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Everything posted by WIGWAM

  1. I'm finishing up a quest mod and I've got a few small parts that need to be filled by voice actors before I release it. The quest is basically you going on a an adventure with a scavenger, getting into some trouble with some raiders, and eventually taking over saugus ironworks. Details for the roles available are below, message me if you are interested or want any more info. Rat Tail Raider Boss Male 8 Lines Beansprout Raider Male 2 Lines Wastelander Female 7 Lines Miner Ghoul Male/Female 6 Lines Trader Female 2 lines Thanks, WIGWAM
  2. (I haven't changed anything yet) but when I used the sqv command before all aliases came back as empty. The "robber" alias is the one I added that stopped everything from working (which I just copied and pasted from the Tommy alias, which worked fine), so presumably this is the one causing the problem. Once I've figured out which one is causing the problem then how would I fix it?
  3. I have been making a quest that has been working fine, but after adding a new alias none of the quest aliases are filling. I'm using aliases for defining dialogue, running AI packages, and quest markers, so thee quest is completely broke at the moment. I have tried using a clean save and have also started a new save with no mods to play test it on but neither work. Is it worth writing a script using ForceRefTo() at the start of the quest to manually fill all the quest aliases or is there a better way to make sure they work? I still have more aliases that I need to add. Thanks
  4. Tried to do a similar thing and I sort of thing. This is a script that I got off another mod author, You'll need to do some editing as not all of it is necessary: Scriptname CoU_RemoveCompanions extends ObjectReference ;Properties Action Property akIdle Auto ObjectReference Property marker Auto ;Events Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef) Game.ForceFirstPerson() Actor[] playerFollowers = Game.GetPlayerFollowers() int index = 0 while (index < playerFollowers.Length) playerFollowers[index].MoveTo(marker) playerFollowers[index].DisallowCompanion(true) index += 1 endWhile Game.GetPlayer().PlayIdleAction(akIdle) EndEvent This should go on the door that leads to the cell. It should work on any companion that is implemented properly. If they are just on a "follow" AI package they wont be affected. Personally I couldn't get this to work so I ended up with a less elegant solution that just repletely moves the current follower outside the cell: Scriptname LLitCW_FXScript extends ObjectReference Group Location_Properties Location Property MyLocation Auto Const GlobalVariable property LLiTCW_FXTimer auto ObjectReference Property marker Auto EndGroup int FXTimer = 1 Event OnLoad() StartTimer(LLiTCW_FXTimer.GetValue(), FXTimer) EndEvent Event OnTimer(int aiTimerID) ;---Temp Stop Companions--- if (aiTimerID == FXTimer) && Game.GetPlayer().IsInLocation(MyLocation) Actor[] playerFollowers = Game.GetPlayerFollowers() int index = 0 while (index < playerFollowers.Length) playerFollowers[index].MoveTo(marker) index += 1 endWhile StartTimer(LLiTCW_FXTimer.GetValue(), FXTimer) Endif EndEvent
  5. Have you set the NPC's up as a Reference Alias in the quest you are using? Because for this script you need to set that up and attach it to the reference alias, rather than directly to the NPC. You can also change the line to myQuest.SetObjectiveCompleted(ActorObjective) Where "Actor Objective" is and integer variable. Then you can use the same script on both NPCs but have a different objective for each.
