Radar' quest script - at 1 or 2 second speed and have it apply a script effect touch spell to the player that detects actors in a certain radius - like 3000 units. Then the scripteffectstart block runs on the actor. From that script you can get their combat state and refId: set MyQuestScript.rEnemy1REF to GetSelf set rTargetREF to GetCombatTarget if rTargetREF == PlayerREF ;Do things, set flags, GetLOS, etc, check player health Unfortunately, GetSelf only returns non zero if the actor was placed in the world by the Geck. If you absolutely need the REFId regardless of the actor's origin, you can place an activator in a remote cell and have the scripteffectstart block also make the actor activate it. An activation block will run even if the cell that the activator is in, is not loaded. Then you can get the REFid of the actor using GetActionREF.
  19. Every line of dialog has a predetermined file name and path. The path is always:Data/Sound/Voice/plugin-name/VoiceType/and the file name is created by the Geck based on the questname, topic name, and FormID. So just rename your sound files to match the lines of dialog and create folders as necessary to put them.
  20. Don't use the GOODBYE topic for that. Its for ending a conversation between two NPC's. Make your own 'Let's get Going' topic on the 'Topics' tab and not the conversation tab. Anything that is 'in dialog' between an NPC and the player - make on the topic tab. Use the Conversation tab for conversations between two NPCs or random comments that your follower can say.
  21. GetContainer in the armor script will give you the NPC reference: http://geck.bethsoft.com/index.php?title=GetContainer
  22. Sites appear to be down http://www.nexusmods.com/ Unavailable The service is temporarily unavailable. Please try again later.
  23. Maybe some script effect giving you the DT when in the pipboy menumode but not in the console menumode or gamemode?
  24. That's not good. GetAV should return the current value that includes all the modifications. You can do a getavinfo at the console to see if there is anything strange. http://geck.bethsoft.com/index.php?title=GetActorValueInfo If a ForceAV was ever used on a stat it will be screwed up forever but I don't think it would show different from the console in the pipboy. I would trust the script over the pipboy if it comes to that.
  25. The esm bit in your plugin has to be set for new navmeshes to work properly. And remember to finalize it first.
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