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Everything posted by rickerhk

  1. The FO3 Geck run's fine without powerup. Is there a specific reason you need to use that? I've never run into the problem you describe in hundreds of hours using the FO3 Geck.
  2. It's also known to mess up your perks if you change race in mid-game.
  3. To use matchrace on an NPC, you have to place another NPC of the target race in the editor somewhere, with a persistent ref. Then you matchrace your original NPC to that of the target NPC. Make sure your target race doesn't have child or older races. To prevent face morphing, the taget race should be a copy of the original NPC's race with whatever changes you make to it (usually meshes/textures/hair). I use matchrace with my Wendy mod to change hairstyles in-game. I don't think changing the race will help you head body mismatch anyway. It's always been either esm the plugin or sometimes 'can be all races' works.
  4. The way it is written, you need at least two cameras in your inventory for it to enable.
  5. You should only need 'self', but you could try what I did to show an effect name with a 'dummy' base object: Name: Wendy Skill Bonus Flags: self Archtype: Value Modifier Actor Value: Variable08 Then on the top menu under Character -> Actor Values, change the 'in-game name' and 'Abbreviation' of Variable08 to whatever you want. edit - another thing you might try with what you already have - shorten the name, starting with a few characters and see if it doesn't crash. Maybe there is a character limit. Or the percent sign. Never know :)
  6. To actually perform a cleaning, you can do this: Adjust your load order so that esp 1 is above esp 2, and load them both up. Directly edit the master list of esp 2 and insert "Better Whiterun 1.esp" as a master. Do not use the 'add master' function on the plugin. It's not the same. Close and re-open Tes5Edit. esp 2 will now be mostly ITMs for all the stuff that's the same in esp 1. So clean it normally.
  7. The well rested bonus comes from a script that is only on certain beds.
  8. Sorry, by menu I meant the quest, topics, and dialog tabs. INFC and INFX are subrecords that allow INFOs to be re-used on other topics. When going through some vanilla quests and trying to follow the dialog chains, I've run into dead ends where there clearly wasn't one. The only way to see the linkage in these cases was in the conversation editor. I'm not trying to say anything is broken, I just have my preferences :)
  9. The NV Geck has a 'conversation editor'. It can make a couple of subrecords that aren't viewable in the standard quest menus. Do yourself a favor and avoid it like the plague :) It's the tool bar button to the far right. That's why you see all those numbered topics in most of the quests. All auto-named and almost impossible to follow/troubleshoot anything.
  10. I use RemoveAllItems and RemoveAllTypedItems a LOT in my Wendy mod, and don't recall ever having that issue. However, I'm almost always transferring from one actor container to another, or from an actor to a remote containerREF, so no items are getting removed from the game. Maybe something to do with that? Actually, I've seen Removeallitems (no dest container) fail on an NPC that has never loaded into the save game yet. I think it was just one armor piece though. If manipulating the armor inventory of the NPC in a game mode script, I run a glitch-fix in a section of her quest script by removing the weapons, adding and equipping an invisible armor piece, removing the armor piece, and returning the weapons a couple seconds later: if (iFlagInvChk == 2) ;Un-glitch inventory set iFlagInvChk to 1 RHKWendyREF.RemoveAllTypedItems RHKWendyWeaponGlitchREF 0 1 40 ;Remove weapons only RHKWendyREF.AddItem RHKWendyExeter01XFechain 1 RHKWendyREF.EquipItem RHKWendyExeter01XFechain RHKWendyREF.RemoveItem RHKWendyExeter01XFechain 1 elseif (iFlagInvChk == 1) RHKWendyWeaponGlitchREF.RemoveAllItems RHKWendyREF ;Restore weapons 2 seconds later RHKWendyREF.AddItem AmmoMicroFusionCell 1 RHKWendyREF.RemoveItem AmmoMicroFusionCell 1 set iFlagInvChk to 0 endif
  11. Mod Organizer can make the game load BSAs even if there is no plugin. Just make sure the BSA is checked on the 'Archives' tab.
  12. This stuff needs to be in the gamemode block: set rSniper to GetSelf set hfPlayer to 0 set AlertFlag to 0 set rSniper to 00000000 set hfPlayer to rSniper.GetDistance player And FYI, if you spawn the actor with PlaceAtMe, GetSelf will always return zero.
  13. use FNVEdit to set the esm bit. None of the other tools update the ONAM records that you need for worldspace overrides
  14. Sleeping is Menumode. http://geck.bethsoft.com/index.php?title=MenuMode_(Function) BEGIN MENUMODE if (;quest conditions) if (Menumode 1012) ;sleepwait if IsPCSleeping ;do stuff endif endif endif END
  15. Make sure the trigger, lights, and ZZEnclaveMQ05Boss1REF have the 'persistent' box checked. And use a brand new save that never 'saw' the mod as an esp.