  6. I'm trying to create and archive using the creation kit but it crashes to desktop before the archive window pops up. It seems to be specific to the .esp I'm working on because I'm able to create an archive for other mods without it crashing. I have created an archive with the Archive2 tool, but it's not really a practical long term solution for what I'm working on. Is there any way to fix this problem? (or a more reliable alternative for quickly packing archives?) Thanks WIGWAM
  7. Thanks, the YakitoriAudioConverter is better than the software I was originally using, But still got the same error. ​I managed to fix it by putting the .wav files into a .wav file converter online and changed none of the settings and somehow that managed to allow the files to be converted to .xwm o_O
  8. I'm trying to get voice files to convert to .fuz files but i keep getting the message: ERROR: Cannot parse PCM file: invalid cbSize in format chunk Converting C:\ [......] \0000D7ED_1.wav to C:\ [......] \0000D7ED_1.xwm failed with error E_INVALIDARG (Invalid arguments) This also comes up when I try to put the .wav files in an archive. All files are in WAVE 44100Hz, 16 bit, MONO and I have .lip files for them all. They also work in game. Any ideas what this means or how to fix it? Thanks, WIGWAM
  9. I'm having trouble getting NPCs to delete once they have been unloaded. The NPC is spawned by another script so I can not set the NPC as a property, so I currently have this script running on the actor base: Scriptname Script extends Actor GlobalVariable property MaxCritterCounter auto ;Counts upwards Event OnUnload() self.Disable(true) self.Delete() MaxCritterCounter.SetValue(MaxCritterCounter.GetValue() - 1) EndIf EndEvent The idea is that once the NPC gets far enough away from the player or the player changes cell the NPC would be deleted and the global variable used to count the total number of NPC would be reduced by the number of NPCs that were deleted. This part of the script is definitely running as the global counter is decreasing, allowing more NPCs to be spawned, but spiralling out of control because none of them are being deleted. There is a second part to the script that periodically moves the NPC close to the player if there is over a certain distance between them (I know this seems the opposite of the first part of the script, but the idea was to keep the NPC close to the player unless the player moves too quickly away or changes cell) and I'm not sure if this is preventing the NPC from being deleted or it's something else. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, WIGWAM
  10. Thanks. Finally got this working by doing a MoveTo then a SetPosition command on the marker.
  11. Thanks both of you. I have tested this but now the NPCs have started spawning off the top left corner of the map, I had to put a quest marker on it the find out where they are. The location of the marker doesn't seem to change when I fast travel or change cell. Could it be a problem with the reference I'm using - should I use the ObjectReference for the player or the actor reference?
  12. Thanks, I think I have sorted, I haven't tested it out but I'm not getting any compilation errors. Changed the relevant line to this: ; ; float Function Random() Return Utility.RandomFloat(250,500) EndFunction ; ; ; TargetMarker.MoveTo(PlayerRef,(PlayerRef.GetPositionX() + Random()), (PlayerRef.GetPositionY() + Random()), (PlayerRef.GetPositionZ())) ; ; ;
  13. I'm trying to spawn an NPC at a random offset from the player each time the NPC spawn. The relevant parts of the script are: ScriptName zzDCScript Extends Quest int zzSpawntimer = 1 ActorBase Property Critter1Base auto Actor Property PlayerRef auto ObjectReference property TargetMarker auto ;An XMarker placed in the commonwealth. Float Random Function Random() Random = Utility.RandomFloat(250,500) EndFunction Event OnInit() StartTimer(15, zzSpawntimer) TargetMarker.SetPosition((PlayerRef.GetPositionX() + Random), (PlayerRef.GetPositionY() + Random),(PlayerRef.GetPositionZ())) ; move the xmarker to player with random x and y offsets. ObjectReference newCritter1 = TargetMarker.PlaceActorAtMe(Critter1Base) ;Spawn NPC EndEvent ;some other code after this... The problem I have with this is: 1. The NPCs only spawn when the player is in the commonwealth (excluding diamond city and goodneighbour) i.e. where the original marker is placed. 2. The NPCs spawn on top of the player. Are there any changes I can make to this so the NPCs will spawn no matter where the player is and have the NPC spawn with an offset? Thanks, WIGWAM.
  14. Thanks, I have found a console command (tdetect) that apparently stops an NPC from being detected by other NPCs. Do you know is there is a Papyrus equivalent of this?
  15. I'm trying to make an NPC that is friendly (or even better, completely ignored) by every other faction. What is the quickest way to do this, other than adding the NPC to every single faction? Ideally the NPC would also be friendly to new factions added by other mods. Thanks, WIGWAM.
  16. Cheers, good to have some confirmation. Any idea about the .pex files? I just opened the Actor one and all it had in it was a list of papyrus commands e.g GetKiller[], GetLevel[],...
