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  1. Typically, you would use a global variable to record when the first phase completed, and add a test on that global value in the 2nd phase start up conditions, comparing it to the current time global provided by the game. I suppose this was actually in response to my query, so thanks. The idea of "if (reftime - currenttime) <= 0 then do something" isn't foreign to me; presumably I could use that or the RegisterForSingleUpdate(x.x) and OnUpdate() pair if I knew how to make the script execute prior to the topic being displayed. After thinking about this and writing the response the problem isn't how to create the delay but how to implement it, that is I apparently need to know more about properties and what specifically my script extends. Anyway, thanks again.
  2. How can I delay companion dialog topics? I recently completed the ck tutorial so novice here. I've constructed the dialog such that the npc will tell a story over 4 sessions. Currently these work but when the first session or branch is complete the next start topic appears as a dialog option. What I want to do is to delay subsequent branches from starting until 24 in game hours have passed. How can I do that? Thanks.
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