  16. You have to use FOSE. And there are limitations when it comes to item health (can't get it). And if the player has multiple of the same item, and has one of them equipped - you can't distinguish which one is equipped. Here's a script that I use in my Brisa Mod: scn RHKBrisaRemoveTypedItemsQuestScript ref rSourceREF ;set by calling script ref rDestinationREF ;set by calling script ref rExcludelistREF ;Set by calling script - dont remove items in this list ref rBaseInvObjREF short iListIndex short iInvPos short iItemType ;set by calling script short iBaseItemType short iBaseItemCount short iRemoveComplete ;flag to calling script that move/remove is complete ;Some item types: ; 24: Armor ; 31: Misc ; 40: Weapon ; 41: Ammo ; 47: AlchemyItem ;This ignores item health, unfortunatly, but I'm not going to use it on the player for armor or weapons ;Call with ResetQuest, set the varables, then Startquest BEGIN GameMode if (iRemoveComplete) return endif if (rSourceREF && iItemType) ;mandatory parameters set iInvPos to rSourceREF.GetNumItems else set iRemoveComplete to 1 StopQuest RHKBrisaRemoveTypedItems printc "RHKBrisaRemoveTypedItems error - NULL parameter(s)" return endif Label 1 if (iInvPos) set iInvPos to (iInvPos - 1) set rBaseInvObjREF to Lockpick set rBaseInvObjREF to (rSourceREF.GetInventoryObject iInvPos) if (rSourceREF == Player) if (IsQuestItem rBaseInvObjREF) printc "skipped quest Item %n", rBaseInvObjREF Goto 1 ;skip endif endif if (rExcludelistREF) set iListIndex to ListGetFormIndex rExcludelistREF rBaseInvObjREF if (iListIndex > -1) Goto 1 ;skip endif endif set iBaseItemType to GetType rBaseInvObjREF if (iBaseItemType == iItemType) set iBaseItemCount to rSourceREF.GetItemCount rBaseInvObjREF if (rDestinationREF) rDestinationREF.AddItem rBaseInvObjREF iBaseItemCount 1 rSourceREF.RemoveItem rBaseInvObjREF iBaseItemCount 1 else rSourceREF.RemoveItem rBaseInvObjREF iBaseItemCount 1 endif endif Goto 1 else set iRemoveComplete to 1 StopQuest RHKBrisaRemoveTypedItems endif END
  17. You should check is ORef and OCell are non-null before performing any more functions on it. In fact this applies to any NVSE function - don't run them on null refs. Check them first.Erm - seem to have lost the tabs in the code :/ if ALEnhGAmmoExplosives == 1 ;global variable that turns explosives looting on and off set WeaponRef to GetFirstRef 40 1 0 Label 40 if WeaponRef if Player.GetDistance WeaponRef < 200 && WeaponRef.GetDisabled == 0 set OCell to WeaponRef.GetParentCellOwner set ORef to WeaponRef.GetOwner if OCell set LIOCell to ListGetFormIndex ALEnhLEvilFactions OCell else set LIOCell to 0 endif if ORef set LIORef to ListGetFormIndex ALEnhLEvilFactions ORef else set LIORef to 0 endif if OCell != 0 help if OCell.IsActor == 1 help set OCellEvil to OCell.IsActorEvil help endif help endif help if ORef != 0 help if ORef.IsActor == 1 help set ORefEvil to ORef.IsActorEvil help endif help endif if (OCell == 0 && ORef == 0) || (OCell == Player && ORef == 0) || (OCell == PlayerFaction && ORef == 0) || ORef == Player || ORef == PlayerFaction || (ALEnhGModeSteal == 1 && Detected == 0) || LIOCell >= 0 || LIORef >= 0 || OCellEvil == 1 || ORefEvil == 1 if WeaponRef.IsInList ALEnhLWeaponsExplosivesThrown == 1 WeaponRef.Activate Player 1 elseif WeaponRef.IsInList ALEnhLWeaponsExplosivesPlaced == 1 WeaponRef.Activate Player 1 endif endif endif endif set WeaponRef to Pencil01 set WeaponRef to GetNextRef Goto 40 endif endif
  18. Aside from the multibounds fix that Micalov mentioned - you have items selected in the render window, and the havok button is pressed down - did you then try just clicking anywhere in the render window?
  19. That's not correct. GetHealthPercentage only applies to actors. http://geck.bethsoft.com/index.php?title=GetHealthPercentage The only thing I see problematic with you're original script is that getting the player's combat target may not always work. The game can't read the player's mind and I *think* it only returns a value if you see an enemies red health bar.
  20. Look at it with FNVEdit to see if the Geck deleted the vanilla mesh that you connected to, and created a new one in it's place. This can happen if you start out with an island of triangles in the new area, then connect them to the vanilla mesh. That sort of thing will definately cause issues with another mod that touches the mesh. Also, it doesn't look like the cell with your new mesh is finalized. Instead of bright green border lines, I see yellow. If there are no bright green lines, then NPCs can't cross from one cell to another.
  21. External cell navmeshes are not connected unless you make them connected. So NPC's won't be able to compute a path through your new navmeshes unless you connect them to the vanilla navmeshes. In the editor, press the 'B' key to show cell borders. Then make sure your new navmeshes have common vertices to the vanilla cell navmeshes. Then finalize your navemeshes and the adjacent vanilla cells so the green connection lines show. As far as compatability with other mods - if they both touch the same navmeshes then the only way is a separate plugin with both mods as masters. You aren't obligated to make your mod compatabile with other mods but if you want to, then that's how it's done in this case. http://geck.bethsoft.com/index.php?title=Finalize_Cell_NavMeshes
  22. I don't see why it shouldn't work. You are doing the refwalk in a gamemode block, right? Not in the On equip block. A formlist would work like this: if rCurrentRef.IsInList MyFormList
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