  17. When creating an archive for my mod the list that the creation kit tries to pack always included numerous textures and meshes relating to character FaceGen that bloat the file size considerably. I have created custom faces using the tools within the CK (i.e. I haven't added any new textures or meshes), but is there any reason why the textures and meshes need to be included within the archive for other players to see the custom faces? Isn't the data related to the facial features contained within the .esp/.esm and aren't the textures included within the vanilla game anyway? Also I assume I can leave out ObjectReference.pex, Form.pex, ScriptObject.pex, Actor.pex and the PipBoy world map texture without breaking anything added by my mod? I've heard some of these are packed by the CK by default but aren't necessary to be included.
  18. I'm working on a mod and we want to have building that changes layout as a quest progresses to simulate the building being reinforced e.g. adding barricades, removing junk. What is the best way to do this? Is it possible to activate/deactivate a layer with a script or using a reference alias? or will the objects have to be combined into a static object the be activated/deactivate? I know I will have to use navcuts but I'm not sure how these will fit into the two options above. Basically I want to avoid having to activate/deactivate loads of objects separately. I know the area around CIT has this change happen after you blow it up but I haven't figured out how it is done. Thanks, WIGWAM.
  19. HUGE help, thanks! :dance: Didn't even realise that this was something that I had to do =s. Any pointers on the best way to do it? Many thanks. WIGWAM.
  20. I need someone with modding experience to play around with my mod, look around in it in the CK, and possibly look at it in F4Edit. The mod I'm talking about is The Metro: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/26827 The problem is that the quest does not start for other people. The quest is set to start when the game starts, which works perfectly for me, even when I download the file off the Nexus and use that one - this makes it impossible for me to fix as I can't see the problem and is why I need someone to download it to and take a look. Everything I have added has the prefix "zz". Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, WIGWAM.
  21. On one of my mods I have a quest that starts when you enter a trigger box (previously it was meant to start when you talked to someone). This works perfectly for me (log entry, markers, rewards etc.) and seems to work for other people but it seems like most are not having the quest start. The dialogue attached to the quest shows up however the quest does not show up in their quest log and the stages don't progress to allow them to complete the quest. The mod only adds a trap door and the quest trigger to the commonwealth, everything else is new in its own cell, I have also been through and cleaned the file with FO4Edit so it's unlikely that the problem is caused by a conflict. In my next update I intend to just have the quest start when the game is started - how do I make sure this will work for everyone? If this method doesn't get the quest to start for everyone then I am out of ideas. . Thanks.
  22. Thanks, I figured it out now. Had to change the files to 16 bit. I think they were in 32 bit to start with.
  23. I'm trying to get some pre recorded voice files into the creation kit. I have gone into the dialogue window and recorded a dummy .wav file to create the file path and file name, then replaced it with the pre recorded one. However when I try to preview the file in the CK it just plays what was recorded for the dummy. A temp.wav file gets created in the voices folder which is what was recorded as the dummy and when I delete the temp file I can no longer preview the recording of the line. Is there any way that I can get the CK to play the pre recorded line and not the temp file that it seems to be insistant on playing. Thanks.
  24. Thanks, this works perfectly. Wouldn't have been able to make the quest I wanted without it. You can probably guess I just make up the scripting as I go along. I just have a couple of questions. The "finalStage" property isn't used at any point within the script, should the line be: myQuest.SetStage(finalStage) Also if you had the line at the start: int Property myQuest Auto Const Mandatory Would you then be able to just change the quest it applies to by setting the constant without having to change every line of the script that it appears on? The script works fine without these changes I'm just trying to get my head around scripting. Thanks again.
  25. I want to make a quest where you have to kill four targets, each with their own objective. I want it so that the targets can be killed in any order and once all four are killed then the quest moves to the next stage. To do this I decided to put a script on each of the targets so that when they die it would update the objectives. The script i have doesn't currently work and I'm not sure whats wrong with the script. If someone could have a look over the script or suggest an alternative that would be great. Scriptname [scriptname] extends ObjectReference Event OnDeath() SetObjectiveCompleted [questname] (30) if IsObjectiveCompleted [questname] (40) == True && IsObjectiveCompleted [questname] (50) == True && IsObjectiveCompleted [questname] (60) == True SetStage [questname] (70) SetObjectiveDisplayed [questname] (70) Endif EndEvent
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