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Everything posted by AxlDave

  1. Well, that's an increase in Sneak of 15. That's how much the Chinese Stealth Suit raises Sneak by in addition to adding a stealth field. So my guess would be that this is somehow overriding your own Sneak bonus. Also, the author has said in the comments section that the Sneak bonus is only active while sneaking. Did you check if it changed when going in / out of sneak mode?
  2. Yeah I don't want it to be permanent though, that's the trouble...
  3. Just released. For an unlimited time only, download one and get the exact same one free here! Enjoy.
  4. I literally just had this problem when editing some mods. The cause is a mod conflict, though I am unsure as to what sort of conflict causes the Fallout 3 \ Data \ Menu folder to "disappear". First check that the Menu folder is still there. If it is and you have just been downloading mods and not editing them, you need to go back to your last working load order. From there, keep adding each mod one by one and you should be able to find the culprit. My guess, though, is that there is a conflict between one or more of FWE, EW, Fellout or WMK, 20thCW. Read their description pages, they should list any incompatibilities with other well-known mods.
  5. So I'm having a crack at animating, and these four programs are apparently what I need to animate for FO3. As editing .kf files and .nif files requires them to work together, I have had to install earlier releases that will recognise each other. The versions of each that I currently have installed are as follows: Blender 2.49b Nifscripts 2.5.8 Python 2.6.6 32-bit PFFI 2.1.10 32-bit My question is, what are the most up to date versions of these that will all work together? I initially tried installing all the very latest 64-bit releases, but for instance Nifscripts 2.5.9 did not recognise Blender 2.68a, and thus would not install. I had similar problems with PFFI 2.2.2 and Python 3.3.2. I am running Windows 7 64-bit, which appears to be another problem as Nifscripts requires Python and PFFI to be 32-bit installations.
  6. Okay so the scripting idea was slightly more problematic than I thought, anyone know of another way to have multiple-use ingestibles? Or is there an already existing one I don't know about that I could copy?
  7. From glancing at it, it would seem that this script only deals with the time delay and sound effects of the healing. I think you need to look under Actor Effect or Base Effect to try and find an effect called CoDHealthRegenEffect, this should be what actually controls the heal rate by using the effect Restore Health (and possibly Restore Chest, Head, etc). I believe the magnitude of Restore Health is the number of HP restored per second.
  8. I seem to recall the poison weapons function is in New Vegas, but is also possible in FO3. Thing is, you only get one kill per use, which means you have to keep applying the poison if you want to attack more than one person who looked at you funny. Is there any way to make it so that after applying the poison, you get, say, 10 kills before it runs out? The only thing I can think of is to write a script that, upon "consuming" the poison and killing someone, auto-adds another instance of the poison into your inventory and then auto-applies it to the weapon. The problem with this is that every time you kill someone, you'd get a pop-up message to confirm use of poison. Slightly irritating.
  9. I get that, spent months getting Oblivion installed, updated, patched, DLC'd, modded, expanded and retextured. Then I had the clever idea of installing Deadly Reflexes. *Facepalm*. I hate to ask something so simple, but you have tried toggling Archive Invalidation off / on, right?
  10. Now, I can't remember the technical specifics, but there is something that tells the game what body parts to display in 1st and 3rd person. This is why if in 1st person you look down you cannot see your legs or torso. You may have already checked this, but if you can find whatever defines the body parts shown, that might yield some answers to this particular problem. With regard to the rest of it, I'm afraid I wouldn't even know where to begin with that many mods. My only suggestion - which you probably won't like - is that computers aren't perfect and neither are the programs for them. Sometimes, even if you've done everything right, sh*t just f*cks up. Perhaps remove some of the less enticing mods? Else it may have to be the dreaded full wipe reinstall... But then maybe someone with more experience will disagree and come up with a solution.
