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Everything posted by elderout

  1. If it need to making script. It is beyond my skill. Thank you for reply.
  2. I use tagging mod. I want perk always highlight item as the perk usually do(no weapon drawn). But highlight only non-staeling items. How to do it?
  3. How to enable save on wait in survival mode? Or any mod that enable save when sit on chair, sofa.
  4. I make a copy of blizzard. I wish to add disintegrate effect for it. I check Intense flame and deep freeze effect. Both have "...SelfArea" effect. Should I make a new disintegrate effect? Or, which one from below can add to blizzard spell? -PerkDisintegrateConcAimed "Disintegrate" [MGEF:000F3F0C] -PerkDisintegrateConcAimedArea100 "Disintegrate" [MGEF:000F3F10] -PerkDisintegrateFFAimed "Disintegrate" [MGEF:000F3F0D] -PerkDisintegrateFFAimedArea "Disintegrate" [MGEF:000F3F0F]
  5. Have your item's recipe have a condition that the player have X amount of the material rather than listing the material in the required item list. Thanks. I like to share my method. I use "getitemcount" function to check item in inventory. (I use TES5edit. It is a great search for me. :sick:) Check condition with "greather than or equal to/or" set comparison value to 1. (With this, you can make item if you accidentally collect more than 1 items. and can use optional item in new condition for creat too.) A few tips. Forged item can create from "nothing". (YES! no material, no condition) Forged item cannot has materials more than 4. Forged item cannot has conditions more than 2. (Sadly, can add only 1 for item, 1 for optional. or 1 for item, 1 for other condition.)
  6. How to make forged item that not use the material. I am going to make a new mod that just have the material in the inventory then create it.
  7. Thanks for help. This door is bug. Cannot be opened. :sad:
  8. I don't know anyone is modding this spell. Grand heal is healing caster and everyone near caster. Sometimes, it turn none-hostile to hostile npc. That spell is not harm anyone. Why they turn to hostile Someone please change the spell to heal only caster and follower / friendly npc.
  9. The lonely dog that meet its end after battle the dragon at Western Watchtower. (No! It is an acciden, believe me :facepalm: ) And another one.. Narfi. Why Narfi. That is why I destroy Dark Brothehood.
  10. DFB Additional Health Per Level Someone change this mod for gain more magicka per level. In legendary difficulty, Enemies has a greatly health, need for casting spell many times to kill them. But, fighting above novice mage class is nearly impossible to win(they have healing spell). 10 magicka per level is very very small for casting spell.
  11. from mod Magicka and Stamina Combat Regeneration I use version 50% magicka regeneration. If I have perk "Recovery" at rank 2 (Magicka regenerates 50% faster). When in combat, my character will have 100% magicka regeneration or not?
  12. Hyper Oghma Infinium http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/18990 Truely, the mod is not working. The auther likely abandon. Need someone to fix it.
  13. You may like this >> magic duel Although, it greatly far from your idea. But, it is some thing you can do together... with enemy.
  14. request mod that overhaul some low price item.(ex. iron arrow and other misc item) For low speech skill character able to sell them at least 1 gold.
  15. My character is illusion+conjuration caster Fighting #2, #4 NPC just simple with conjure atronach and flee. Fighting #3 NPC is cast the fury or frenzy >>> finish them with atronach or raise a dead body. Fighting #1 NPC is the most hard fight. Raise a dead body just for reduce necromancer material, it cannot kill any magic user beside novice class. :laugh: If you have lightning atronach. Try to cast near the mage. Mostly, the atronach will use the melee attack and drain the mage's magicka at the same time.(no magicka for heal) :sweat: If you don't have lightning atronach and fight fire/ice mage. Cast the same mage's element atronach(ex. fire mage, cast fire atronach) the mage will use melee attack. Wait about he/she lost half or 2/3 health, spam your most powerful attack to finish him/her. :psyduck: If you don't have lightning atronach and fight lightning mage. Use the ice atronach for tanker and any tactics you can. Finally wish you luck. For your thief, you must have a weapon skill + some trick skill.(alchemy or one of spell skill not alteration, restoration) Most thief skill is not for combat.(sneak, speech, lockpick, pickpocket,)
  16. Yes, see the progression in number is show the progression better than a small(or a micro) progress in the bar style. My play style is spell caster. I notice expert destruction spell increase skill level slower than rune spell. If the skill progression is show in number, it can help to select the play style for increase skill level faster.
  17. My request is the mod that change skill bar in skill interface to numerical progression. For better tracking skill progression than the micro progression in skill bar when practice or use skill/spell. the collection of the topic that similar to my request: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/1013311-skill-increase-tracker/?hl=skill http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/675466-dynamic-skill-tracking/?hl=%2Bskill http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/635101-skill-progress-bar/?hl=skill http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/459971-skill-progress-indicator-on-hud/?hl=skill http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/524566-skill-xp-tracking/?hl=skill http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/478842-skill-level-always-shown/?hl=skill
  18. It is too high. Cannot reach by jump http://i614.photobucket.com/albums/tt224/pastarq/skyrim/ScreenShot2.png The cave is near one of the farm near Whiterun.(sorry I forget its name) http://i614.photobucket.com/albums/tt224/pastarq/skyrim/ScreenShot3.png Are there any secret door or relate with some quest?
  19. In my Skyrim, I can see sexy body only characters that wear armor. But other npc that wear clothes or robe are use vanilla body. Or there are any mod can change custom armor and clothes for npc, it's ok.
  20. http://i614.photobucket.com/albums/tt224/pastarq/Blackreachs_Reach.jpg I just go for pick up some crimson nirnroot. In level legendary, start from Alftand is legendary hard for me.(take a great time for killing each falmer) ps. My character is atronach conjurer
  21. sorry. too long topic name Are there any (in game)books that have story about Elder scroll:Areana, Daggerfall, Morrowind I interest the story of other prisoner from previous Elder scroll series.
  22. Umm.. I don't want to start a new tread I agree same as other. I need mod that change dedric armor look more scary. reference from Morrowind, Oblivion the best armor and looks like monster(or alien?). Daedric armor in Morrowind http://images.uesp.net/8/8c/MW_Armor_DaedricM.jpg Daedric armor in Oblivion http://www.imperial-library.info/sites/default/files/imagecache/node-gallery-display/gallery_files/oblv_concept12B.jpg but in Skyrim http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20111209055253/elderscrolls/images/2/26/Daedric_Armor_%28Skyrim%29.jpg other part is ok. but helmet looks like "dark hero" than something like monster armor.
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