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Posts posted by Hayk94

  1. great ideas and very unique it will give a real life experience to skyrim

    well my ideas are in another domain it will be cool if u can turn into a weredragon especially the argonian race like if they had dragonblood or somthing or the ability to ride a flying mount like a small domestique dragon and a stable to your village


    Weredragon Mod

  2. Hey there guys please check this out WEREDRAGON MOD. As you guessed from the name it lets you be a dragon. But it is incomplete yet. Firstly I replaced werewolves with dragon but there were problems. But after reading this thread I made the changes to dragon's skeleton and not it is fully playable. But there are still some problems, while in dragon form you can't jump/fly or attack. I probably will be able to fix that with CK but I wanna make that fix as soon as possible so without CK if somebody can help me they are welcome your help will be very apreciated.
  3. The dots open nothing but actually they must open the resource viewer.. so just open the resource viewer from the toolbar.. From there you must drag&drop your wanted mesh into the model but there's another problem. Resource viewer doesn't show the custom meshes.. maybe it will show yours ..
  4. thank the 9 i switched to permanent offline mode after the first patch which i didnt even realize it had downloaded. this game will never ever be going into online mode again. ever.

    my game has crashed only once since 11.11.11.


    f*** the steam haha! :devil:

  5. REALLY not the right place to ask hayk :huh: and no i have not, start your own topic in the relevant thread with a description of what goes wrong and then maybe people can assist you to fix it. :blush:


    I've done it already, but nobody replies.. it seems only I have that problem



    @Hayk94: Bugs?Like what?All I know is that my game crash if I stayed too long outside the door which after enter is straight killing the captain and Rikkier, nothing happens after that though.

    When I must attack the for Hraatsgard there are no stormcloak soldier waiting for me and no imperial soldier in the fort.

  6. First of all, I dunno if anyone else posted this before, if there is please delete this post and direct me to that post. Thanks!!

    Anywhere, so I joined those Stormcloak and reclaimed Skyrim, killed Alduin in "Nord Heaven" and then what???? I mean as you reclaim Skyrim, didn't Ulfric say the Thalmor are the real enemies? And also they sent people to kill you right? How about the Thalmor ambassador, gone like that? Is there any mission regarding killing or setting a score with the Thalmor after all these?! :wallbash: ~ I want answers!!!!


    Sorry I'm writing this in the wrong topic but haven't you experienced any bugs while attacking on Solitude?

  7. I think Bethesda had a lot more in mind about a lot of things, marriage is one. Unfortunately they simply couldn't get it done in time. A release date like 11.11.11 isn't one that you move if humanly possible to avoid.


    Agreed , I think that's also why there are such big bugs like Esbern.

  8. Damn.. That's too bad... And I'm disapointed in whole marriage system. It seems that bethesda just put some little things just to say "look we have marriage in our game, too". I hope the modders will improve the marriage system as soon as the CK is realeased.
  9. I joined the stormcloaks in Civil war, and I'm stuck with the quest when I must conquer the fort in the solitude. As I walk to meet stormcloaks near the front nobody is there, there are no stormcloaks, however when I get to the point where quest marker is, the quest updates and says to conquer the fort, I'm going to the fort and there are no imperials too. Guys have any of you experienced the same bug? How did you overcome it?
  10. Guys have any of you finished the quest searching the old blade Esbern in the Ratway?

    I found him, persuaded to open the door , he comes to open it but the door do not open and he just stand behind it. And i can't talk to him . I even disabled the door through the console command, but when I'm trying to speak to him nothing happens. He just stands there like an idiot. Is this a bug? Did any one have the same problem ? how did you overcome it?

  11. Well, I am hoping (probably in vein) that they don't do a one size fits all body but instead variations are possible

    Such as Debby the giant porn star shape standing next to Sue the petite nothing that could be mistaken as a 12 year old boy.


    But, I reckon it will be a all nordic women have this cupsize, all imperial women will stand that tall, etc


    hopefully I am wrong...variation really -really- kicks up immersion.


    I can see some difficulty though with various body sizes and shapes working well with animations and such (sex poses and whatnot), but its give and take I guess.


    Every woman will have different breast sizes than if we want good animations, each animation must be done for each woman.. that seems impossible

  12. He also said the guy of the guy of the friend suggested slave trading and training....


    Yeess.... Yeees.... Me Likes :wub:


    Bro actually the game is rated M17 +

    It contains Blood and Gore, Intense Violence, Sexual Themes, Use of Alcohol.. But no sexual scenes



    Hmmm... thats strange i got box today and it clearly says 18 Maby its regional and some regions get 17 while some get 18 ??


    :unsure: hmm.. well that's possible I think.. maybe it depends on the laws of the country ?

  13. Well after reading all that I'm not sure... But anyway I will be happy if it turns wrong and there will be werewolves. However as I already said Matthew Carafano said that there are no werewolves in vanilla game.. I can't remember the link to the interview , sorry :unsure:
  14. This is disgusting. You should be ashamed of yourself!!!







    incidentally, a friend of a friend of mine said he knows a guy whom also wanted some adult stuff...so there..have at it pervs.




    He also said the guy of the guy of the friend suggested slave trading and training....


    Why not??? slave trading is a good idea too.. Come on this is just a game, a place where we can make all our dark desires come true :devil: without really hurting anyone.. :wink: :whistling:

  15. or maybe it will be able to port them over...?


    I think they will make the new ones instead porting them.

    Cause making new one is easier then porting. I can make a body replacer myself. However I can't make good textures, it's hard for me to paint. So the body will be looking very shity. So better ask proffesionals to do it.

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