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Everything posted by JetSteele

  1. Oops sorry misread your issue with the script, lol. I scimmed it and thought you had issues getting the GetLockLevel to fire, my mistake. Okay so try adding this to your script before removing your key: GlobalVariable Property KeyCount Auto KeyCount.SetValue(Game.GetPlayer().GetItemCount(SmallKey)) KeyCount.Mod(-1) and after you remove your key: if ( Game.GetPlayer().GetItemCount(SmallKey) != KeyCount.GetValue() ) Game.GetPlayer().RemoveItem(SmallKey, Game.GetPlayer().GetItemCount(SmallKey), true) Utility.Wait(0.5) Game.GetPlayer().AddItem(SmallKey, KeyCount.GetValue(), true) Utility.Wait(1.0) ;safeguard for items added before set to 0, could lower this amount to test how fast to fire the next line. endif KeyCount.SetValue(0) though you shouldn't be needing to do this; the game should be subtracting the normal amount of keys on its own with the RemoveItem() function...really strange. *I tweaked the code to first check if you have the amount of keys you need before adding more keys to the player, to remove the possibility of a bug happening where you can just get extra keys for no reason. Let me know if the remove item line in after the key is removed doesn't work and I'll tweak it to work with an integer instead of calling that function from the RemoveItem() directly
  2. Its the self part of the script that won't fire properly. Try using a door property then set the property to itself (meaning the door and NOT the objectreference of the door), its a little redundant to do it this way and to have to set the door itself as itself but this should make it work properly. Just test it on one door first...don't set all the doors up until you know that it works.
  3. ***​Poll Closed*** ***This poll is specifically for those who play with the race mod since it will affect them, however even if you don't I'm interested in if you did what would you prefer.*** Hey everyone, As people who have played my Nephilim mod know, the Nephilim are a half angel race (I won't go into too much detail as this poll has to do with very specific functions of the race; if you want details go check out the mod page) who has special spells, custom werewolf transformation, custom vampirism and a custom death sequence. However recently a user has said that the death sequence has no weight to it (you get a 30 minute debuff to health). You have to reclaim your gear from your body however there is no other limiting factors about the death; when I first came out with the death sequence and asked people in the posts section of the mod page how they would feel about losing there gear (it was the original idea) I had 6 people respond negatively towards the idea and no positive (sure, it would be a good penalty) perspective. I would like to get a proper response to the idea since it seems that some people don't like the death in the state it's in (not enough weight to it). I estimate that there will be 2 main parties: 1- The casual players (that don't want a harsh penalty) 2- The hardcore/realism players (that want something meaningful as a punishment for death) I just want to know which party contains the most amount of players, which is why even if you don't use this mod I would still recommend you take the poll since it would help me see how people see playing their game and what they would prefer. The results of this poll will influence my decision about what to do with the death sequence in Nephilim.
  4. Even though your issue was fixed I just wanted to confirm for anyone that passes by this thread that it is indeed the mipmaps that cause this issue to occur. After you have your new surface done you need to regenerate new mipmaps or; as you said; when zooming out you'll see the old colors return. You can auto generate the new mipmaps for the DDS and it'll work like a charm (just thought I'd say it since I used to actually make the mipmaps by hand until I found out that it was something that could have been done automatically by the image editing software :tongue:​). You could import the mipmaps (I do it all the time) you just have to make sure to overwrite them with new ones when exporting; or you could just generate new ones after your done.
  5. As a just completed custom race modder I'll give you the info on making a custom race. You were correct in your assumption about the vampire portion; however you missed out on the werewolves compatibility also. To have vampirism attach itself correctly to the player you do need to make a vampire duplicate of the race though it needs to be built similarly to how the vampire race was built in regular Skyrim. Then it needs to be scripted into the regular vampirism script to change the race; however at that point you'll lose compatibility with mods like BV and Vampiric Thirst. Similarly, werewolves need to be altered as well to accept your race. However doing so would cause incompatibilities between mods like Moonlight Tales. So in the end it all depends upon you: Do you want your race to be compatible with overhaul mods or not? There is a third option which is the one that I went down which was to create a completely custom and standalone system for vampirism and werewolves; however I recommend that you only attempt doing so if you've got a really good grasp on the scripting system (you don't have to be "the best", but you need to understand what the functions mean and what they do exactly). Whatever you attempt to do there will always be some incompatibilities between the race and overhaul mods until you script in functions using the GetFormFromFile() or create a compatibility patch between the 2 mods (though the latter method means that you would have to re-create the patch every time you update the script and the former method is built into your script and therefore doesn't need to be remade every time it works by mod install detection). There is a mod called Race Compatibility (using this as a master file for your mod) though I never used it myself and am unsure of how well it works. Hope this info helped you out. @skyquest32: Why would you set the race with console? It obviously won't work 100%, that is for anything. I have some people that admitted to me when using a mod of mine that they attempted to console something and in the end they broke the mod in one way or another, the console is always screwing something up and it shouldn't be used to speed up gameplay elements that would happen in the game naturally (unless your debugging and know what your doing). Doing so could end up not only breaking a mod but using the console in vanilla Skyrim can also break something in the game (you might only notice it a couple of hundred hours into your playthrough though). Custom Races can't loose vampirism, it means that whatever you were using has a bug in its scripting. The cook in the DB questline is an easy fix. Turning vampires is part of Dawnguard and if you try to do it with console; again; it will make the people grey faced since it wasn't done by the scripts in the game and was forced through the console. There are some pretty amazing race mods out there to classify them as non user friendly is a downside for you and not anyone else. Do WIP race mods exist, sure. However, complete race mods also exist and they are really fun to play with. Not all of them are for everyone, so you just have to find the one that works for you. But I wouldn't classify all race mods the same if I were you as you could be missing out on something that you would like.
