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Everything posted by gormonk

  1. does it require steem to install and will there be cake???
  2. over kill??? http://i1000.photobucket.com/albums/af126/_xan-man/LDDScreenShot4.png wepons 6x high verlossity armor pearceing 120mm cannons
  3. go for the 15.6 its big enough as my secondary(notes that its a tv hooked up to pc via hdmi cable), so it should be big enough as a primery
  4. granted, but you can no longer read them i wish i had anouther pc screen( i have two, one is 16 inch letterbox, outher is 15.6 inch) that didn't harm me itself or my pc, luck and verture, and everything else....
  5. banning AA for banning broken energy for not haveing a good nick
  6. hello there i needed only 35 seconds lol
  7. can some one please make a arrow type that sticks to walls and has a light emmiting effect but does *censored* all dammage please poast here once it is compleate...
  8. granted, but all of your outher school files go missing i wish that i was a draconan( dragon half breed with human)
  9. i ban billgates for creating windows vista, i also ban Thor. for claiming the right to a gods name(norse god of thunder)
  10. I ban rebalious for beable to model witch i cant :(
  11. annouther great entry by a wonderfull and captervating wrighter
  12. Granted, but its windows Vista I wish for the moon to have a place to live on it
  13. Granted, but you geet fired the day you return I wish my dreem would become reality and they are not nightmares
  14. what of those who donot have photoshop, is there a free gif animator for them to use??
  15. wrong santa twas reffering to the furturaruma one lol... Wish granted now your internet runs at 2 kbs i wish my internet ran at 500kbs constantly, cost me nouthing, didnot dammage my pc or my health in any way, did not bring me bad luck or illfortune
  16. the F word is't just in verbal form but ritten as well, go up by the sat com array( three of them close togeather with all of them intact ) look around and there should be a door to "F*** YOU" spray panted in green, watch out for the raders tho
  17. be hold the mighty Mech AXON!!!! http://i1000.photobucket.com/albums/af126/_xan-man/LDDScreenShot6.png Weapons of Mech: head; two twin-linked energy cannons right sholder;40 mm cannon (fires standard rounds and full steel spike rounds) right hand; HEAP minigun(high explosive armour perching rounds max output 85 rounds per second), linked energy daggers left hand; thirmight mortar launcher left shoulder; homeing rocket launcher back; N/A chest; N/A legs; N/A feet; N/A other; sniper cannon Equipment; zero-class 7 quantum-fusion power core, Radio transceiver, ammo, black statically charged smoke screen generator (smoke looks like the black smoke monster of lost and sounds like it too, anti emp field, has no stealth capability, no weapons except the energy daggers and rockets can be fired or used wile it is on, if rockets are fired the smoke clings to them) Height: +50ft Other: simnatitick link port, see through armour hatch( looks like glass), air intake and filtration system, roller feet( operate like normal feet except they can go into roller mode giving a boost to speed) Weaknesses; its limbs have exposed hydolick vanes, exposed electrical conduits, weak joint structures note 1. this mech and all specks are by law coppyright to me, you have to ask permission and state what you are useing it and its stats for.... note 2. this is going to be the Mech i use for the Mech Tactics, Operation Svaboda RP, so read trhis Shadowmadnezz note 3, sorry about the size
  18. I ban Pronam for haveing a cooler sig than me
  19. Granted but you are instantuted in a insylem for trying to bild the atom-bomb I wish to be Santa Claws
  20. Granted, but they are made of cows intestine i wish for nouthing
  21. theese two i couldent fit untill now
  22. DOOM THE COOOOOOOLEST GAME EVER!!!!! and led the way into 3d fps
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