  11. Okay, after some more work and logical thinking, I have a working script. The only small problem is that I have to strike to door / container twice to unlock it and get the message. Apart from that it works fine, and this is actually a fairly good alternative to power attacks. If you could still explain where I've gone wrong for future reference though, that would be great. Here's the script: scn AXLWolverineAdamantiumUnlockScript short WeaponAnim short TargetType short DoOnce ref TargetREF float fTimer int iStage BEGIN GameMode if Player.GetEquipped AXLWolverineAdamantiumClawsWeapon && Player.IsWeaponOut set WeaponAnim to Player.GetAnimAction if ( ( WeaponAnim > 1 ) && ( WeaponAnim < 7 ) ) set TargetREF to GetCrosshairREF if ( TargetREF != 0 ) set TargetType to GetType TargetREF if ( TargetType == 27 ) || ( TargetType == 28 ) if TargetREF.GetLocked == 1 if fTimer > 0 set fTimer to fTimer - GetSecondsPassed elseif iStage == 0 set iStage to 1 set fTimer to 1 elseif iStage == 1 ShowMessage AXLWolverineUnlockMessage TargetREF.Unlock set iStage to 2 set fTimer to 0 elseif iStage == 2 set iStage to 0 set fTimer to 0 endif endif endif endif endif endif END --EDIT-- Fixed the problem by putting all the weaponequip and targetref conditions under iStage == 0, then having the actual unlock and message under iStage == 1. iStage == 2 is obsolete.
  12. Thanks for the advice, here is what I have changed it to, however now the message doesn't show at all. scn AXLWolverineAdamantiumUnlockScript short WeaponAnim short TargetType short DoOnce ref TargetREF float fTimer int iStage BEGIN GameMode if Player.GetEquipped AXLWolverineAdamantiumClawsWeapon && Player.IsWeaponOut set WeaponAnim to Player.GetAnimAction if ( ( WeaponAnim > 1 ) && ( WeaponAnim < 7 ) ) set TargetREF to GetCrosshairREF if ( TargetREF != 0 ) set TargetType to GetType TargetREF if ( TargetType == 27 ) || ( TargetType == 28 ) if TargetREF.GetLocked == 1 TargetREF.Unlock if fTimer > 0 set fTimer to fTimer - GetSecondsPassed elseif iStage == 0 set iStage to 1 set fTimer to 2 elseif iStage == 1 ShowMessage AXLWolverineUnlockMessage set iStage to 2 set fTimer to 0 elseif iStage == 2 set iStage to 0 set fTimer to 0 endif endif endif endif endif endif END The door still unlocks though, so I'm pretty sure I've got the GetLocked function correct.
  13. I have come across a new problem in trying to add to the script. Basically, I want a message to pop-up informing the player that they have broken the lock. Here is what I have so far: scn AXLWolverineAdamantiumUnlockScript short WeaponAnim short TargetType short DoOnce ref TargetREF float fTimer int iStage BEGIN GameMode if Player.GetEquipped AXLWolverineAdamantiumClawsWeapon && Player.IsWeaponOut set WeaponAnim to Player.GetAnimAction if ( ( WeaponAnim > 1 ) && ( WeaponAnim < 7 ) ) set TargetREF to GetCrosshairREF if (TargetREF != 0) set TargetType to GetType TargetREF if (TargetType == 27) || (TargetType == 28) TargetREF.Unlock if fTimer > 0 set fTimer to fTimer - GetSecondsPassed elseif iStage == 0 set iStage to 1 set fTimer to 2 elseif iStage == 1 ShowMessage AXLWolverineUnlockMessage set iStage to 2 endif endif endif endif endif END The problems I am having are that the message seems to only pop-up the once and will never again. Also it pops-up whether the door has actually been unlocked or already was. I would like it to only happen when unlocking is occurring, but do not know the appropriate if function. Also, on a side note, anyone happen to know what the GECK calls the power attacks? e.g Attack 3, Attack 4, Attack Left, Attack Right? Again, any help appreciated.
  14. So I'm hopefully going to be releasing a Wolverine mod soon, but what I thought would be awesome is to have combat animation on par with Skycaptain's Deadly Reflexes mod for Oblivion. Another idea I had was to give the player the ability to use their claws to climb all those sheer walls of rock that are littering the Wasteland. Not sure if this is even possible. Now I am not even going to attempt to do this myself, I wouldn't even know where to begin as I have not even been able to find the vanilla combat animations to play with and learn. Anyone willing, able and interested?
  15. Ah I see, so I was about halfway there. Cheers for that man, I'll give it a go once I've had some sleep *yawn*. --EDIT-- Works like a charm, cheers man. And thanks for including the form list link, that's going to come in handy in the future. For anyone who's interested, SetOpenState 1 does not actually open a door or container, it just makes it say it is open. And using it can cause the game to crash, particularly if you use it on the Megaton Clinic door. So if I had a quest script running faster than this, could it cause game lag / crashes? Thanks for both of your help!