  6. Mods from Morrowind are still getting updated and I know of a couple authors that still mod Oblivion. Some authors have moved to Fallout 4 but I don't think authors for Skyrim will just stop coming out with mods, I think what's happening is authors are refining their current mods instead of pumping out new ones (at least that's what I'm doing right now; going through all my projects one by one and perfecting them). So even whenever the next Elder Scrolls comes out there will still be people modding Skyrim.
  7. Did you put the spell cast on self? If not then that is why its not working. Try to replace akCaster by Game.GetPlayer() and see if it works, if it does then that means its the effect that is not set up properly and if it doesn't work then that means that its the script that isn't written properly though from what I see the script should be firing. Also is the property set in the property window (when clicking on the script to bring up the property list)?
  8. Vampiric Thirst You can burn in the sunlight overtime and it also differs differently if your in the shade or in direct sunlight, time of day etc. I think its the closest thing you could find to what your looking for.
  9. I think the point that Eli was trying to make was that no information was given at all about the project. You don't need to outline step by step what is going to be in the mod but some general information could be helpful to grow people's interests in joining a group; it would keep people from joining up then saying forget it once they hear the idea. Not to sound like a total a-hole but everyone believes that their idea is the "million dollar idea" and if you get someone that joins up then ends up hating the idea but sticks with the project because they gave their word then the content they put together would be affected by that. If you release some information then there is a higher chance of getting like minded individuals together to help your project making its development that much better. I've never gotten ideas stolen from me so I don't know how that feels but your idea was never technically 'stolen' in the first place. Look at vampire overhauls; there are a ton of them out on the nexus but they all have different mechanics (some of them more similar than others). So in the end if you developed that 'stolen' idea it would have been a derivative of the same subject matter. 2 separate mods that do something similar but takes a different approach in the content. Point being, you'll have a really hard time putting a team together without any information given; people don't like jumping into things without any foreseeable direction.
  10. The dialogue is done through the scene so...yes? I'm not sure if scene dialogue is considered forced but it activates when the scene stage is activated so I'm assuming that scene dialogue is considered force greet. The scene is finished and shutdown after its finished (I even put a stop() command on the scene itself as an added precaution). The commands didn't unlock the NPC dialogue post scene and the variables are all set properly afterwards. The actors are forced references to a specific actor in the world. I'll look at the scene in Xedit and see if I could find anything out of the ordinary there.
  11. I've removed the disabling of controls and the dialogue still isn't able to be clicked on. The options appear but they cannot be clicked and the voice file played. It does seem like its an engine bug.
  12. Yes everything is fine when the controls aren't set. The script extends scene hidden; debugging the controls after the scene ends says that they are enabled. Tried 1 and 2 parameters but it still did the same thing. I'll try it without the disabling of controls just to see if it also occurs.
  13. Using Game.DisablePlayerControls() and Game.EnablePlayerControls() at the beginning and end of the scene.
  14. As the title says after a scene is played the dialogue options aren't able to be clicked on afterwards (the NPC is a custom one with a custom voice directory). I've generated the SEQ and put it in the proper place (done it before) however the only way to re-unlock speaking with the NPC is to leave the cell and re-enter it; at the moment only the first dialogue topic is done so I'm unsure if this affects all dialogues or just the 1 topic. The scene ends with a dialogue and I also have a stop function at the end. Encase its important the players controls are locked for the entire scene and unlock after the scene is done. Does anyone have an idea what can cause the dialogue to get stuck like this? *Edit: Also the dialogue only locks up after the scene plays, if you just talk to the person then the dialogue plays normally; and there is voice files associated with the dialogue already.
  15. I've taken a quick look at the mod and the glowing eyes mesh file isn't conducive to making eyes glow. The settings aren't set up properly: its set as an environment and not a glow map as well as certain integers inside the mesh need to be adjusted as well. If this mesh is the one controlling the eyes then this is the reason why it doesn't glow. Also, each type of glowing eyes need to be a separate mesh file as the glow color is set inside the NIF and not the CK. Therefore if one set of eyes glow say cyan and another glow ruby red then that requires 2 NIF files and not 1; and the adjustments to which NIF goes where needs to be also set up in the CK afterwards. This info is more for a modder if they want to fix the issue presented here. Unfortunately I'm waist deep in dialogue creation at the moment myself and don't have the time necessary to fix this up; if this isn't taken up and I have some free time after my dialogue is finished then I'll make a fix for this.
  16. Yeah, it seems to have been an issue since vanilla Skyrim. I've quazi fixed it by adjusting the head mesh a little higher (the head was inside the neck for some reason and not aligned as the female head on the female body is) as well as making sure that the sub-maps are properly aligned (color wise); then I've edited the mesh files to reflect lighting as the UNP body does (used it as a way to judge what the intervals in the mesh should be changed to). The only thing I didn't alter yet is the diffuse map. It seems that either the diffuse colors don't align with the body at the neck or the head mesh has something going on with it making it lighter than it should be; I'll continue tinkering with this until I find a fix for it but that is all I've got for now.
  17. You need to link the property to the Object Reference. So you need to click on the script to bring up the property list then link the property to the xmarkerheading that is in the world which is at the location where you want to teleport to.
  18. Based off of the info you provided on your first post you wrote: ObjectReference Property ST_TamrielLandingMarker and in the moveto function you wrote: ST_TamrielLandingMarkerPlayer​ You need to have your properties match up with your fragment or they would be considered 2 separate properties, therefore Player needs to be removed from your moveto function and written like this: Game.GetPlayer().MoveTo(ST_TamrielLandingMarker) and can you tell us what is written on the 16th line? Is it the moveto function?
  19. There is a spell called BleedingSpell. Its used in the werewolf form when you feed off of a corpse; I'm using it in a scripting function as well and its the closest thing I found to make your character bleed. Just make sure to cast it on the player as the target and it'll work: BleedingSpell.Cast(PlayerRef, PlayerRef)
  20. As Bobby said this seems to be a sales pitch; for this scale of a request it would require a team of modders to put something like this together and unless they all think its something they would want to invest their time into then the idea might not be picked up. If this is a mod your working on then I'd recommend posting proof of concept stuff (pictures, videos) something that would allow other modders to see what there is and to also see that if they were to jump onto the project then they know that you'd put in the work for your part in the project. So the request should be detailed a little more thoroughly. But if I can give you a piece of advice; from a modder to you. If this is a sales speech and not something your asking for help to develop then I'm afraid you won't get anyone biting. At best I would see a modder taking the idea and turning it into a quest mod but much smaller scale than a new lands project; the idea is good just the scale your requesting is huge. I've worked on a new lands for 2 years alone before I burned out on the project because it wasn't going anywhere (way too long to do everything alone); and my project was a little larger than what your requesting. My advice is to pitch it as a quest mod and not a new lands; your chances of someone deciding to make a quest (in Skyrim) from this idea is much larger than for a new lands project. Also, I would clarify if this is a project already in development or an idea you just are throwing out there since its not clear by your post. I'm not trying to dissuade you, just saying to try to be a little more reasonable with this request. I'm going to leave this post off on this note: Nephilim is a half angel/half human race mod; for the project in its entirety I've put in a good 400+ hours. Now I'm quite strict when it comes to things and how it works in a project and I'm till this day still putting time into improving upon the mod. Now if I can put 400+ hours in a race mod​ imagine how many hours are required for a fully fledged new lands project...food for thought.
  21. In my Nephilim mod I'm working in werewolf support. However instead of using the regular werewolves from Skyrim (I just felt that they didn't do it for me since the transformation is timed) I created a completely standalone werewolf form that works without a timer and the transformations are a little more animated than regular werewolves (at least as much as I could make it using vanilla animations). If you played with Supernatural (my beta test of this system when I first designed it) when it was available then this is an upgraded system derived from it. The only barrier I came across is the werewolf skill tree. Is it possible to change the settings of the tree to allow it to also appear when in my custom wolf form? Or is this one of those things that is hardcoded into the game itself. I could work around it but I want to know if I have to or if there is a settings somewhere that I could change in the CK. Thanks for any help you guys can provide.
  22. Put the horse in a custom cell like the unowned cell (duplicate said cell). Then change this part of the script: Actor Property Mharphin Auto to: ObjectReference Property Mharphin Auto then set the property to the horse from the cell (very important or the script will not grab the horse and nothing will be summoned. An actor property takes the data from the CK entry and adds it to the world while an object reference takes the existing world entry and simply moves it to where you specified. So the one horse from the custom cell will be moved where ever you summon him instead of making duplicates from the actor property. Actor properties work if your horse would dispel but since you don't want it to then you'll need to use an object reference. Hope this helps
  23. Alright so I actually found this out completely by accident but if you use ShowRaceMenu in game when your in the transformed state the detail map appears however reverting back into your regular form the detail map doesn't disappear and another ShowRaceMenu is needed to get the face back to normal. So new question: does ShowRaceMenu launch a function that generates the detail map properly? And if so is it possible to call that function alone without ShowRaceMenu?
  24. Personally I'm not sure how to fix it since I never really tried anything with the mannequins myself but this mod fixed the mannequins; maybe take a look at how it was done to see if it could help you out: h​ttp://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/10652/? There is also some information on modded mannequin making on the mod page so that itself might help you out.
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