  16. Here is the latest script I have cobbled together: scn AXLWolverineAdamantiumUnlockScript Ref WeaponREF Ref WeaponSpecific Ref WeaponAnim BEGIN GameMode set WeaponREF to Player.GetEquippedObject 5 set WeaponSpecific to GetWeaponType WeaponREF set WeaponAnim to Player.GetAnimAction if ( ( WeaponAnim > 1 ) && ( WeaponAnim < 7 ) ) if ( WeaponSpecific == 1 ) GetCrosshairREF Unlock endif endif END Of course, there are a couple of problems. First of all I cannot save this as a Quest script without some kind of reference for Unlock command, which I thought I had done with GetCrosshairREF. Secondly, I am pretty sure I have not implemented the Weapon bits correctly, particularly as I have not been able to find a way to specify my weapon, AXLWolverineAdamantiumClawsWeapon. Also, I am not familiar with the specific values for GetAnimAction and GetEquippedObject. --EDIT-- Okay, after a small brainwave I have altered the script such that it will allow me to save as a Quest script: scn AXLWolverineAdamantiumUnlockScript Ref WeaponREF Ref WeaponSpecific Ref WeaponAnim Ref TargetREF BEGIN GameMode set WeaponREF to Player.GetEquippedObject 5 set WeaponSpecific to GetWeaponType WeaponREF set WeaponAnim to Player.GetAnimAction set TargetREF to GetCrosshairREF if ( ( WeaponAnim > 1 ) && ( WeaponAnim < 7 ) ) if ( WeaponSpecific == 1 ) TargetREF.Unlock endif endif END However I am still unsure about the Weapon references and the specific values for GetEquippedObject and GetAnimAction...
  17. That's what I thought, but I can only attach a base effect to a weapon object effect if it is flagged for "touch". I figured it referred to the collision data, i.e when the weapon / projectile impacts something. The other two I was referring to were area and duration. I am fairly confident that I know what I should put for the magnitude, and I figured that both area and duration should be zero, as I want the effect to be instantaneously applied to one point. However this does not work, so either I'm wrong or the effect doesn't work. It would probably be a lot easier than scripting every single door. Especially given how that would clash with many mods and wouldn't work on others. Okay I'm going to have another crack at it, I'll post back with any success, or more likely failure (this scripting business is hard work).
  18. Damn, I was afraid that might be the case. And it's so simple in the console, just click and type "unlock". Much like the FrostResist effect, when to my knowledge there is nothing that deals frost damage. However I have successfully implemented EnergyResist, ElectricalResist and EMPResist so hopefully I can with Unlock too. With regard to the base effect, one point I am a little confused about is which flags it should have and whether that actually matters. So far I have: Touch, Target, Hostile all ticked. Most of the others it is obvious I don't want, such as Detrimental, FX Persist, Use skill, Use attribute. But I am a little unsure about the area, duration and magnitude flags. I have tried experimenting with various combinations, but if any one wrong flag could mess up the whole effect I have no way of knowing if the others are working. Not only whether the flags should be ticked, but if not then what value to give, or does it remain at 0? Does it even matter? I read on the GECK page that magnitude for unlock / lock refers to the difficulty that the effect can unlock / will lock to, but I have no idea about the other two. Such are the questions I have running around in my head... So if I were to take on this seemingly monumental task, would the script I have suffice? I'm guessing I would need to change the ref, but what is the scripting name for doors and containers?
  19. So, in the GECK under Game Settings it is possible to alter fMoveRunMult etc to increase movement speed. However, this applies to all NPCs and probably creatures too. I only want the player to be affected. I found a base effect value modifier called "SpeedMult" that I thought would do the trick... it didn't. I set it to 5, 50, and then 200 and nothing changed. Anyone know how this can be done, through settings, scripts, effects or whatever? --EDIT-- Topic Closed, turns out you do this by editing the Player character SpeedMult
  20. I want to add an effect to a hand2hand weapon that when you strike a door or container that is locked, it will automatically unlock. Initially i tried playing around with the Open - Unlock base effect, but then realised I would probably have more success with a script. Needless to say, I haven't managed to get it to work. I have the command I want to apply to the door / container, but I don't know how to get the game to understand that I want the effect to happen to the door / container I am currently targeting. Here's what i have so far: scn AXLWolverineAdamantiumUnlockScript ref HitTarget BEGIN ScriptEffectStart if ( HitTarget.GetCombatTarget == 1 ) SetOpenState 1 endif END Any suggestions?
  21. I have made 2 new perks, but I am having trouble implementing the perk icons - Talon of Fear and Piercing Strike. I have a .png image for each perk, but cannot seem to convert either of these to a .dds texture without losing the background transparency. As such, the perk icons have a big black background which is very aesthetically displeasing. My method is: - Convert the perk_Action Boy.dds to a format that GIMP can open - Open Action Boy and desired perk icon with GIMP - Select Action Boy figure using Select By Color and delete - Select desired perk figure using same method and copy - Paste desired perk figure into Action Boy image I have tried this method with various different picture formats, including .bmp, .png and .tga. I have tested converting perk_Action Boy.dds to each format, doing nothing, saving under a different name, and then converting back again and it also loses its transparency, so it is likely to be an encoding problem. Can somebody explain how to successfully convert these images to .dds for Pip-Boy Perks? Specifically with reference to keeping the background transparency. ---EDIT--- Topic Closed, solved the problem by fiddling around with Alpha Channels
  22. This I had already done... ...however I was not aware of this function until now. It does and it did, thanks for once again saving my mods :)
  23. Okay, so I found a workaround. It requires a few things of you... YOU MUST BE: - Willing to have one glove – in this case the Pip-Boy glove – tied to equipping your weapon - Familiar with editing models with Nifskope - Familiar with unpacking .bsa files with FOMM Your unarmed weapon model needs to have a LeftHand branch, as you will need the markers for your replacement left hand. To start, you wil need two models open. The first is your weapon, let’s call it your_weapon.nif. The next is the Pip-Boy glove, let’s call it pipboy.nif. The actual pipboy.nif is here: Fallout 3 \ Data \ Meshes \ Characters \ _Male \ lefthandpipboyglove.nif Once you have these two open, go to the pipboy.nif. Left click on the glove to select it, and it should be highlighted with a wireframe mesh. Now right click the glove, and select “Block --> Copy Branch (Ctrl + C)”. Now go to your_weapon.nif and select the topmost node, should be called “0 NiNode”. Now right click the node and select “Block --> Paste Branch (Ctrl + V)". Now go back to pipboy.nif and select the fingers, then repeat the copy & paste. Next, go to your_weapon.nif and find the LeftHand branch. Make a note of the associated number in square brackets – for me it is [9]. Now select the left hand branch, right click and select “Block --> Remove Branch (Ctrl + Del)”. Finally, still in your_weapon.nif, you need to find the new entry that relates to the glove and change it’s bracketed number to whatever the left hand was. Do this by double-clicking the entry that contains the number, and change it. You only need to enter the number, it will do the rest. Now do the same for the fingers you pasted in. This should have replaced the left hand model with a left hand + pip-boy glove model, and you should now be able to equip your weapon without it removing the Pip-Boy glove. This method should also work with whatever glove you want, though obviously I have not tested it.
  24. This is just a guess, but FWE and Fallout Redisigned seem to both be overhaul mods. There may well be some clash that is game-breaking. Other than that, it's always a good idea to activate mods one at a time, and use BOSS to arrange them properly. That way you know which mod is causing the crash, and that can offer several solutions in itself.
  25. As the title says, I "created" an unarmed weapon, with all the textures, meshes etc to go with it. It shows up fine in 3rd person mode, but despite creating a 1st person Static File and Texture Set, it still does not show up. I noticed that Brass & Spiked Knuckles have only the Armor List selected, no 1st Person Model, and they work fine. In order to implement this weapon properly, I have told the ARMA model that it is to associate this add-on with BodyAddon01 instead of Left Hand and / or Right Hand. I did wonder if this might be something to do with it, as I am not sure what BodyAddon01-03 are for, but I assumed it was this very situation. I have tried to make the weapon do exactly what spiked knuckles do, which they most closely resemble. This is my setup: - Textures put into Texture Set - Texture Set applied to ARMA model - ARMA model put into a FormList - Formlist selected under Armor List dropdown - Textures put into 1st Person Texture Set - 1st Person Texture Set applied to 1st Person Static - 1st Person Static selected under 1st person Model Object dropdown I have tried applying Model, 1st Person Model Object, and Armor List individually as well as in various combinations to no avail. So what's the problem here? I can't see anything that the game has done that I haven't, yet clearly there must be something...
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